
Ephémérides (1233) 2023 (343) NL (43) PL (43) Février2023 (28)


lundi, septembre 06, 2021

14°Vierge - 20210906


Ils sont nés un 6 septembre
Julien Green, Luc Abalo,
JC Gayssot, Sylvie Bekaert,
 Stephane Guivarc'h,
Mark Chesnutt,
Chantal Thomass
Kelly Miller, José Socrates.

Lundi 6 septembre :

- Libration minimale en latitude pour la Lune (B = -6,51�)

- Mercure est � l'aph�lie, � 0,4667 UA soit � environ 69,8 millions de kilom�tres

- A 06h59, un croissant lunaire de 1,03%, le plus vieux de la lunaison, est th�oriquement facilement visible � l'oeil nu 19h52m avant la Nouvelle Lune

Demain :

- Nouvelle Lune (distance : 377.022 km - diam�tre apparent : 31'41''), � 02h51

- A 18h19, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre Mars et la Lune, � 4�14'

- A 21h23, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Mars et la Lune, � 3�50'

Chart Style
September 6, 2021
3:09:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 6° 13' – a
 – 0° 51' – s
 – 0° 20' – s
 – 0° 30' – ap
 – 0° 07' – sp
 – 0° 15' – a
 – 1° 56' – s
 – 0° 28' – s
 – 0° 00' – sp
 – 0° 29' – s
 – 2° 09' – s
 – 0° 28' – a
 – 2° 33' – s
 – 0° 01' – sp
 – 0° 29' – a
 – 0° 50' – ap
 – 2° 32' – s
 – 2° 15' – s
Ax – 0° 57' – a
 – 0° 09' – sp
 – 1° 57' – a
Ds – 0° 37' – ap
As – 1° 43' – s
6 – 0° 38' – s
 Sun14  09' 42" +0.970200 N 00165° 25'06 N 149
 Moon07  56' 40" +13.67004 N 58161° 31'13 N 129
 North Node05 25  R0.209700 N 00063° 30'21 N 136
 South Node05  25  R0.209700 N 00243° 30'21 S 1312
 Mercury09  46 +1.235401 S 33188° 22'05 S 1810
 Venus25  01 +1.158600 S 32202° 59'10 S 1110
 Mars24  33 +0.642300 N 52175° 21'02 N 589
 Jupiter25  01  R0.117001 S 12327° 43'14 S 192
 Saturn07  50  R0.052200 S 49310° 28'19 S 062
 Uranus14 40  R0.014100 S 25042° 20'15 N 515
 Neptune22  00  R0.027301 S 10353° 07'04 S 153
 Pluto24  32  R0.013801 S 38296° 45'22 S 502
 Proserpina16  09 +0.007000 N 52223° 56'15 S 5111
 Chiron11 49  R0.038702 N 24009° 55'06 N 534
 Ceres09 04 +0.177606 S 22068° 22'15 N 326
 Pallas19  45  R0.259505 N 22348° 28'00 N 523
 Juno11  23 +0.166513 N 17251° 40'08 S 591
 Vesta22  52 +0.496804 N 54202° 59'04 S 2110
 True Lilith17 48  R1.823401 S 31045° 47'15 N 415
 Mean Lilith05 34 +0.110700 S 01063° 39'21 N 146
 Selena07  34 +0.140800 N 00278° 14'23 S 141
House CuspPlanets in House  
As09  40 
218  26 
327  10 
IC05 55 
527 10 
618 26 
Ds09 40
818  26
927  10 
MC05  55 
1127  10 
1218  26 
Vx23  34Vertex
Ax23  34Anti-Vertex
03  27Part of Fortune
05 42Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 13:09:00 · September 6, 2021
Sidereal Time: 12:21:43
RAMC: 185° 25' 42"
ΔT: 69.9 sec.

15th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A handkerchief of the finest linen and oldest lace lies folded near milady's mirror by a bottle of rare perfume.

8th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A poor little rich girl, not above five years of age, is given with much attendance a first dancing lesson.

10th Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
Placid waters are revealed at the bottom of a narrow rapids; a canoe is rapidly and surely approaching.

