12/04 04h32 | ||
20/04 09h00 | ||
27/04 05h33 | ||
03/05 21h51 | ||
11/05 21h01 | ||
11/05 21h01 | ||
19/05 21h13 | ||
26/05 13h14 | ||
02/06 09h26 | ||
10/06 12h54 |
10/06 12h54 | ||
18/06 05h54 | ||
24/06 20h40 | ||
01/07 23h12 | ||
10/07 03h17 |
10/07 03h17 | ||
17/07 12h11 | ||
24/07 04h37 | ||
31/07 15h18 | ||
08/08 15h50 | ||
08/08 15h50 | ||
15/08 17h21 | ||
22/08 14h02 | ||
30/08 09h15 | ||
07/09 02h52 | ||
07/09 02h52 | ||
13/09 22h41 | ||
21/09 01h54 | ||
29/09 03h58 | ||
06/10 13h05 | ||
06/10 13h05 | ||
13/10 05h27 | ||
20/10 16h57 | ||
28/10 22h06 | ||
04/11 22h15 |
04/11 21h15 | ||
11/11 12h48 | ||
19/11 08h59 | ||
27/11 12h29 | ||
04/12 07h44 |
04/12 08h44 | ||
11/12 02h37 | ||
19/12 05h37 | ||
27/12 03h26 | ||
02/01 19h35 |
01/02 05h49 | ||
08/02 13h51 | ||
16/02 16h59 | ||
23/02 22h34 | ||
02/03 17h38 |
02/03 18h38 | ||
10/03 11h46 | ||
18/03 08h20 | ||
25/03 06h39 | ||
01/04 07h27 |
30/04 20h30 | ||
09/05 00h22 | ||
16/05 04h15 | ||
22/05 18h44 | ||
30/05 11h32 |
30/05 11h32 | ||
07/06 14h49 | ||
14/06 11h52 | ||
21/06 03h11 | ||
29/06 02h53 |
Juillet 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
VOC 00:00 - 00:39 00:39 15:47 21:58 Re:
02:13 10:33 12:19 20:50 Re:
01:53 04:41 09:59 VOC 09:59 - 12:30 12:30 Re:
12:59 15:33 23:21 Re:
06:03 06:21 06:31 13:41 18:05 VOC 18:05 - 22:24 22:24 Re:
01:18 13:07 Re:
02:11 05:49 19:13 Re:
01:05 VOC 01:05 - 05:14 05:14 09:00 17:26 Re: |
06:11 11:03 12:28 23:03 Re:
00:54 04:35 VOC 04:35 - 08:33 08:33 08:38 22:00 Re:
21:09 23:47 Re:
01:43 VOC 01:43 - 09:00 09:00 17:10 22:06 Re:
04:26 11:58 13:40 18:37 Re:
00:16 00:56 04:17 VOC 04:17 - 08:12 05:23 08:12 18:39 21:30 Re:
13:19 22:28 Re:
04:37 VOC 04:37 - 08:17 08:17 19:38 21:38 Re: |
07:52 15:06 22:54 Re:
01:31 03:09 03:28 06:44 VOC 06:44 - 11:17 06:45 07:01 11:17 12:21 Re:
02:36 12:35 Re:
01:38 06:32 13:24 14:20 VOC 14:20 - 18:22 18:22 Re:
00:18 01:17 16:09 Re:
06:15 16:20 19:46 20:06 23:44 VOC 23:44 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 05:10 05:10 05:59 17:53 22:38 23:35 Re:
Re: |
04:26 06:12 08:16 VOC 08:16 - 17:53 17:53 Re:
11:34 14:53 19:14 23:56 Re:
07:35 20:57 Re:
00:55 VOC 00:55 - 06:35 06:35 17:53 21:16 Re:
00:03 15:36 19:46 23:48 Re:
04:31 VOC 04:31 - 18:10 18:10 Re:
06:07 22:35 Re: |
Date | Moon Aspects and Ingresses | Chart | |
Jul 1, 00:39 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Leo | chart |
Jul 3, 12:31 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Virgo | chart |
Jul 5, 22:24 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Libra | chart |
Jul 8, 05:14 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Scorpio | chart |
Jul 10, 08:34 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Sagittarius | chart |
Jul 12, 09:00 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Capricorn | chart |
Jul 13, 18:37 | 21°21 | Full Moon | chart |
Jul 14, 04:16 | 27°29 | Pluto | chart |
Jul 14, 08:13 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aquarius | chart |
Jul 15, 22:27 | 23°58 | Saturn | chart |
Jul 16, 08:17 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Pisces | chart |
Jul 18, 03:06 | 25°20 | Neptune | chart |
Jul 18, 11:17 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aries | chart |
Jul 19, 02:34 | 08°33 | Jupiter | chart |
Jul 20, 18:22 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Taurus | chart |
Jul 21, 16:06 | 11°16 | Mars | chart |
Jul 22, 06:13 | 18°28 | Uranus | chart |
Jul 23, 05:10 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Gemini | chart |
Jul 25, 17:53 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Cancer | chart |
Jul 26, 14:54 | 10°20 | Venus | chart |
Jul 28, 06:35 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Leo | chart |
Jul 28, 17:54 | 05°38 | New Moon | chart |
Jul 29, 23:48 | 20°40 | Mercury | chart |
Jul 30, 18:10 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Virgo | chart |
September 2018 – December 2023
[copy this↓] paste it > Google Calendar > Other calendars > From URL
Nouvelle lune
À la nouvelle lune, la gravité lunaire attire l'eau et fait gonfler et éclater les graines. Ce facteur, associé au clair de lune croissant, crée une croissance équilibrée des racines et des feuilles.
Le premier trimestre est le meilleur moment pour planter hors sol des cultures annuelles porteuses qui produisent leurs graines en dehors du fruit. Les exemples sont la laitue, les épinards, le céleri, le brocoli, le chou, le chou-fleur et les céréales.
2e quartier de lune
Au deuxième trimestre, l'attraction gravitationnelle est moindre, mais le clair de lune est fort, créant une croissance saine des feuilles. C'est généralement un bon moment pour planter, surtout deux jours avant la pleine lune.
Les types de cultures qui préfèrent le deuxième trimestre sont les annuelles qui produisent au-dessus du sol, mais leurs graines se forment à l'intérieur du fruit, comme les haricots, les melons, les pois, les poivrons, les courges et les tomates.
Plantez juste avant la pleine lune pour profiter des avantages du pic d'humidité.
Pleine lune
Les troisième et quatrième trimestres sont après la pleine lune lorsque la lumière diminue ou diminue et que l'énergie diminue.
L'attraction gravitationnelle est élevée, créant plus d'humidité dans le sol, mais le clair de lune diminue, mettant de l'énergie dans les racines. C'est un moment favorable pour planter des racines pour les cultures telles que les betteraves et les carottes.
Il est également bon pour les vivaces, les bulbes et la transplantation en raison de la croissance active des racines. Taillez en Scorpion.
4e quartier de lune
Au quatrième trimestre, il y a une diminution de l'attraction gravitationnelle et du clair de lune, et cela est considéré comme une période de repos.
C'est aussi le meilleur moment pour cultiver, récolter, repiquer, fertiliser et tailler.
Tondez les pelouses au troisième ou au quatrième trimestre pour retarder la croissance.
Utilisez les panneaux d'eau pour l'arrosage en profondeur des arbustes et des
Pourquoi la plantation en fonction de la lune ? Les plantes semées dans la bonne combinaison de la meilleure phase lunaire et du meilleur signe montrent une vigueur accr. Ils poussent à un rythme optimal et ne sont pas aussi sujets aux revers qui affecteraient les plantes moins saines. Les récoltes sont souvent plus rapides, plus importantes et les cultures ne montent pas aussi vite.
Sur quoi est basé un calendrier de jardinage lunaire ?
Isaac Newton a établi les lois de la gravité, ce qui prouve que les marées sont affectées par l'attraction gravitationnelle de la lune. L'attraction de la lune est plus forte que celle du soleil car, même si le soleil est plus grand, la lune est plus proche de la terre. L'effet le plus fort se fait sentir lorsque la lune et le soleil tirent des côtés opposés de la terre, à la phase de pleine lune, bien que cela crée également des marées hautes lorsqu'ils sont du même côté (à la nouvelle lune).
"La gravitation de la lune qui passe éloigne un peu la masse d'eau la plus proche de la masse solide de terre en dessous, et en même temps éloigne un peu la terre de l'eau du côté le plus éloigné. De cette manière, la lune met en place deux renflements de marée sur les côtés opposés de la terre. –Louise Riotte
Ces mêmes forces affectent la teneur en eau du sol, créant plus d'humidité dans le sol au moment de la nouvelle et de la pleine lune. Cette humidité accrue encourage les graines à germer et à pousser. Un calendrier de jardinage lunaire qui combine la meilleure phase de lune et le meilleur signe ensemble vous aidera à obtenir des résultats optimaux.
Ute York, dans son livre "Living by the Moon" dit :
« Les jardiniers d'autrefois disent : « Avec le croissant de la lune, la terre exhale. " Lorsque la sève des plantes monte, la force va d'abord dans la croissance au-dessus du sol. Ainsi, vous devriez faire toutes les activités avec des plantes qui portent des fruits au-dessus du sol pendant une lune croissante. Avec le déclin de la lune, la terre inhale. Ensuite, la sève descend principalement vers les racines. Ainsi, la lune décroissante est un bon moment pour tailler, multiplier, fertiliser, arroser, récolter et contrôler les parasites et les mauvaises herbes.
Qu'est-ce qui est le plus important : planter dans la bonne phase ou le bon signe ?
Les phases de la lune semblent être l'élément fondamental sur lequel la plupart des gens s'accordent. Il est également soutenu par le facteur scientifique de l'attraction gravitationnelle. Il y a une certaine divergence d'opinion sur les signes; par exemple, les jardiniers bio-dynamiques plantaient des fleurs et des cultures porteuses de graines dans les airs et des signes de feu, là où d'autres considéreraient cela stérile et meilleur pour les tâches de culture.
Cependant, les tests que Maria Thun a menés dans les années 1950 ont montré une plus forte influence de la plantation lunaire - la plantation de graines par les signes de la lune.
Dans nos vies occupées, il est difficile de coordonner votre emploi du temps avec le moment idéal pour planter, vous pouvez donc utiliser un bon signe dans une mauvaise phase pour justifier la plantation. Et parfois, il est plus important de le mettre dans le sol sans attendre le moment parfait. Peut-être que la météo vous forcera la main, ou que le prochain meilleur moment ne sera pas avant un mois, et ce serait trop tard. Toutes les règles normales du jardinage sont tout aussi importantes que l'influence lunaire, peut-être plus encore.
Voir les questions fréquemment posées ci-dessous pour en savoir plus sur la plantation lunaire.
Le Dr Frank Brown de l'Université Northwestern a effectué des recherches sur une période de dix ans, en conservant des enregistrements méticuleux de ses résultats. Il a découvert que les plantes absorbaient plus d'eau au moment de la pleine lune. Il a mené ses expériences dans un laboratoire sans contact direct avec la lune, mais il a découvert qu'elles étaient toujours influencées par la gravité.
John Jeavons, auteur de "Comment faire pousser plus de légumes…" ajoute l'influence du clair de lune croissant ou décroissant sur la croissance des plantes. Lorsque la lune est dans ses phases croissantes, « la quantité croissante de clair de lune stimule la croissance des feuilles » et « à mesure que le clair de lune diminue, la croissance des feuilles au-dessus du sol ralentit. La racine est à nouveau stimulée.
D'autres tests ont été menés, notamment par Frau Dr. Kolisko en Allemagne en 1939 et par Maria Thun en 1956. Ils ont principalement expérimenté des plantes-racines, montrant l'effet des phases lunaires sur la germination des graines. Ils ont trouvé une germination maximale les jours précédant la pleine lune. Les rendements des cultures ont été rapportés en poids.
Thun a été surpris de découvrir que les signes du zodiaque jouaient également leur rôle. Thun a expérimenté une variété de cultures: les carottes et les panais représentaient les plantes-racines; laitue, épinards et salade de maïs comme types de feuilles; haricots, pois, concombres et tomates comme types de graines de fruits; les zinnias, les mufliers et les asters étaient des cultures aériennes. Les cultures ont bien réagi lorsqu'elles ont été plantées dans le signe approprié pour leur type de plante.
Il y avait cependant quelques exceptions. Certaines plantes semblaient privilégier des signes autres que ce qui paraissait logique ; par exemple la famille des Brassica, (brocoli, chou-fleur, etc.) que l'on pourrait considérer comme des types à fleurs, semblait favoriser les signes d'eau. Les concombres semés les jours de feuilles avaient une forte croissance feuillue, mais ne produisaient pas beaucoup de fleurs. Leurs tests semblaient également indiquer que les réponses à la plantation lunaire étaient accrues lorsqu'elles étaient plantées dans un sol organique qui n'avait pas été traité avec des engrais chimiques ou des pesticides.
L'attraction gravitationnelle influence l'humidité dans le sol
Le jardinage en phase lunaire est une idée aussi ancienne que l'agriculture, populaire dans le folklore et la superstition, mais il existe des idées scientifiques pour l'étayer.
La Terre se trouve dans un grand champ gravitationnel, influencé à la fois par le soleil et la lune. Les marées sont les plus élevées au moment de la nouvelle et de la pleine lune, lorsque le soleil et la lune sont alignés avec la terre. Tout comme la lune tire les marées dans les océans, elle tire également sur les masses d'eau subtiles, provoquant une augmentation de l'humidité dans la terre, ce qui favorise la croissance.
La plus grande quantité d'humidité se trouve dans le sol à ce moment-là, et des tests ont prouvé que les graines absorberont le plus d'eau au moment de la pleine lune. La plantation par les phases de la lune suivra le rythme de l'attraction gravitationnelle alternée.
Le jardinage en phase de lune considère quatre phases ou trimestres d'une durée d'environ sept jours chacun. Les deux premiers trimestres sont pendant la croissance ou l'augmentation de la lumière, de la nouvelle lune et de la croissance à la pleine lune.
Calendrier Lunaire Juillet 2022
Un jardin en phase avec la Lune :
Pour repiquer les fraisiers préférez le 31 ou de préférence le 30.
Semez un engrais vert les 18 ou 19 pour protéger le sol et obtenir une masse végétale importante.Composter avec la Lune :
Pour réaliser un compost ayant un faible échauffement, procédez entre le 14 et le 18 ou entre le 23 et le 25.
Pour les insecticides :
Certains aspects planétaires vont renforcer l’action des produits, et donc permettre d’en diminuer les doses,
Par exemple, appliquez les produits les 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26 ou 27 (Nous préconisons bien sur l’utilisation d’insecticides naturels à base de plantes qui préservent l’environnement).
Se chauffer avec la Lune :
Pour qu’il sèche mieux, empilez le bois de chauffage entre le 7 et le 12.
Épilation avec la Lune :
Pour une épilation qui retardera davantage la repousse des poils, préférez avant le 12 ou après le 26. Le 28 étant le meilleur jour.
Le miel et la Lune :
Pour extraire le miel avec la Lune choisissez par exemple les 3, 4, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27, 30 ou 31.
Calendrier Lunaire Juin 2022
Voici une sélection de dates qui vous présente un aperçu
des différentes utilisations du Calendrier Lunaire.
Pour le jardin avec la Lune :
Vous obtiendrez un meilleur enracinement en repiquant vos plants entre le 2 et le 11.
Pour une repousse moins rapide du gazon, le tondre par exemple le 2, le 3 ou du 8 au 11..
Pour réussir vos confitures avec la Lune :
Réalisées entre le 16 et le 28 (en évitant le 25), les confitures se conserveront mieux, surtout si elles sont peu sucrées.
Faucher le foin avec la Lune :
Les 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27 et 28 seront d’excellents jours pour obtenir un foin de bonne qualité.
Pour le bois :
Pour que les piquets durent plus longtemps choisissez le 5, 6 ou 7 pour les mettre en place.
Les animaux et la Lune :
Pour une corne moins cassante et plus robuste, parer ou ferrer les animaux les 23 après-midi, 24, 26, 27 ou 28 matin.
Nettoyer/désinfecter les étables: pour un meilleure efficacité, nettoyer le 14 matin et désinfecter l’après-midi.
Notre bien être avec la Lune :
Pour des ongles plus solides et moins cassants, les couper le 16 ou le 26 matin.
Meilleurs jours pour se couper les cheveux pour les fortifier : le 23 ou le 24.
pour ralentir la chute des cheveux, les couper entre le 4 et le 8 (en évitant le 7 après-midi).