26th Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
In an allegorical representation an eagle and a large white dove are revealed constantly changing into each other.

25th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A large glorious public building is seen set in a spacious part; before it a flag moves with the breezes at half-mast.

25th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A large glorious public building is seen set in a spacious part; before it a flag moves with the breezes at half-mast.

26th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The battery man at the automobile service station (is) about to inspect a customer's car and has his hydrometer in hand.

8th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The fall-fashion display has opened in the fine stores and in their windows are beautifully gowned wax figures.

15th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.

23rd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A huge hulk of a woman medium gone into trance and around her are entities continually forming and dissolving.

25th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.

10th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
An airplane dives toward the earth as though falling, but rights and recovers itself with smooth gracefulness.

17th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
A woman is great with child; the remarkable thing is that she was impregnated by her own spirit or aspiration.

12th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
In a curious allegorical transformation a flag becomes an eagle, and the eagle becomes chanticleer triumphant.



Current Planets
6-Sep-2021, 13:09 UT/GMT
Uranus14Taurus40' 3"r
Neptune22Pisces0' 5"r
Chiron11Aries49' 2"r
Sun14 Vir 09' 30"
Moon07 Vir 53' 37"
Mercury09 Lib 45' 58"
Venus25 Lib 00' 44"
Mars24 Vir 32' 46"
Jupiter25 Aqu 00' 47" R
Saturn07 Aqu 49' 39" R
Uranus14 Tau 40' 04" R
Neptune22 Pis 00' 05" R
Pluto24 Cap 31' 33" R
Chiron11 Ari 49' 03" R
Lilith05 Gem 33' 31"
True Node05 Gem 24' 42" R

MoonSquareTrue Node2.48
SaturnTrineTrue Node2.42
LilithConjunctionTrue Node0.15
True NodeSquareMoon2.48
True NodeTrineSaturn2.42
True NodeConjunctionLilith0.15

September 6th, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Virgo
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Virgo
The New Moon is in Virgo: All day
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Sep 26 - Oct 18

September 6, 2021Mo

VenusSquarePluto 10.1 hrs ago Sep 06 2021 5:06 
MarsTrinePluto 50 mins ago Sep 06 2021 14:19 
VenusTrineJupiter 5 mins ago Sep 06 2021 15:04 
SunTrineUranusin 12.3 hrs Sep 07 2021 3:28 
MarsQuincunxJupiterin 14.7 hrs Sep 07 2021 5:49 

September 7, 2021Tu
 VOC 21:23 - 8/09 5:20

September 8, 2021We
 VOC 00:00 - 05:20

Lundi 6 Septembre 2021 15h09
lun. 6 sep. 2021 12h TU
Ephemerides astro 6/09/2021 à 12h TU
lundi 6 septembre 21
St Bertrand
Bonne fête Donatienne, Eva, Ève, Évelyne, Maéva.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 08/08 13h50
premier quartier 15/08 15h21
Pleine Lune 22/08 12h02
second quartier 30/08 07h15
prochaine lunaison 07/09 00h52
Horoscope Hebdo
Horoscope astrologie

Sep 06 2021 15:06 Lun
Moon Day   19° / 33°

Risque de pluie : 0% - Humi. : 59%

Vent :Est-Nord-Est - 12 km/h

Lever : 07:14 - Coucher : 20:22

      Partiellement nuageux

Moon Hour07:1608:22Venus Hour20:2221:17
Saturn Hour08:2209:27Mercury Hour21:1722:12
Jupiter Hour09:2710:33Moon Hour22:1223:06
Mars Hour10:3311:38Saturn Hour23:0600:01
Sun Hour11:3812:44Jupiter Hour00:0100:55
Venus Hour12:4413:49Mars Hour00:5501:50
Mercury Hour13:4914:55Sun Hour01:5002:45
Moon Hour14:5516:00Venus Hour02:4503:39
Saturn Hour16:0017:06Mercury Hour03:3904:34
Jupiter Hour17:0618:11Moon Hour04:3405:28
Mars Hour18:1119:17Saturn Hour05:2806:23
Sun Hour19:1720:22Jupiter Hour06:2307:18

Mon, Sep 6, 2021

LUNDI06SEPTEMBRESemaine 36 | BertrandNouvelle lune

Sunrise 07:13
Sunset 20:25
Twilight ends 22:17
begins 05:21

Virgo29-day old moon
New Moon


29 days old

29th Lunar Day

This Lunar Day is propitious to housekeeping, but it is adverse for all other affairs.

Waning Moon

This period is intended to summarize and analyze errors. It is better not to begin new affairs at this time.

Moon in Virgo

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets.

Void Moon Dates & Times: Table for September 2021


September 2021: TimeLine AspectsSeptember 2021 Monthly Planetary Ephemeris

September 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)

New Moon in Virgo: September 6, 2021

Sabian symbol 165 - An ornamental handkerchief
Sun enters the next Sabian symbol at 09:10 h (chart)
Virgo 14-15° – Sabian symbol 165
"An ornamental handkerchief"

Sabian symbol 166 - An orangutan
Sun enters the next Sabian symbol at 09:53 h (chart)
Virgo 15-16° – Sabian symbol 166
"An orangutan"

Jardiner avec la Lune

Travaux au jardin selon la position de la Lune

Du 04 au 06 Septembre, la lune est Descendante en jour Fruit


Pincer les légumes du soleil et les cucurbitacées au dessus des derniers fruits pour activer leur maturation

Type de jour :


Trajectoire :


Récolter Repiquer
Elaguer Semer
Planter Tailler
Bouturer Greffer
Tondre Travailler la terre

Origine du mois de septembre

Le mois de septembre, neuvième mois du calendrier, compte 30 jours. Le mot septembre provient du latin september, dérivé de septimus qui signifie septième. Le mois de septembre était le septième mois dans l'ancien calendrier romain, qui comptait 10 mois seulement. En septembre a lieu l'équinoxe, le 22 septembre.

Fêtes et Saints de septembre

  • 1 Gilles
  • 2 Ingrid
  • 3 Grégoire
  • 4 Rosalie
  • 5 Raïssa
  • 6 Bertrand
  • 7 Reine
  • 8 Nativité
  • 9 Alain
  • 10 Inès
  • 11 Adelphe
  • 12 Apollinaire
  • 13 Aimé
  • 14 Croix Glorieuse
  • 15 Roland
  • 16 Edith
  • 17 Renaud
  • 18 Nadège
  • 19 Emilie
  • 20 Davy
  • 21 Matthieu
  • 22 Maurice
  • 23 Automne
  • 24 Thècle
  • 25 Hermann
  • 26 Côme et Damien
  • 27 Vincent de Paul
  • 28 Venceslas
  • 29 Michel
  • 30 Jérôme

Que se passe-t-il en septembre ?

  • La rentrée des classes pour les écoliers et les étudiants, au début du mois
  • La Nativité de la Vierge Marie (08/09)
  • Journée nationale d'hommage aux harkis et autres membres des formations supplétives (25/09)
  • Les fêtes juives Roch Hachana, Yom Kippour et Souccot ont souvent lieu en septembre

Septembre dans les autres pays

  • En Ukraine, septembre porte le nom вересень, inspiré de la Callune, une plante de la région de la Polésie.
  • En République Tchèque, septembre est appelé září, qui veut dire chaleur.
  • En Finlande, septembre se dit syyskuu, dérivé du mot automne.

Proverbes de septembre

En septembre, s'il tonne, la vendange est bonne.
Septembre humide pas de tonneaux vides.
Si juin fait la quantité, septembre fait la qualité.
Septembre nous produit le plus délectable des fruits
Vins de septembre font les femmes s'étendre.

Dates du vendredi 13

Le vendredi 13 est prévu aux dates suivantes :

  • vendredi 13 août 2021
  • vendredi 13 mai 2022
  • vendredi 13 janvier 2023
  • vendredi 13 octobre 2023

La date est variable, chaque année entre un et trois vendredi 13 ont lieu. Par coïncidence, le 13 du mois a plus de chance de tomber sur un vendredi que tous les autres jours. La différence est de l'ordre 0,12% par rapport au jeudi 13, qui est le moins commun.