Pour connaître toutes les dates rendez-vous dans la boutique
les frais de port sont offerts
Juin 2022
September 2018 – December 2023
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VOC 00:00 - 05:48 05:48 13:34 15:23 17:30 Re:
15:04 Re:
09:03 10:43 15:16 VOC 15:16 - 18:37 18:37 Re:
03:07 10:12 10:44 23:22 Re:
03:44 21:01 23:12 VOC 23:12 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 06:21 06:21 Re:
04:02 14:21 14:43 Re:
06:39 09:50 12:10 VOC 12:10 - 15:22 15:22 Re: |
00:24 12:09 Re:
01:54 12:21 17:37 VOC 17:37 - 20:40 20:40 21:11 Re:
22:57 Re:
01:03 01:14 14:40 14:56 19:30 21:41 VOC 21:41 - 22:31 22:31 Re:
07:22 II 15:11 22:04 Re:
11:50 14:36 14:59 VOC 14:59 - 22:13 22:13 Re:
07:21 23:49 Re:
01:09 07:12 09:11 13:40 14:25 18:42 VOC 18:42 - 21:43 21:43 Re: |
02:31 07:30 Re:
01:37 02:37 14:14 14:51 18:51 VOC 18:51 - 23:00 21:31 23:00 Re:
04:05 08:06 Re:
04:53 07:34 19:24 23:11 Re:
00:00 03:12 VOC 03:12 - 03:36 03:36 08:22 09:13 15:41 18:38 Re:
19:01 Re:
II 00:34 02:19 08:04 VOC 08:04 - 11:57 11:57 16:15 Re:
22:14 Re: |
13:03 14:06 19:03 VOC 19:03 - 23:12 II 23:12 Re:
07:03 13:27 Re:
07:22 22:28 Re:
01:22 01:34 02:40 VOC 02:40 - 11:53 11:53 Re:
00:59 02:43 02:51 03:50 23:47 Re:
15:26 18:15 20:14 VOC 20:14 - 24:00 Re: |
Mai 2022
September 2018 – December 2023
[copy this↓] paste it > Google Calendar > Other calendars > From URL
04:25 10:36 23:32 Re:
00:03 07:21 08:01 10:14 VOC 10:14 - 10:46 II 10:46 15:05 16:09 Re:
14:42 22:32 Re:
11:51 12:16 15:46 20:38 VOC 20:38 - 23:04 23:04 Re:
04:56 07:21 Re:
05:12 05:45 07:02 07:33 Re:
01:11 08:56 09:48 10:27 VOC 10:27 - 11:49 11:49 20:56 Re:
00:01 17:38 Re: |
00:20 12:39 VOC 12:39 - 22:52 22:52 Re:
08:03 23:22 Re:
03:24 12:11 13:55 21:14 Re:
04:00 VOC 04:00 - 06:33 06:33 06:56 14:47 Re:
03:45 Re:
01:51 08:09 VOC 08:09 - 10:33 10:33 Re:
12:00 18:48 19:14 Re:
01:00 03:37 03:38 04:12 Lunar Eclipse 09:29 VOC 09:29 - 11:49 11:49 13:31 17:16 Re: |
15:30 Re:
03:51 03:59 04:01 VOC 04:01 - 12:01 06:32 12:01 14:21 Re:
12:10 13:18 20:02 Re:
01:31 04:42 07:09 10:27 12:01 VOC 12:01 - 12:52 12:52 15:13 15:56 Re:
II 01:22 15:19 19:17 Re:
02:41 07:21 VOC 07:21 - 15:49 15:49 16:15 18:46 22:14 Re:
01:15 11:04 19:55 Re:
03:28 11:05 12:45 18:51 19:52 21:35 VOC 21:35 - 21:39 21:39 23:17 Re: |
02:28 05:05 21:52 Re:
21:06 Re:
03:01 03:22 VOC 03:22 - 06:22 06:22 06:28 Re:
13:52 14:45 Re:
07:50 07:52 10:30 11:17 14:12 VOC 14:12 - 17:22 II 17:22 Re:
00:12 00:54 11:31 Re:
20:10 20:10 VOC 20:10 - 24:00 Re: |
Avril 2022
02:36 06:27 22:08 Re: none
02:04 10:28 13:52 VOC 13:52 - 16:49 16:49 23:10 Re: none
17:49 Re: none
11:12 11:32 12:00 14:39 23:59 Re: none
01:51 01:54 VOC 01:54 - 03:03 03:03 15:16 Re: none
12:33 21:56 Re: none
00:25 00:41 02:53 03:15 VOC 03:15 - 15:29 12:37 15:29 20:19 Re: none
18:18 18:26 Re: none |
06:45 14:33 15:43 23:24 Re: none
01:02 VOC 01:02 - 03:59 03:59 08:46 Re: none
02:09 06:21 22:59 Re: none
00:49 10:18 VOC 10:18 - 14:07 14:07 14:41 20:51 Re: none
00:13 05:23 15:10 Re: none
10:05 10:43 18:13 VOC 18:13 - 20:45 20:45 Re: none
03:05 Re: none
13:02 18:52 21:57 VOC 21:57 - 24:00 Re: none |
VOC 00:00 - 00:22 00:22 02:53 22:42 22:49 23:26 Re: none
01:12 04:54 07:14 15:13 15:29 16:38 18:35 23:54 VOC 23:54 - 24:00 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 02:16 02:16 07:29 Re: none
02:23 04:33 17:18 18:20 20:56 VOC 20:56 - 24:00 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 03:51 03:51 05:43 11:54 Re: none
03:19 10:44 15:14 20:38 23:57 Re: none
03:54 VOC 03:54 - 06:16 06:16 11:58 Re: none
06:37 13:59 22:39 23:33 Re: none |
00:35 VOC 00:35 - 10:14 10:14 20:10 Re: none
00:51 11:42 Re: none
04:51 05:21 06:03 11:10 11:36 13:37 VOC 13:37 - 16:09 16:09 19:11 Re: none
12:18 Re: none
13:18 21:38 VOC 21:38 - 24:00 22:26 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 00:18 00:18 20:29 Solar Eclipse 21:13 23:23 Re: |
Calendrier Lunaire Avril 2022
Jardiner avec la Lune
Planter des pommes de terre: les jours les plus favorables selon les influences lunaires pour planter des pommes de terre seront les 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17 ou 24 avril. Le début de la floraison du lilas est un bon indicateur pour planter les pommes de terre selon votre région.
Tondre le gazon
Pour que le gazon soit plus beau et plus épais avec une croissance lente, tondre dans la période du 15 au 20 (en évitant le 18). Favoriser la biodiversité: pensez à conserver une zone vierge dans votre jardin afin que les abeilles et autres insectes utiles au jardin puissent profiter des fleurs de printemps.
Faucher avec la Lune
Pour favoriser la repousse, faucher dans la période du 1er au 7 (en évitant le 4). Retrouvez d’autres meilleures dates pour faucher selon la finalité (qualité, précocité…) dans la page des foins du Calendrier Lunaire.
Purin de plantes
Pour une meilleure efficacité, commencer la fabrication d’un purin de plante le 6 ou le 12.
Préserver l’environnement avec la Lune
Pour une meilleure efficacité, appliquer les produits fongicides naturels le soir du 22, 23, 24 ou 30.
Retrouver toutes les plantes qui peuvent être utilisées pour soigner les plantes en page 29 de l’édition 2022.
La viniculture avec la Lune
Soutirer dans la période du 1er au 7 (en évitant le 4) pour ne pas stopper l’activité du vin.
Les arbres en fonction de la Lune
Greffer en couronne: pour une meilleure reprise, greffer les arbres fruitiers le 22.
La Lune et les animaux
Pour une meilleure efficacité, traiter contre les vers le 14 ou le 15 ou mieux, le 28 ou le 29.
Notre bien être avec la Lune
Meilleur jour pour se faire couper les cheveux en avril: le 20 (ou le 12 si l’on souhaite ralentir la chute).
Pour optimiser l’effet énergisant d’un massage, choisir le 5, 6 ou le 7.
Date 2022 | Stationary planet (Change of course) s->R = St->Retrograde s->D = St->Direct | Chart | ||
Jan 14, 12:41 | sR | Mercury | 10°20’ | chart |
Jan 18, 16:26 | sD | Uranus | 10°49’ | chart |
Jan 29, 09:46 | sD | Venus | 11°04’ | chart |
Feb 4, 05:13 | sD | Mercury | 24°22’ | chart |
Apr 29, 20:36 | sR | Pluto | 28°35’ | chart |
May 10, 13:47 | sR | Mercury | 4°51’ | chart |
Jun 3, 10:00 | sD | Mercury | 26°05’ | chart |
Jun 4, 23:47 | sR | Saturn | 25°15’ | chart |
Jun 28, 09:55 | sR | Neptune | 25°26’ | chart |
Jul 19, 17:21 | sR | Chiron | 16°26’ | chart |
Jul 28, 22:38 | sR | Jupiter | 8°43’ | chart |
Aug 24, 15:53 | sR | Uranus | 18°55’ | chart |
Sep 10, 05:38 | sR | Mercury | 8°55’ | chart |
Oct 2, 11:07 | sD | Mercury | 24°11’ | chart |
Oct 8, 23:55 | sD | Pluto | 26°06’ | chart |
Oct 23, 06:07 | sD | Saturn | 18°35’ | chart |
Oct 30, 14:26 | sR | Mars | 25°36’ | chart |
Nov 24, 00:02 | sD | Jupiter | 28°47’ | chart |
Dec 4, 01:15 | sD | Neptune | 22°38’ | chart |
Dec 23, 10:31 | sD | Chiron | 11°56’ | chart |
Dec 29, 10:31 | sR | Mercury | 24°21’ | chart |
02:03 VOC 02:03 - 20:53 20:53 Re: none
05:05 16:29 16:45 17:37 21:24 Re: none
08:42 11:41 17:53 21:04 21:16 21:45 VOC 21:45 - 24:00 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 00:52 00:52 Re: none
12:00 14:06 19:52 Re: none
04:03 VOC 04:03 - 07:59 06:22 06:27 06:59 07:59 08:10 08:10 Re: none
06:40 13:53 17:06 21:56 Re: none
04:04 14:07 14:36 VOC 14:36 - 18:39 18:39 22:40 23:27 Re: none |
Re: none
01:31 03:06 10:45 10:47 16:42 VOC 16:42 - 24:00 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 07:23 07:23 11:59 Re: none
07:35 17:04 Re: none
04:49 05:22 11:42 15:46 VOC 15:46 - 19:31 19:31 Re: none
07:13 09:55 18:59 Re: none
10:55 VOC 10:55 - 24:00 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 04:58 04:58 Re: none |
02:06 03:22 12:11 13:39 23:01 Re: none
07:14 08:12 VOC 08:12 - 11:25 11:25 19:36 Re: none
04:26 08:49 11:14 23:58 Re: none
12:41 VOC 12:41 - 15:44 15:33 15:44 Re: none
06:04 11:14 12:56 16:32 Re: none
00:08 02:25 03:48 07:24 16:02 VOC 16:02 - 18:58 18:58 20:43 22:51 Re: none
17:11 17:41 23:28 Re: none
03:59 07:08 10:30 13:00 VOC 13:00 - 21:53 21:53 Re: none |
05:37 19:15 Re: none
07:48 10:32 13:36 22:03 23:50 VOC 23:50 - 24:00 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 00:54 00:54 07:42 12:35 22:37 Re: none
05:09 13:49 14:11 VOC 14:11 - 24:00 19:26 Re: none
VOC 00:00 - 04:31 04:31 Re: none
02:54 17:26 21:55 Re: none
06:38 VOC 06:38 - 09:30 09:30 Re: none |
Février 2022
Janvier 2022
The Mansions of the Moon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28
The Lunar Days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30
08:17 VOC 08:17 - 23:01 09:49 23:01 Re:
00:12 07:13 16:19 18:33 Re:
07:53 10:00 16:22 VOC 16:22 - 22:43 22:43 Re:
02:37 16:28 18:46 Re:
00:44 VOC 00:44 - 24:00 15:58 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 00:16 00:16 02:59 19:08 Re:
05:45 07:00 10:46 12:46 22:23 VOC 22:23 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 05:25 05:25 19:39 Re: |
00:47 05:29 16:04 18:01 18:14 Re:
07:24 VOC 07:24 - 14:46 14:46 19:49 Re:
03:27 09:37 12:23 16:55 21:43 Re:
00:33 08:39 11:20 19:38 VOC 19:38 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 03:07 03:07 09:24 Re:
00:09 06:25 21:49 Re:
02:23 VOC 02:23 - 16:10 16:10 23:30 Re:
13:55 14:50 20:49 Re: |
10:16 21:06 23:48 VOC 23:48 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 04:02 04:02 20:36 Re:
01:10 07:16 Re:
02:38 08:16 VOC 08:16 - 14:01 14:01 22:57 Re:
10:25 13:16 Re:
05:40 15:49 19:47 VOC 19:47 - 22:02 22:02 Re:
03:40 04:44 10:26 19:19 Re:
00:25 12:52 22:10 VOC 22:10 - 24:00 Re: |
VOC 00:00 - 03:56 03:56 04:45 05:48 13:36 13:57 22:51 23:40 Re:
03:10 05:38 16:43 Re:
02:08 05:29 VOC 05:29 - 07:34 07:34 17:58 20:44 Re:
08:36 18:59 VOC 18:59 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 09:08 04:33 09:08 15:08 20:01 Re:
02:46 03:07 19:31 19:47 Re:
02:26 04:45 VOC 04:45 - 09:42 09:42 Re: |
Decembre 2021
03:40 04:21 VOC 04:21 - 11:55 11:55 Re:
02:41 06:57 20:55 22:50 Re:
00:44 04:24 05:24 VOC 05:24 - 12:12 12:12 Re:
02:45 07:42 Solar Eclipse 12:42 20:22 Re:
05:09 VOC 05:09 - 11:30 11:30 Re:
05:58 11:40 20:10 Re:
01:21 03:57 04:44 VOC 04:44 - 11:48 11:48 15:15 Re:
03:45 06:21 07:05 16:01 Re: |
02:08 08:58 10:00 VOC 10:00 - 14:52 14:52 Re:
11:27 Re:
01:36 03:52 12:56 13:01 15:38 16:48 19:24 19:41 VOC 19:41 - 21:45 21:45 Re:
06:20 16:53 Re:
09:52 16:06 17:51 23:00 Re:
00:02 02:53 VOC 02:53 - 08:10 08:10 10:22 Re:
04:36 06:51 Re:
01:20 11:28 13:13 16:10 VOC 16:10 - 20:42 20:42 Re: |
01:55 17:57 Re:
14:22 Re:
04:34 06:03 VOC 06:03 - 09:41 09:41 Re:
00:31 06:23 08:14 20:18 Re:
02:58 13:07 14:45 VOC 14:45 - 21:53 15:58 21:53 Re:
10:21 19:26 19:48 Re:
06:40 VOC 06:40 - 08:23 07:14 08:23 14:00 23:51 Re: |
05:21 11:36 20:05 23:06 Re:
08:07 08:41 VOC 08:41 - 16:23 16:23 21:28 Re:
02:21 10:01 12:49 Re:
08:50 12:13 14:01 21:11 VOC 21:11 - 21:15 21:15 Re:
04:08 10:25 10:37 15:46 16:53 Re:
00:22 07:47 09:56 13:13 16:23 17:11 VOC 17:11 - 23:07 23:07 23:41 Re:
18:12 19:58 Re: |
Aspects and Ingress – November 2021 |
04:15 06:59 13:36 17:01 VOC 17:01 - 23:10 23:10 Re:
09:35 11:25 Re:
13:03 15:53 19:24 22:32 VOC 22:32 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 00:52 00:52 05:53 12:43 21:13 21:24 23:57 Re:
09:52 10:45 13:31 16:10 VOC 16:10 - 24:00 22:34 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 00:52 00:52 12:46 15:53 Re:
09:48 13:43 VOC 13:43 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 01:02 01:02 05:20 07:16 10:52 21:48 Re: |
05:09 11:04 17:51 VOC 17:51 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 03:02 03:02 12:56 15:58 16:12 16:18 17:03 23:13 Re:
00:45 12:50 19:52 VOC 19:52 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 07:53 07:53 16:23 20:19 Re:
00:28 05:25 06:46 15:56 21:46 Re:
00:18 05:41 VOC 05:41 - 15:47 15:47 Re:
07:01 09:08 19:58 Re:
13:57 15:50 VOC 15:50 - 24:00 21:00 Re: |
VOC 00:00 - 02:17 02:17 17:22 18:20 Re:
00:38 02:44 03:20 15:37 19:14 19:48 Re:
02:22 03:57 06:10 08:59 Lunar Eclipse VOC 08:59 - 14:32 14:32 Re:
07:12 23:42 Re:
08:04 09:13 15:52 VOC 15:52 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 03:32 02:33 03:32 Re:
03:57 10:46 12:22 20:49 Re:
05:48 VOC 05:48 - 15:58 15:36 15:58 15:58 21:32 Re: |
08:48 15:28 Re:
03:16 16:23 VOC 16:23 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 02:11 02:11 10:21 12:21 Re:
00:17 13:07 14:30 15:44 Re:
00:04 VOC 00:04 - 08:54 04:39 08:54 14:10 22:42 23:32 Re:
00:23 07:19 19:52 20:48 23:14 Re: |
VOC 00:00 - 00:53 00:53 13:44 14:04 17:29 21:43 Re:
03:28 07:47 19:24 20:53 23:42 VOC 23:42 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 08:37 08:37 Re:
00:04 09:13 21:45 Re:
03:00 08:47 VOC 08:47 - 12:40 12:40 Re:
00:15 11:02 12:00 21:38 Re:
02:07 05:04 VOC 05:04 - 14:21 11:20 14:21 Re:
01:36 04:00 12:59 Re: |
00:52 03:03 06:06 VOC 06:06 - 15:23 15:23 16:18 19:37 22:48 Re:
02:43 16:50 19:13 20:45 Re:
02:17 04:31 VOC 04:31 - 17:14 17:14 Re:
15:54 16:35 Re:
00:26 03:26 05:12 10:54 VOC 10:54 - 20:46 19:26 20:46 Re:
08:56 10:06 17:12 20:53 Re:
08:00 11:46 12:31 12:32 VOC 12:32 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 02:21 02:21 21:00 Re: |
01:28 03:15 12:11 17:01 23:24 VOC 23:24 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 10:03 10:03 23:14 Re:
02:36 05:29 10:42 Re:
05:00 06:30 08:57 14:58 VOC 14:58 - 19:58 19:58 Re:
09:46 22:27 Re:
04:19 13:27 16:32 20:35 VOC 20:35 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 07:56 04:50 07:56 22:11 Re:
10:18 21:41 Re: |
02:13 05:32 14:12 VOC 14:12 - 20:59 20:59 Re:
02:53 23:36 Re:
01:05 05:08 14:44 22:06 Re:
06:03 VOC 06:03 - 09:06 09:06 19:16 20:02 23:01 Re:
10:19 22:30 Re:
04:19 07:06 VOC 07:06 - 18:09 09:53 14:20 18:09 18:16 Re:
08:51 17:27 Re: |
1. Al-Sharatain, 0 Aries to 12 Aries 51 2. Al-Butain, 12 Aries 51 to 25 Aries 42 3. Al-Thuraiya, 25 Aries 42 to 8 Taurus 34. 4. Al-Dabaran, 8 Taurus 34 to 21 Taurus 25. 5. Al-Haqa, 21 Taurus 25 to 4 Gemini 17. 6. Al-Hana, 4 Gemini 17 to 17 Gemini 8 7. Al-Dhira, 17 Gemini 8 to 0 Cancer. | |
8. Al-Nathrah, 0 Cancer to 12 Cancer 51. 9. Al-Tarf, 12 Cancer 51 to 25 Cancer 42 10. Al-Jabhah, 25 Cancer 42 to 8 Leo 34 11. Al-Zubrah, 8 Leo 34 to 21 Leo 25 12. Al-Sarfah, 21 Leo 25 to 4 Virgo 17 13. Al-Awwa, 4 Virgo 17 to 17 Virgo 8 14. Al-Simak, 17 Virgo 8 to 0 Libra 15. Al Ghafr, 0 Libra to 12 Libra 51. 16. Al-Zubana, 12 Libra 51 to 25 Libra 42. 17. Al-Iklil, 25 Libra 42 to 8 Scorpio 34. 18. Al-Qalb, 8 Scorpio 34 to 21 Scorpio 25 19. Al-Shaulah, 21 Scorpio 25 to 4 Sagittarius 17 20. Al-Naaim, 4 Sagittarius 17 to 17 Sagittarius 8 21. Al-Baldah, 17 Sagittarius 8 to 0 Capricorn 22. Sa'd al-Dhabih, O Capricorn to 12 Capricorn 51* 23. Sa'd Bula, 12 Capricorn 51 to 25 Capricorn 42 24. Sa'd al Suud, 25 Capricorn 42 to 8 Aquarius 34 25. Sa'd al-Akhbiyah, 8 Aquarius 34 to 21 Aquarius 25 26. Al Fargh al-Awwal, 21 Aquarius 25 to 4 Pisces 17 27. Al Fargh al-Thani, 4 Pisces 17 to 17 Pisces 8 28. Batn al-Hut, 17 Pisces 8 to 0 Aries |
DateOct 2021 | Moon | Moon Aspects | Chart | ||
Oct 1, 00:54 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Leo (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 1, 14:09 | 06°57’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 1, 17:33 | 08°45’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 1, 23:45 | 10°59’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 2, 05:31 | 14°04’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 2, 21:28 | 22°43’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 2, 22:56 | 23°32’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 3, 01:42 | 25°03’ | Venus (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 3, 10:38 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Virgo (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 4, 11:18 | 13°59’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 4, 23:47 | 21°14’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 5, 05:02 | 24°18’ | Pluto | chart | ||
Oct 5, 10:45 | 27°40’ | Venus (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 5, 16:41 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Libra (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 6, 02:15 | 06°54’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 6, 13:05 | 13°24’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 6, 14:03 | 14°00’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 6, 23:39 | 19°49’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 7, 04:07 | 22°32’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 7, 07:02 | 24°18’ | Pluto (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 7, 16:22 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Scorpio (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 8, 03:37 | 06°53’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 8, 14:59 | 13°51’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 9, 02:52 | 21°07’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 9, 05:03 | 22°28’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 9, 08:05 | 24°18’ | Pluto (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 9, 17:24 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Sagittarius (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 9, 21:36 | 02°33’ | Venus | chart | ||
Oct 10, 04:42 | 06°52’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 10, 18:48 | 15°23’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 10, 21:11 | 16°49’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 10, 22:44 | 17°45’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 11, 04:16 | 21°04’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 11, 06:30 | 22°24’ | Jupiter (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 11, 19:15 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Capricorn (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 12, 17:50 | 13°17’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 12, 18:33 | 13°42’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 13, 02:26 | 18°17’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 13, 05:24 | 20°00’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 13, 07:10 | 21°01’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 13, 12:53 | 24°19’ | Pluto (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 13, 22:48 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Aquarius (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 14, 10:54 | 06°53’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 14, 12:03 | 07°32’ | Venus | chart | ||
Oct 14, 19:08 | 11°32’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 14, 22:51 | 13°37’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 15, 09:57 | 19°49’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 15, 14:28 | 22°20’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 15, 14:32 | 22°22’ | Sun (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 16, 04:22 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Pisces (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 16, 22:59 | 10°09’ | Venus | chart | ||