Si vous tremblez de peur chaque jeudi 12 au soir et que le lever de soleil le samedi 14 vous redonne le sourire, vous êtes sûrement paraskevidékatriaphobe1. Paraske-quoi ? Paralysés par le vendredi 13, angoissés à l'idée de croiser un chat noir ou de passer sous une échelle ce jour-là. Mais pourquoi le vendredi 13 au juste ?

Les mystérieuses origines du vendredi 13

La particularité de ces jours est d'associer deux symboles de malchance : le vendredi et le chiffre 13. Il est impossible d'établir avec certitude l'émergence de cette association comme singularité dans nos calendriers.

La crainte du chiffre 13

Les superstitions du vendredi 13 sont nombreuses, les certitudes sur ses origines le sont moins. Bien avant que Jason Voorhees déchaîne sa folie sur les campeurs de Crystal Lake dans la série de films "Vendredi 13", nombreuses étaient les civilisations à craindre le 13.

Dans l'Antiquité, Grecs et Romains vénéraient le chiffre 12. Douze est un chiffre parfait : 12 comme 12 dieux, 12 tribus d'Israël, 12 travaux d'Hercules, 12 constellations, 12 signes du zodiaque, 12 heures le jour et 12 heures la nuit2. En revanche, ils ont le chiffre 13 en horreur : il vient perturber l'ordre et l'harmonie suscités par le 12. Même ressenti chez les chrétiens. Jésus a partagé son dernier repas, la Cène, avec ses 12 apôtres : ils étaient donc 13 à table. Crainte similaire dans la mythologie nordique, les Vikings redoutaient le 13 depuis que le dieu Loki, 13e arrivé à la fête d'Odin, tua le dieu Balder d'une flèche en plein cœur. On associe ainsi le chiffre 13 à de la malchance, en particulier à table.

Vendredi, jour maudit

Vendredi est également réputé pour porter malheur : Jésus fut trahi par Judas et crucifié un vendredi. Aux États-Unis et en Angleterre, c'est le jour des pendus, c'est-à-dire des exécutions publiques, tandis qu'au Moyen-âge, la nuit du vendredi était celle des sorcières. Certaines interprétations bibliques placent à vendredi la consommation du fruit défendu, ou le meurtre d'Abel par son frère Caïn3.

Au Moyen-Âge, l'arrestation des Templiers a lieu le vendredi 13 octobre 1307, une journée qui laissera des traces dans l'Histoire du pays. Les Templiers forment alors un Ordre puissant censé protéger les pèlerins dans leur voyage jusqu'en Terre sainte. Ces chevaliers religieux sont craints pour leur force et leur détermination. Pourtant, un jour d'automne de l'an de grâce 1307, Philippe le Bel, roi de France, ordonne l'arrestation des Templiers. Le motif : il redoute la montée d'une organisation puissante qu'il juge criminelle et qui menace la légitimité de son pouvoir. Des dizaines de templiers sont torturés, d'autres sont brûlés vifs4.

L'union des symboles

L'association des deux symboles du malheur font des vendredis 13 des jours de "super malchance" pour certains, et évidemment un jour de super chance pour les autres.

Dans la marine, prendre la mer un vendredi 13 était synonyme de malheur au XVIIe siècle et avant, comme le rapporte Colbert dans ses courriers adressés à Louis XIV. En effet, le ministre rapporte que les équipages d'une escadre royale refusèrent de un ordre d'appareillage pour ce motif. Colbert écrivit alors :

Comme tout retard peut apporter beaucoup de préjudice au bien de son service, Sa Majesté m'a ordonné de venir dire qu'elle veut que vous examiniez les moyens d'oster ce scrupule de l'esprit des matelots.