Oct 17, 05:14 | 13°32’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 17, 18:59 | 20°55’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 18, 01:23 | 24°20’ | Pluto (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 18, 12:04 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Aries (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 19, 01:14 | 06°55’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 19, 07:25 | 10°09’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 19, 12:39 | 12°52’ | Venus | chart | ||
Oct 20, 06:58 | 22°20’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 20, 08:28 | 23°06’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 20, 10:55 | 24°21’ | Pluto | chart | ||
Oct 20, 16:56 | 27°26’ | Sun (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 20, 21:59 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Taurus (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 21, 11:44 | 06°58’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 22, 00:27 | 13°21’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 22, 15:26 | 20°49’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 22, 18:31 | 22°21’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 22, 22:35 | 24°22’ | Pluto (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 23, 09:57 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Gemini (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 24, 00:11 | 07°01’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 24, 12:16 | 12°57’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 24, 23:41 | 18°33’ | Venus | chart | ||
Oct 25, 04:13 | 20°46’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 25, 07:33 | 22°24’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 25, 16:10 | 26°38’ | Mars (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 25, 23:00 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Cancer (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 26, 04:54 | 02°54’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 27, 01:36 | 13°09’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 27, 07:09 | 15°54’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 27, 16:47 | 20°43’ | Neptune | chart | ||
Oct 28, 00:07 | 24°25’ | Pluto | chart | ||
Oct 28, 08:01 | 28°25’ | Mars (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 28, 11:08 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Leo (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 28, 22:05 | 05°37’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 29, 01:02 | 07°08’ | Saturn | chart | ||
Oct 29, 12:24 | 13°03’ | Uranus | chart | ||
Oct 30, 00:31 | 19°26’ | Mercury | chart | ||
Oct 30, 06:23 | 22°34’ | Jupiter | chart | ||
Oct 30, 09:04 | 24°00’ | Venus (VOC begins) | chart | ||
Oct 30, 20:10 | 00°00’ | enters 0°Virgo (VOC ends) | chart | ||
Oct 30, 20:21 | 00°06’ | Mars | chart | ||
Oct 31, 10:57 | 08°09’ | Sun | chart | ||
Oct 31, 19:32 | 12°57’ | Uranus | chart |
Date | Moon Aspects and Ingresses | Chart | |
Oct 1, 02:53 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Leo | chart |
Oct 3, 10:37 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Virgo | chart |
Oct 5, 14:40 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Libra | chart |
Oct 6, 13:05 | 13°24 | New Moon | chart |
Oct 6, 14:03 | 14°00 | Mars | chart |
Oct 6, 23:39 | 19°49 | Mercury | chart |
Oct 7, 16:21 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Scorpio | chart |
Oct 9, 17:23 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Sagittarius | chart |
Oct 9, 21:36 | 02°33 | Venus | chart |
Oct 11, 19:14 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Capricorn | chart |
Oct 13, 12:53 | 24°19 | Pluto | chart |
Oct 13, 22:47 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aquarius | chart |
Oct 14, 10:54 | 06°53 | Saturn | chart |
Oct 15, 14:28 | 22°20 | Jupiter | chart |
Oct 16, 04:21 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Pisces | chart |
Oct 17, 18:59 | 20°55 | Neptune | chart |
Oct 18, 12:03 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aries | chart |
Oct 20, 16:56 | 27°26 | Full Moon | chart |
Oct 20, 21:58 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Taurus | chart |
Oct 22, 00:27 | 13°21 | Uranus | chart |
Oct 23, 09:56 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Gemini | chart |
Oct 25, 22:59 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Cancer | chart |
Oct 28, 11:07 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Leo | chart |
Oct 30, 20:09 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Virgo | chart |
Vivre avec la Lune c’est un peu comme se laisser porter par le courant…
Nos aïeux adaptaient naturellement leur rythme de vie à celui de la Lune. En ces temps là, leur proximité avec la nature faisait qu’une connexion s’établissait entre les rythmes du corps et les rythmes lunaires. De plus, la nécessité de prendre en compte les influences lunaires afin d’optimiser certaines actions du quotidien poussait les gens à observer les cycles lunaires. En effet, pour obtenir une bonne récolte par exemple, il fallait obligatoirement prendre en compte tous les paramètres qui pouvaient favoriser le rendement. Les influences lunaires étaient donc considérées avec une grande attention; d’autant plus que les anciens à force d’observations avaient déjà mis en évidence l’influence que pouvait avoir les astres sur la terre et sur leur quotidien.
Depuis cette époque, les moyens mécaniques ont considérablement réduit les efforts à fournir pour se nourrir et notre dépendance à la nature a diminué petit à petit. Nous nous sommes ainsi éloignés d’un mode de vie en harmonie avec les cycles lunaires, pour définir un rythme de vie qui nous est propre. Malheureusement pour nous, ce rythme ne va pas toujours dans le sens de la logique ni du naturel.
De nos jours, on constate d’ailleurs de plus en plus une envie, voire un besoin de retrouver un équilibre avec les forces de la nature. La question de l’efficacité alliée à une pratique naturelle est la raison prépondérante quant au choix d’accorder son quotidien aux rythmes lunaires. D’ailleurs, nombreux sont ceux qui aujourd’hui ont pu constater une efficacité dans divers domaines tels que la coupe des cheveux, l’épilation, les soins du corps et bien évidemment le jardinage, il existe d’autres nombreuses applications en relation avec la Lune…
Dans le Calendrier Lunaire nous ne proposons pas seulement des conseils mais aussi et surtout des dates pour optimiser vos actions selon que vous recherchiez le meilleur moment pour couper et ainsi vitaliser votre chevelure (la rendre plus épaisse ou en ralentir la chute, etc.), le meilleur moment pour s’épiler afin que la repousse du poil soit plus lente ou encore une bonne date pour des soins ( peau, ongles) ou traitements de verrues, cors, durillons, etc. Vous y trouverez également des conseils sur l’alimentation. De plus vous pourrez définir les dates ou votre corps réagira le mieux à certains traitements: soins, massages, intervention dentaire ou chirurgicale… En effet, suivant les phases lunaires et les aspects planétaires votre corps réagira plus ou moins bien à l’intervention et réduira ou augmentera le temps de convalescence (il va de soi qu’il s’agit là d’interventions programmables et à caractère non-urgent).
Suivant les phases lunaires, l’énergie physique sera donc stimulée ou diminuée. Par exemple, on pourra stimuler un organe en lune croissante tandis qu’on éliminera les toxines d’un organe avec beaucoup plus de succès en lune décroissante. La lune croissante sera une meilleure période pour démarrer un projet alors que la lune décroissante sera plutôt une période propice à l’intériorisation ou la réflexion….
Bien sûr tout le monde ne réagit pas de la même manière aux influences lunaires, qui se font ressentir plus ou moins selon l’âge, la vitalité ou la sensibilité. Au moment de la pleine lune par exemple, certaines personnes sont perturbées dans leur sommeil alors que d’autres ne ressentent rien. Pourtant, une étude réalisée par des chercheurs suisses et publiée dans la revue “Current Biology” a montré qu’au moment de la pleine lune les taux de mélatonine diminuent, d’où une baisse de 30% du sommeil profond. La vitalité et l’excitabilité sont donc plus importantes au moment de la pleine lune, on le remarque d’ailleurs facilement chez les enfants.
En conclusion, même si nous ne percevons pas tous de la même manière les influences lunaires, elles existent et leur efficacité est de plus en plus reconnue.
Comprendre les éphémérides
L'essentiel à comprendre pour utiliser le calendrier lunaire.
- Les phases de la Lune
- La trajectoire de la Lune
- Les jours fruits, feuilles, fleurs et racines
- Noeud lunaire, périgée et apogée
Les phases de la Lune
En environ 29 jours, la lune fait un cycle appelé la lunaison, pendant laquelle, elle passe par deux phases, la lune croissante, et la lune décroissante. A ne pas confondre avec la lune ascendante (ou montante) et descendante.
La Lune Croissante
La lune croissante est une phase favorable aux récoltes destinées à la conservation. Les fruits et légumes se conserverons davantage, et bénéficieront d'une bonne résistance aux maladies.
La Lune Décroissante
En période de lune décroissante, les récoltes auront une saveur plus soutenue qu'en lune croissante, mais d'une qualité de conservation inférieure.