À l'opposé, on retrouve des invitations à jouer à la loterie nationale, instaurée en 1933, ou à des loteries étrangères dans Le Petit Parisien du vendredi 13 avril 1934, ou dans l'Ouest-Éclair du 13 août 1937. Dans le journal L'Œuvre du samedi 14 mai 1938, on peut lire :

Pour les vendeurs de billets de loterie, il n'y a aucun doute, le vendredi 13 est un jour faste. Ils nous l'ont bien montré hier.
Si l'on en juge par la foule des « clients » qui se pressaient devant leurs petites boutiques, ils ont dû faire une recette honorable.
La seule petite difficulté était que tous demandaient, naturellement, un billet se terminant par le nombre 13.
Pendant qu'on y est, pourquoi ne pas mettre toutes les chances de son côté?...

La superstition a du bon et les gagnants de gros lots le savent. Aussi, les gens avertis achèterons vendredi 13 des billets de loterie de la MAISON DU POILU de Genève. Le Petit Parisien, page 5, 13 avril 1934
Annonce pour la loterie de la maison du poilu de Genève, tirée le 1er juin 1934.
Le Petit Parisien, page 5, 13 avril 1934 Archive Gallica BNF.
Le 13 AOUT est un VENDREDI. Le VENDREDI est déjà un jour très favorable pour l'achat des billets de la LOTERIE NATIONALE mais le VENDREDI 13 l'est encore d'avantage. L'Ouest-Éclair, page 6, 13 août 1937
Annonce pour la Loterie Nationale tirée le 28 août 1937.
L'Ouest-Éclair, page 6, 13 août 1937 Archive Gallica BNF.

Bonheur ou malheur : comment vit-on le vendredi 13 ?

Si la plupart des personnes n'observe pas de coutume particulière en ces journées, difficile de passer à côté de la nouvelle tant elle est relayée dans les médias ou dans l'espace public. Au XIVe siècle, beaucoup de Français redoutaient ce jour, comme le rapporte Émile Bergerat, sous le pseudo Caliban, dans Le Figaro du jeudi 12 avril 1888. L'influence superstitieuse de cette journée influence quiconque, comme le rapporte la spécialiste du comportement Jane Risen3 du fait de son existence même, le vendredi 13 nourrit notre prudence et renforce notre observation à des événements sans intérêt.

En France, le vendredi 13 peut être synonyme de bonheur. On trouve en première page de L'Ouest-Éclair du vendredi 13 avril 1934 un éloge ce jour, ainsi que des amulettes porte-bonheur ! Depuis 1991, les Français tentent leur chance au Super Loto du vendredi 13 de la Française des jeux. Les cagnottes peuvent atteindre plusieurs millions d'euros.

Des habitudes bien différentes selon les pays

La peur du vendredi 13 ne touche pas tous les pays. Malgré une symbolique religieuse et culturelle commune, le vendredi 13 semble épargner certains voisins de la France. En Italie, par exemple, on craint plus le 17 que le 13. Pourquoi ? Parce que XVII, 17 en chiffres romains, est l'anagramme de VIXI, le mot latin pour "j'ai vécu". Le 17 est ainsi directement associé à la mort !

En Espagne, c'est le mardi 13 et non le vendredi 13 qui cause des sueurs froides. En espagnol comme en français, mardi est le jour de Mars, dieu romain de la guerre. Comment rester serein face à un tel présage ? Beaucoup plus loin, à Pékin, c'est le chiffre 4, proche du mot chinois pour mort, qui fait trembler. Le 13 à l'inverse, est symbole de vie et de joie ! Aucune raison pour l'Empire du Milieu de craindre le vendredi 13.

The NEW MOON occurs on Monday, September 6th, 2021, at 8:52 PM EDT.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 14 degrees and 38 minutes of Virgo. This New Moon harmonizes very closely with Uranus.

On Monday, the New Moon occurs as the Moon aligns with the Sun in the sign of Virgo.

A time of new beginnings, this New Moon presents an excellent opportunity for us to formulate some goals regarding “all things Virgo.” We’d do well to concentrate on new ways to get our day-to-day life organized. We might think about the keywords for this particular and earthy sign — such things as analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious — and consider ways to enhance, develop, or incorporate these traits into our personalities.

Please note that Virgo is found somewhere in every person’s chart, and these are the areas of our lives most affected now.