La trajectoire de la Lune
Les termes lune montante et lune descendante sont liés à des variations de déclinaison.
La lune est ascendante (ou montante) pendant la période ou elle monte de l'horizon, et elle est descendante quand elle baisse vers l'horizon. chacun des deux cycles durent environ 13 jours.
Attention, il ne faut pas confondre ce phénomène avec celui de la lune croissante et décroissante.
La Lune Ascendante (ou montante)
Pendant la lune ascendante, la sève monte dans les plantes, favorisant ainsi les parties hautes.
A faire pendant la lune ascendante : Récolter les parties aériennes des plantes, faire germer, semer, greffer, prélever les greffons.
La Lune Descendante
Pendant la lune descendante, la sève descend aux racines.
A faire pendant la lune descendante : Récolter les légumes racines, planter, élaguer, bouturer, tondre, repiquer, rempoter, transplanter, tailler, travailler la terre, diviser, butter.
Les jours fruits, feuilles, fleurs et racines
Selon la constellation avec laquelle la lune est en adéquation, il est possible de déterminer les périodes les plus favorables pour s'occuper des différents types de végétaux.
Les jours Fruits
La lune passe devant les constellations du Lion, du Bélier, et du Sagittaire, ce sont des jours fruits. En jour fruit, favoriser principalement les travaux sur les arbres fruitiers, les plants de tomates, les noisetiers, etc.
Les jours Feuilles
La lune passe devant les constellations du Scorpion, des Poissons, et du Cancer, ce sont des jours feuilles. En cette période, les travaux sur les végétaux-feuilles sont à favoriser : salades, choux, aromates, etc.
Les jours Fleurs
La lune passe devant les constellations du Verseau, des Gémeaux, et de la Balance, ce sont des jours fleurs. Les fleurs, arbustres à fleurs sont à choyer pendant ces jours.
Les jours Racines
La lune passe devant les constellations de la Vierge, du Capricorne, et du Taureau, ce sont des jours racines. Pendant ces périodes, favoriser les travaux sur les carottes, pommes de terres, radis, etc.
Noeud lunaire, périgée et apogée
Dans la mesure du possible, éviter de jardiner 6 heures avant et 6 heures après un noeud lunaire, apogée ou périgée.
1) Moon Phase x Moon Zodiac Sign:
Please keep in mind, that Gardening by Moon Phase and Gardening by Moon Zodiac Sign are two different/independent biodynamic systems and they might give you different or contradictiory gardening recommendations.
- a) Each Moon Phase (except Full Moon and New Moon) lasts about 1 week
- b) Each Moon Zodiac Sign lasts about 2.5 days
Try to experiment with these two systems to find which recommendations suits you the most.
2) Tropical (Astrological) x Sidereal (Astronomical) Zodiac:
(1-2 days difference in Leaf, Fruit, Root and Flower days)
There are two different zodiacs for determining the Moon Sign:
- a) Tropical zodiac (Astrological) is based on the seasons - Vernal Equinox is fixed as 0° Aries (The 1st Fruit day)
- b) Sidereal zodiac (Astronomical) takes into account Precession of Equinoxes and shifts 0° Aries back by cca 1-2 days. Maria Thun who was an authority on biodynamics was using this Sidereal zodiac
Try to experiment also with these two zodiac systems to find which system suits you better.
- Spraying Biodynamic preparations out during Moon opposition Saturn increases soil activity.
- The Moon represents fertility and germination, while Saturn represents form and strong structure.
- It is also a perfect time to plant seeds out.
Oppositions 2021
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
The Void of Course Moon.
The Moon is considered “Void of Course” when it doesn’t make any major applying aspects before changing signs.
When determining the Void of Course Moon period, traditional astrology only considers major aspects (that is, the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition) that are applying. Applying aspects occur when the planets forming the aspect are moving closer to the point of contact.
In practical terms, the faster-moving planet (when the Moon is involved, it is always the faster-moving planet) is at a degree that is less than the slower-moving planet. For example, if the Moon is at 25 degrees Aries, and the Sun is at 26 degrees Libra, the Moon is forming an applying aspect (an opposition) to the Sun.
After the Moon has made its last major aspect before changing signs, the Void of Course phase begins. Therefore, in our example, if the opposition to the Sun is the last aspect the Moon will make before it changes signs (in this case, moves to 0 degrees Taurus), the Moon will enter the Void of Course phase (at 26 degrees Aries until 0 degrees Taurus in our example).
According to theory, most activities should be initiated when the Moon is not Void of Course. New activities started during the void period generally don’t work out to our liking, or they need some serious adjustment in order for them to meet any success. It’s not necessarily that they fail to materialize, but that it’s a hard path.
Therefore, if possible, one should avoid going on a first date, a job interview, starting a business or project, and so forth, during the Void of Course Moon. In Horary Astrology, in which a person asks a question and then the astrologer draws a chart of that moment in order to find an answer, if the Moon is Void of Course, we generally consider that “nothing will come of the matter.”
When is the Moon Void of Course? Refer to our chart below for the current months. Notice that our charts show the last major applying aspect the Moon makes before changing signs (for example, it squares Mars). You can also use this table to see the Moon’s sign for the months shown! The date and time the Moon changes sign are shown in the chart.
What is a Void Moon Good for?
- Finishing up projects that have already begun before the void of course Moon.
- Taking stock, making to-do lists, and finding lost objects.
- Editing, refining, and reviewing.
- Social events with established friends and with family.
- Rest and sleep will be more peaceful during the void of course Moon.
- Getting rid of excess.
What activities should be avoided during the Void Moon?
- Meeting new people with whom you might want a long-term relationship.
- Job interviews, presentations of new ideas
- Making important, large purchases (items bought now may not be used, might not turn out as expected, etc.)
- Beginning new projects, launching a new business or starting a new job.
Electional Astrology using the Moon:
If you are interested in timing the initiation of a project or important activity according to a favorable Moon position, you should consider 2 major factors:
- The Moon’s first applying aspect after you begin your activity, which will symbolize how your undertaking begins. You should aim for that aspect to be a sextile or trine, and in some cases (depending on the nature of the planet), a conjunction.
- The Moon’s last applying aspect before it changes signs (shown in the tables below), which will symbolize the outcome of your undertaking. You should also aim for that aspect to be a conjunction (to an easy planet), sextile, or trine.
In addition to the nature of the aspect, the nature of the planet that the Moon is aspecting should be considered. It will describe the circumstances surrounding your undertaking.
Another important timing factor involves the phase of the Moon. As a general principle, starting a project is more favorable during the waxing period of the Moon (from New Moon to Full Moon). You will want to conclude projects or do preparation work for a new project (not start a new one) during the waning phase of the Moon (from Full Moon to New Moon).
Each phase of the Moon is associated with a particular power or purpose. The New Moon is a time to begin new things, to be spontaneous. The Crescent Moon phase is an information-gathering phase, and a time to implement initial plans. The First Quarter Moon is a confrontational period when problems should be addressed, and laying of the foundations of plans is favorable. The Gibbous Moon phase is a time to make adjustments and refinements.
The Full Moon Phase is a time for fulfillment. It is a point of unveiling and revealing. The Disseminating Moon phase is a social period and a time when sharing and understanding is highlighted. The Last Quarter Moon is a time of letting go, and the Balsamic Moon phase is a time of rest and reflection.
Read more about Moon Phases here and see the Moon Phases Calendar here.
The Phases of the Moon:
Their Essence and Astrological Meaning
What the Phases of the Moon Are
According to Wikipedia,
The lunar phase or phase of the moon is the shape of the illuminated (sunlit) portion of the Moon as seen by an observer on Earth.
However, I disagree with this definition. The change in the visual appearance of the Moon is of course the result of the change in the Moon's phase, but it is not the phase itself. A phase, in general sense, is an angular relationship between some two factors, and in the case of the Moon, its phase is also an angle. The phase of the Moon is the angle between the Moon and the Sun, as seen from the Earth.
As it is seen from the Earth, both the Sun and the Moon travel around the starry sky. The Sun completes the full circle in about 365 days while the Moon moves much faster; it only needs about 27.5 days (so called sidereal lunar month) to complete its circle around the sky. Therefore the angle between the positions of the Sun and the Moon against the stars keeps changing all the time.
At some point, the Sun and the Moon could be seen in exactly the same direction from the Earth, so the angle between them is 0°. That particular phase has a special name, New Moon. The Moon isn't visible when in this phase, as the whole of its illuminated half is turned to the Sun, not to the Earth. Here is an image sourced from the website of Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology:
New Moon is shown in position A in this diagram.
After the New Moon, the Moon keeps moving ahead, overtaking the Sun, and in about a week the angle between the Moon and the Sun reaches 90°. That is the First Quarter, when exactly one half of the Moon's disk is illuminated. In the Northern Hemisphere, the right side of the disc is illuminated, so the Moon looks like the upper part of letter P, but in the Southern Hemisphere it is the left side that is illuminated, so the Moon is similar to letter C (interestingly, it is exactly in position C in the above diagram).
After another week, the angle between the Sun and the Moon reaches 180°. That's the Full Moon, when the illuminated side of the Moon is fully visible from the Earth (position E in the diagram).
Another week after the Full Moon, and the angle between the luminaries becomes 270°, or we could say the Moon is 90° behind the Sun. The name for this phase is the Last Quarter. Similar to the First Quarter, a half of the lunar disc is illuminated while the other half is dark, but, compared to the First Quarter, the opposite side of the disc is illuminated. In the Northern Hemisphere the Moon looks like letter C, but in the Southern hemisphere it is more like the upper part of letter P (position G in the diagram).
After yet another week, the Moon catches up with the Sun to form another New Moon, and so on, the lunar cycle goes on and on.
The Names of the Phases of the Moon
There is more than one way to name the phases of the Moon. I already mentioned the four "special" phases: the New Moon, the First Quarter, the Full Moon, and the Last Quarter. One thing you should know about these is that they are associated with a particular, precise moment in time. For example, at the moment when I am writing these lines, the next New Moon is going to be on the 6th of May 2016 at 19:29 (7:29 PM) UT. This means it's going to happen at 8:29 PM in London (British Summer Time) but at 3:29 PM in New York (Eastern Daylight Time). That's the exact moment when the angle between the Moon and the Sun will be 0°.
There is a number of sources of information where you can find out the precise moments of the lunar phases. One such source is my Universal Lunar Calendar, which is available for many years, and for practically any location on the Earth, with time zones already taken into account. Or you might like the services of TimeAndDate.com.
However, these special labeled phases aren't very convenient in daily use. You might ask: which is the current phase of the Moon? And I could say: well, the degree between the luminaries is currently around 345°, but you probably won't like such an answer. Then I might try to say that the next New Moon will be in two days, and the Last Quarter was five days ago, but again that won't be convenient. So there are a few other ways to describe the phase of the Moon.
First of all, it can be said that the Moon is either waxing (increasing in light) or waning (decreasing in light). It is waxing from the moment of the New Moon to the moment of the Full Moon, and it is waning from the moment of the Full Moon to the moment of the next New Moon.
Also, the Moon can be crescent or gibbous. It is called crescent when less than a half of its disc is illuminated, and it is called gibbous when more than a half of its disc is illuminated. The Moon is crescent between the Last Quarter and the First Quarter (positions H and B in the diagram), and it is gibbous between the First Quarter and the next Last Quarter (positions D and F).
So now we have a convenient way of telling other people where the Moon is approximately in its cycle. If it is somewhere between the New Moon and the First Quarter, we'd say that the Moon is waxing crescent (position B). If between the First Quarter and the Full Moon, it is waxing gibbous (position D). Between the Full Moon and the Last Quarter, the Moon is waning gibbous (position F), and between the Last Quarter and the New Moon it is waning crescent (position H).
*Note*: The Moon remains invisible for some time before and after the moment of the New Moon. People who live with the Moon's rhythms do not start anything until they can see the thin crescent of the Moon. As for the question how soon the Moon can become visible after being new, there is an interesting information available at Earthsky.org. The recent record seems to be set in 1990 when the young crescent was seen with the unaided eye 15 hours and 32 minutes after the moment of the New Moon.
There is yet another, informal and somewhat vague way to name the Moon's phases. You've already noticed that the synodic lunar month (the interval of time from one New Moon to the next, approximately 30 days) is split by the "labeled" phases into four distinct periods, about a week each. So some people might say that the Moon is in its "third phase", or "third quarter". For me, however, this sounds ambiguous. What do they mean by the "third" phase: the third of the "labeled" phases, the Full Moon, or the third week of the lunar month, when the Moon is waning gibbous?
The Moon's Phases and the Eclipses
When I learned at school that at the New Moon the angle between the Moon and the Sun is 0°, I was puzzled: why the Moon doesn't eclipse the Sun then? Well, it does, but not every time.
The path along which the Moon travels around the sky isn't exactly the same as the path of the Sun (aka the ecliptic). There is a certain angle between the two (about 5°), as the following picture from Wikipedia demonstrates:
Indeed, at the time of a New Moon the angle between the Moon and the Sun is exactly 0°, by definition, when measured along the ecliptic. However, because of the angle between the ecliptic and the path of the Moon, the body of the Moon is usually somewhat above or below the visible disc of the Sun; it doesn't cover it, and so there is no eclipse.
The path of the Moon and the ecliptic do intersect, however, in two points called the lunar nodes (one of them is ascending, the other one is descending). As a result, if a New Moon happens when the Sun is close to one of the lunar nodes, then the Moon and the Sun happen to be on the same line, as viewed from the Earth, and so the disc of the Moon covers the disc of the Sun, and the solar eclipse takes place. This usually occurs twice a year.
So the solar eclipse is a special case of the New Moon. It's basically a New Moon that takes place near a lunar node. Similarly, a lunar eclipse is a special case of the Full Moon. If a Full Moon takes place when the Sun and the Moon are close to the lunar nodes, they occur on one line with the Earth, and so the shadow of the Earth covers the Moon.
This is a very brief overview; the topic of eclipses is huge, it deserves a separate article.
The Astrological Meaning of the Phases of the Moon
The Moon is very important in astrology, and it is symbolically associated with many different things. For example, the Moon has a strong influence on water and liquids in general, which can be exemplified by the tides in the oceans. Considering the fact that about 60% of human body is water, the Moon has a substantial control over the bodily functions.
The Moon is also associated with subconsciousness, including the ocean of the collective unconscious and, through it, with both individual emotional life and emotional atmosphere in large amounts of people, in the crowd.
More specifically, the Moon rules all functions of the body that run automatically, without control from consciousness — and there is quite a lot of them. This is why the Moon is closely connected with the state of health, general wellbeing, and changes in them.
The Moon is also associated with small children and with women in general, and it has a host of various other connections, but what was already mentioned is sufficient for our discussion, so let's go on.
As the light of the Moon increases from the New Moon to the Full Moon and then decreases from the Full Moon to the next New Moon, the intensity of the lunar energy and the strength of its influence goes up and down, with the four main phases forming critical points of lunar cycle.
The New Moon
The Moon is turned to the Earth with its unilluminated side, and so it is invisible to us. Astrologically, we can say that the energy of the Moon is at its lowest point.
This is the starting point of the lunar cycle, and it is believed that new things should be started soon after the New Moon — as soon as the thin crescent becomes visible in the sky. If you'll manage to start an activity at this time, it will be supported by the increasing energy of the Moon; you will be as if surfing the lunar cycle.
The day of the New Moon itself is a quiet time, a pause, a time of rest in nature. As it is good to finish off the old stuff before starting something new, the last few days before the New Moon are good for getting rid of everything you don't want to have anymore in your life, like bad habits. It is also a good time for fasting as the activity of digestion is at a lower point of its cycle.
In fact, all the automatic functions of the body are at the lowest point in their cycles at New Moon, and this can be a critical time for those who suffer from abnormal blood pressure, who have digestive problems or disturbances of sleep. It would be a good idea to avoid overeating on the day of the New Moon or close to it.
Also, the recuperative powers of the body aren't as active as they can be around the New Moon, and this should be taken into account when planning a surgery.
Similarly, the New Moon can mark a low point in the emotional life, so people who are prone to depression should be careful about the surrounding emotional atmosphere on these days.
As an example, DeVoge and Mikawa published an article titled Moon phases and crisis calls: a spurious relationship. They analysed 7,844 emergency calls to a suicide prevention/crisis call centre over a two-year period and found that the highest number of total calls was during the New Moon.
The First Quarter of the Moon
This is the time when exactly a half of the lunar disc is illuminated and the other half is dark. Symbolically, we can say that light and darkness, yang and yin, the positive and the negative are equally strong at this time, and there is a struggle between them. The First Quarter is therefore a highly energised time of the lunar month, and this is a moving, dynamic energy that urges to be spent.
In individual lives, this excess of energy is typically manifested as an itching desire to do something, to get things moving. This isn't bad per se, but the problem is: in a few days the level of energy will go down, and something that was started at the peak has a high probability of being abandoned. This is why my teacher of astrology used to say: if you got an idea to do something close to the time of the First Quarter, do not rush ahead with it, wait for a while. If you still have the same idea after a few days then it might be worth the effort.
On the other hand, if you have an ongoing business which is lagging behind and needs a bit of a kick, the First Quarter of the Moon can be a perfect time to invest in it some time and effort.
The First Quarter is naturally the time of the lunar month when we are most stressed out, so an ability to let it all go, to relax and unwind, even if for half an hour, can be a valuable asset then.
The Full Moon
This is the peak of the lunar cycle as the illuminated half of the Moon is fully visible to the creatures of the Earth.
This is again the high point in terms of energy, but the energy of the Full Moon is very different from that of the First Quarter. The energy of the First quarter is like the energy of water running fervently through the pipes in order to get to some reservoir. On the other hand, the energy of the Full Moon is the energy of that reservoir, brimming full or overfilled. It is not that dynamic; there is a feeling of saturation with energy, of having too much of it.
The subconscious is at the highest point in its activity during the Full Moon, and so this is a great time for artists, composers, and other creative people. They are full of images and ideas, and they are usually very busy at this time.
On the other hand, people with an unstable psyche can experience a breakdown during the Full Moon, and there is a substantial body of research showing that the so-called Full Moon Madness is the reality of life.
Arnold L. Lieber and Carolyn R. Sherin published in The American Journal of Psychiatry and article titled Homicides and the Lunar Cycle: Toward a Theory of Lunar Influence on Human Emotional Disturbance. They found that "a statistically significant lunar periodicity was demonstrated for homicides committed in Dade County, Fla., over a 15-year period".
Pat Thomas wrote in her book Under the Weather, How Weather and Climate Affect Our Health about a UK researcher who monitored 1,200 inmates in a maximum-security wing at Armley Jail in Leeds for three months and asked them to keep a diary of their mood swings, violent behaviour and aggressive outbursts. There was a marked increase in violent incidents in the day either side of a Full Moon.
From time immemorial surgeons were advised to avoid operations at the time of a Full Moon, or close to it, as the probability of bleeding and infection is higher than normal at such times.
Pat Thomas also wrote that in some parts of Scandinavia surgeons refuse to carry out operations during the Full Moon believing that blood pressure rises and hormone balance changes making operating more difficult and bleeding harder to stem. In addition, she referred to Dr. Edson J. Andrews who reported in 1960 that in a study of 1,000 tonsillectomies 82 per cent of postoperative bleeding crises occurred nearer the Full Moon than the New Moon, despite the fact that fewer operations were performed at that time.