The New Moon in Virgo is an excellent time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Virgin. These include:

  • building our powers of healthy, constructive discrimination;
  • rolling up our sleeves and getting down to some serious work;
  • beginning a new project that requires attention to details;
  • making lists, actively ticking off completed activities, and taking pride in our “little” accomplishments;
  • starting a health regime, researching nutrition and nourishment, and paying attention to our diet;
  • setting up specific routines that will help us manage our lives in constructive and mindful ways;
  • and handling the finer details of our day-to-day life in an organized, step-by-step fashion so that we can free our minds of clutter.

This New Moon’s trine to Uranus suggests we’re not only open to the new, but we’re also embracing change. We’re ready to make something special of our work, routines, or tasks and likely finding new methods that change the way we do things. It’s a powerful time for practical solutions and innovation in our jobs, health, self-care programs, and habits.

However, with its wide opposition to Neptune, there can be a minor letdown that prompts the need for a new approach.

New Moon in Virgo: September 6, 2021

New Moon in Virgo: September 6, 2021

This phase of the Moon occurs at 14 degrees and 38 minutes of Virgo, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 11 to 19 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.

The above chart is excellent for seeing the fundamental influences and chart pattern of this New Moon. The chart below adds more details with additional points.

This week: The Sun is in Virgo; Mercury is in Libra; Venus is in Libra until the 10th, after which Venus is in Scorpio; Mars is in Virgo.

The Sun is in Virgo from August 22 to September 22. Our focus shifts to the pieces of the puzzle–the little details of our lives. It is now time to take care of practical concerns. Tending to the details of everyday life may not sound like loads of fun, but it can certainly free us from unnecessary stress that results from “collecting” odds and ends of unfinished business. This is an ideal time to get organized, to do detail work, and to improve communications on the job.

Mercury is in Libra from August 30-November 5. [This is longer than usual due to Mercury’s retrograde, occuring entirely in the sign of Libra, from September 27-October 18.] When Mercury is in Libra, we are diplomatic and friendly. During this cycle, we bring a more rational approach to one-to-one relationships. It’s a good time to think about ways to improve our negotiation skills. Mercury in Libra can be vacillating energy as we attempt to see both sides of any given situation. Making quick decisions can be more challenging than usual, as we can sit “on the fence.” We may too easily accommodate others’ opinions to keep the peace. In our negotiations, we don’t want to assert ourselves so as to appear to be the “bad guy.” However, this is a reasonable period for considering others’ points of view. We are more inclined to arrive at fair conclusions.

Venus is in Libra from August 16-September 10. We are more inclined to employ charm rather than aggressive behavior in order to get what we want during this cycle. Although Venus in Libra virtually lives for relationships, there is an air of cool detachment to this energy. We are very obliging with others–quite willing to negotiate and compromise. We can be especially idealistic about love. We prefer things be done the “right” way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior.

The shadow side of this position is dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships. It’s probably best to avoid the trap of acquiescing to our partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking ourselves martyrs for doing so! This is also a time when we are more artistically inclined. We tend to seek balance in our personal environment.

Venus is in Scorpio from September 10-October 7. Deeply passionate relations are the focus with Venus in Scorpio. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy now, as we yearn for “body and soul” contact with someone special–contact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. It’s a highly emotional position for Venus, and it’s passionate energy.

Our relationships are immensely important to us, and we may even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them! Our drive is toward intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is extremely hard for us now. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power to others are strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel us to create crises to feel alive and vital.

Similarly, during this Venus-in-Scorpio cycle, we seek or gravitate to absorbing, deeply engaging, dramatic pleasures, activities, projects, and art. Things that are profound, disturbing, mysterious, or unusual can be more appealing now.

This can be a good time for finances, especially when working with others’ talents or resources, whether as an agent, supporter, or partner.

Mars is in Virgo from July 29-September 14. In Virgo, Mars is somewhat of a workhorse. We have a passion for details, as well as a need to do the right thing at just the right time under this influence. The satisfaction of a job well done is one of your greatest incentives now. We are more precise and concerned about performance.


Jupiter is in Aquarius from December 19th, 2020, to May 13, 2021, and then from July 28 to December 28, 2021. Read more about the Jupiter in Aquarius transitJupiter is in Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, when it retreats into Aquarius. Jupiter returns to Pisces on December 28th, 2021. There will be another part to this 3-part act in 2022! Read more about the Jupiter in Pisces transit.

Saturn transits Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020, and from December 17th, 2020, until March 7, 2023. Read about Saturn’s transit of Aquarius.

Uranus is in Taurus. Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.

There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.

Romance & Relationships

Venus is in Libra from August 16 to September 10. Venus rules Libra and thus is dignified in the sign. Venus feels right “at home” in Libra, where she seeks to balance and harmonize. With Venus in Libra, we can easily be in love with love. We are more comfortable with a close partner with whom we can seek to have a balanced relationship. We favor employing charm over aggressive pursuit to get what we want.

Although Venus in Libra is very relationship-focused, there is an air of cool detachment to this energy. We are very obliging with others–quite willing to negotiate and compromise. We can be especially idealistic about love. We prefer things be done the “right” way, and are turned off by aggressive or uncouth behavior.

The shadow side of this position is dependency, inconsistency, and superficiality. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, we could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in our relationships. It’s probably best to avoid the trap of acquiescing to our partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking ourselves martyrs for doing so!

Venus is in Scorpio from September 10 to October 7. Deeply passionate relations are the focus with Venus in Scorpio. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy now, as we yearn for “body and soul” contact with someone special–contact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual, and intense energy. Our relationships are immensely important to us, and we may even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them! Our drive is toward intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is extremely hard for us now. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power to others are strong.

Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel us to create crises in order to feel alive and vital. If a relationship becomes too settled or predictable, we may crave more intensity and catalytic experience. Jealousies, fears of betrayal, and power games are the shadow side of Venus in Scorpio.

We may easily become obsessed with a fear that our partners might be betraying us, or that they are not as consumed by and dedicated to the relationship as us. This can lead us to try to uncover the “truth”, reading too many negative possibilities in our partners’ actions and words.

This week: On Sunday and Monday, Venus forms a trine to Jupiter, and while this is one of the most generous and flowing influences around, at the same time, Venus forms a square to Pluto, suggesting some drama is involved. We should watch for drama or exaggeration that is destructive. We may be swinging from seeing the best and the worst. Fears of having the rug pulled from under our feet in our relationships can activate now.

Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:

Venus in Libra As this new cycle takes hold in your life, romance and social interaction take on a greater importance for you. Harmonious ties to others are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you seek. The ideal partnership, the perfect balance, the highest standards of truth and beauty – these are some of the things that quicken your pulse now.

Venus in Scorpio This is way beyond love, all the way to obsession – that’s the nature of the cycle that now takes hold in your life. We’re not talking just lukewarm WANT here; we’re talking red-hot GOT TO HAVE! Passion, jealousy, possession: these are the kinds of experiences that can flow from the intensity that courses through you at one level or another now – voracious.

Venus square Pluto September 5. Intense passions, but there’s a hidden agenda. Jealousy and possessiveness are high, in direct proportion to fear of losing partnership. Avoid starting a new relationship at this time, because it can be characterized by these energies.

Venus trine Jupiter September 5-6. Harmony and good will reign under this influence. Expansive feelings in love, and a feeling that anything is possible if we set our sights high enough, are experienced now. We are friendly, big-hearted, sociable, and optimistic. It is easy to make social contacts under this influence. Cheerfulness, trust, and confidence in love and social matters.

Venus parallel Jupiter September 15. We are charitable with others and have a stronger desire than usual to find meaning in our relationships. There may be some overstating or overindulgence now, however.

Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune September 16. Romantic confusion as well as relationship ups and downs. Self-deceptions may come to light now.

Venus square Saturn September 16-17. Feeling unsatisfied, isolated, and unloved. Personal relationships are likely to be strained as we express our affections cautiously and sparingly. If we believe we are not getting what we want in love, we attract negative situations and challenges in our relationships. This is not a good time to begin a new relationship–new ones begun now are likely to be stamped with themes of duty and restriction.

Venus contra-parallel Uranus September 17-18. Questions of freedom, change, specialness, and experimentation are raised in our relationships.

Venus quincunx Chiron September 20. There may be vague feelings of discontent in relationships; or a choice that needs to be made regarding personal relationships, money, or possessions. Insecurity involving others might make it awkward for us to express our affections naturally or flowingly.

The Moon & Timing

The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During the Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects.

The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology).

Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart for the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass.

The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology. The following tables incorporate the modern planets, but some astrologers do not count Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in void Moon calculations.

The Void-of-Course Moon this Week:

Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, September 5th, from 10:22 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Virgo at 7:06 PM EDT.

VOC Moon on Tuesday, September 7th, from 3:24 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Mars), until the Moon enters Libra at 11:21 PM EDT.

VOC Moon on Friday, September 10th, from 12:48 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Venus), until the Moon enters Scorpio at 2:05 AM EDT.

This Week in Astrology Calendar: September 5th to 11th, 2021

VenusSquarePluto Venus square Pluto. Intense passions, but there’s a hidden agenda. Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness run high, in direct proportion to fear of losing partnership. Avoid starting a new relationship at this time, because it can be characterized by these energies. Social interactions may be intense or could provoke intense feelings. Changes in financial status or relationships may occur now. Emotions and issues in a close relationship that have been brewing beneath the surface for quite awhile come to the surface at this time, possibly in a very disruptive way. All of our relationships intensify and we need to be aware of a tendency to act in a rather compulsive, demanding way towards others. This is an “all or nothing” energy. Manipulative behavior, fear of betrayal, and power struggles are possible.

MarsTrinePluto Mars trine Pluto. This is a powerful aspect that helps us to focus on our goals, to take decisive action, and to go after what we want without stepping on others’ toes. We are willing to explore alternatives rather than simply relying on the tried and true. We are not afraid of a challenge and are willing to attempt to overcome obstacles. This is a strong energy for reworking or overhauling a project.

VenusTrineJupiter Venus trine Jupiter. Friendliness and optimism characterize this transit. We are big-hearted and our feelings are expansive. The outlook is cheerful and hopeful and the atmosphere is cooperative. This is a sociable, perhaps lazy and self-indulgent, time. We easily find meaning in our social connections. We are more open and trusting of friends and lovers. Integrity and loyalty are favored. A favorable influence for winning people’s trust. Speculation, advertising, publishing, and travel are favored.

MercurySesquiquadrateJupiter  Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter. We experience information overload, and we neglect to consider details. People tend to exaggerate today.

SunTrineUranus Sun trine Uranus. An original, unique approach to life is in order with this transit, and works to our benefit. Flexibility is the key to success at this time, and pleasant changes are in store. We may make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things. This is a dynamic and exciting period, one in which taking advantage of unusual or unconventional opportunities may reap rewards.

MarsQuincunxJupiter Mars quincunx Jupiter. We tend to take on too much–either expend too much energy or overestimate our capabilities–during this transit. Poor timing is possible now, as we may be out of synch with our instincts and natural rhythm.

MercuryOppositionChiron Mercury opposition Chiron. Misunderstandings in communications that occur now stem from taking things too personally. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now. Doubting our ability to make a clear cut decision comes from a feeling that opposing viewpoints hold the same weight, and thus an inability to choose sides. There can be a sense of shooting ourselves in the foot when we present our ideas or opinions, and a feeling of misrepresenting ourselves when we communicate can figure strongly now.

MercuryQuincunxUranus Mercury quincunx Uranus. It is difficult to get a point across without rubbing people the wrong way or misrepresenting ourselves. Uncertainty reigns today. Avoid making hasty decisions that you will later regret. Impulsiveness, disorganization, unreceptive to practical advice and/or your ideas are not well-received.

Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET).

03°Scorpion - 20241026

  Ils sont nés un 26 octobre Roger Allam, Georges Antares, Catherine Barma, Jo�l Cantona, Primo Carnera, Hillary Clinton, Jackie Coogan, Geo...

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