Microflora of all kinds is overfilled with life during Full Moons, and this can be harmful for certain food preparations that rely on fermentation. For example, sauerkraut, if its preparation was started at the time of a Full Moon, will often prove to be too soft and too acid.
People who suffer from blood pressure or sleep disorders usually find the Full Moon a difficult time. There is too much energy in the body, and it's a subconscious kind of energy, so it can't be controlled directly. Something like meditation or a spa treatment can be helpful though.
Tradition says that Full Moon is not a good time to cut trees for timber, as they are full of sap and the timber will be of a lower quality. You should cut trees close to the new Moon, when the Moon is waning.
The Last Quarter of the Moon
This phase is almost identical to the First Quarter, and so everything that was said for the First Quarter is also applicable here. The difference is that the energy of the First Quarter is mostly focused on personal and family life whereas the Last Quarter moves people to be active in their career and in the life of society. To understand why this is so, have a look at my articles about the Universal Cycle.
The New Moon, the Full Moon, Blood Pressure and Sleeplessness
I used to think logically: at the New Moon, the level of energy in Nature is low, and so this is a critical time for people suffering from low blood pressure and from depression. In contrast, at the Full Moon, when the lunar cycle is at its highest point, this should be a critical time for people suffering from high blood pressure and sleeplessness.
However, my observations showed that this is not exactly so, that the New Moon and the Full Moon are quite similar in the way they influence vulnerable people. One way to explain this phenomenon is to look at the ocean tides: they are highest both during the New Moon and the Full Moon. Probably something similar to the tides happens also in the human body, and in the human soul.
As another confirmation for this viewpoint, in the homicide study I referred to above it was found that the murder rate rose sharply when both the Full and the New Moon approached.
The Waxing Moon
When the Moon is increasing in light (waxing), everything in Nature is in the stage of expansion and growth. Therefore, this is a good time for a beginning and an active development of a business.
Cutting hair is advised when the Moon is waxing if you want the hair to grow stronger. However, I heard an opinion that if the hair is cut close to the Full Moon, it will grow faster but at the same time it will become thinner.
In lunar gardening, it is the time for planting anything that produces the desired result (leaves, fruits, or flowers) above the earth.
The Waning Moon
The time when the Moon is decreasing in light (waning) is appropriate for completing things, and for introducing structure and organisation into a business.
Cutting hair should be done at this time if you want the hair to grow slower (for example, an epilation).
In lunar gardening, it is advised to plant during the waning Moon those vegetables that give the desired result under the earth (like carrots, potatoes, or horseradish). The last few days before the New Moon are good for pruning and weeding, and otherwise getting rid of everything old or unneeded.
The Trines of the Moon
My teacher of astrology gave much significance to the days when the Moon makes an angle of 120° (an aspect of trine, in astrological terms) to the Sun. She used to say that such days are special: if you try to do something on one of them and the thing goes well, then it has good prospects, and chances are it will develop successfully without much effort.
On the other hand, if you try to do something on the day of a trine and you meet obstacles then you probably shouldn't be investing your time and effort in that thing; chances are, it will not thrive.
Unfortunately, none of the calendars I am aware of tells when the trines happen. I should probably add them to my Universal Lunar Calendar. Approximately, the first trine takes place four to five days before the Full Moon, and the second trine — four to five days after the Full Moon.
The Phase of the Moon at Birth
In general terms, a person born during a certain phase of the Moon typically carries the energy of this phase. For example, those who were born close to the Full Moon possess a high degree of intensity and creativity, they are trying to express themselves in one or another way. They can also have physical or psychological problems associated with the Full Moon, such as high blood pressure or disturbed sleep, or inability to relax. Since the luminaries are associated in astrology with the eyes and vision, those born close to the Full Moon can often have a problem with their eyes. Also, the luminaries are associated with parents (the Sun is the father, the Moon is the mother), and since they are in opposition at the Full Moon, there is typically some discord between the parents of the person born then.
Those born close to the New Moon are more contemplative, less intense, but they might be prone to depression. I noticed that such people can be often met in an incomplete family — for example, if the mother is a single mother.
First and Last Quarter types are usually very active and dynamic; the former has an emphasis on the personal and family life while the latter is career-driven.
However, most people are born somewhere in-between the four official phases: like three days after the New Moon or four days before the Full Moon. In any case, when a person was born, there was a specific angular distance between the Moon and the Sun, it is more or less different for different people. If you are familiar with astrology, you can easily figure out this distance, perhaps even with a minute-of-arc precision.
What is interesting, the day when the Sun and the Moon repeat the exact angle they made at your birth seems to be quite important for you, in one or another way.
I remember reading an interview many years ago. It was with a prominent Soviet coach whose sportsmen were highly successful on the Olympic games. He stated that he uses the phases of the Moon in his coaching, and that a person is able to show the best results and to manage the highest workload on the day when the Moon and the Sun repeat the angle with which that person was born. On the contrary, on the day when the phase is opposite to the phase of birth, the person is the weakest, and an attempt to take part in a competition on such a day will almost certainly end in a failure or even a breakdown.
John Townley in his Dynamic Astrology book mentioned an Atomic Energy Commission-funded project at Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which came up with a report entitled "Intriguing Accident Patterns Plotted against a Background of Natural Environmental Features". This report correlated on-the-job accidents of government employees over a period of 20 years with various natural cycles. One of the discoveries of this report is that people were more likely to have accidents during the phase of the Moon the same as or opposite to that under which they were born.
An additional confirmation of the importance of the birth phase repetition comes from Dr. Eugen Jonas of Slovakia. (I will say more about his discoveries in the next section.) Dr. Jonas found that men have an unusually high sperm count on the day of their phase repetition.
If you are interested to know when exactly is your day of phase repetition (or, using correct astrological terminology, of phase return), you can use my Lunar Conception Calculator. The main purpose of this calculator, as well as the main emphasis of the work of Dr. Jonas, will be discussed in the next section.
The Moon and Conception
The main discovery of Dr. Jonas was that a woman has a high probability of conceiving a child at the moment of her phase return — even if that moment coincides with menstruation, and even if she is having difficulties with conceiving a child at the time deemed appropriate by medical theory. You will find more information about this discovery, as well as links to two excellent books on the subject, in my article Lunar Conception: a Discovery of Dr. Jonas.
A different viewpoint on the same topic was taken by Edmond Dewan. He conducted an experiment with women volunteers who had irregular periods. Here is a quote from Mrs Darley's Moon Mysteries. A Celebration of Moon Lore and Magic by Carole Carlton:
He asked women to leave their bedroom light on all night for three consecutive nights, fourteen days after their last period, as this would emulate the full Moon. The experiment was an outstanding success as most women who took part began to experience a regular menstrual cycle.
The result is a US Patent titled Process for phase-locking human ovulation/menstrual cycles.
The Blue Moon, the Black Moon
This article wouldn't be complete without mentioning the Blue Moon and the Black Moon. The best source of information on these I was able to find is the above mentioned Mrs Darley's Moon Mysteries book by Carole Carlton. Quoting from the book:
The Blue Moon refers to a rare event when the second Full Moon occurs during the same calendar month. Hence the phrase "once in a blue Moon" meaning "very occasionally". It happens every 2.72 years, usually during July, August or October. So the number of Full Moons during a calendar year becomes 13 rather than 12. Once in 19 years there can be two Blue Moons in a year, in January and March. This is when there is no Full Moon in February.
An older, perhaps original meaning of the term, is given in the Maine Farmer's Almanac. The four seasons, determined by the position of the Sun, should normally have three Full Moons each. However, due to slight change in equinoxes and solstices each year, some seasons have four Full Moons rather than three. In this case, it is the third Full Moon of the season which gets the title of Blue Moon.
The Blue Moon is associated with mystery and temptation. According to legend, some souls become bewitched beneath the Blue Moon. "The dance of the Blue Moon is so heady, so intoxicating that afterwards nothing ever quite compares to it".
Black Moon also has several meanings. 1) A month without a New Moon (February). 2) a month with no Full Moon (also February). 3) when a season has four New Moons rather than three — in this case the third New Moon of the season is called the Black Moon (Maine Farmer's Almanac).
© 2021 Alexander Kolesnikov
Moon or Lunar Phases
Something new is born; or the “seeding” of something new. We are acting with spontaneity, from a place of instinct. All information has not been revealed to us yet. There is no objectivity at this point in the cycle. It’s a good time for doing something new, but because we are lacking in information at this time, it is a risky time for important new endeavors, such as the beginning of a new business or relationship. It’s not a time for making solid commitments or promises, as new information may emerge later on that could change our minds. It’s a good time for making wishes or coming up with new ideas.
Keywords: Initial urge; Instinct; Projection
A time for collecting information, making contacts and learning more about our plan or project.
Keywords: Activation; Striving; Future
Issues emerge that require taking action or making adjustments. This can be considered a stage of conflict, but also of building. Things are beginning to take off and to gain momentum. The First Quarter Moon is a time for taking action, not for contemplation or reflection.
Keywords: Clearing; Action; Building
A time for organizing, integrating, and planning.
Keywords: Perfecting; Analysis; Interpret
Full exposure and illumination come at the Full Moon stage. The plan bears fruit, blossoms, or culminates. A new perspective can emerge now. Information has now been revealed. Going public may be in order.
Keywords: Perfection; Completion Conscious; Illumination
A time for sharing information.
Keywords: Imparting; Convey Awareness
A time for readjustment or review arising from a crisis in consciousness. This can also be a time to reap the rewards or close a project/plan. This is not typically a favorable time for launching something new, as our “audience” may be critical or uninterested.
Keywords: Readjustment; Correcting; Disillusionment; Elimination
An unfavorable time for beginning something new, but favorable for closing something, putting it behind us, and for endings in general. A time for personal reflection, tying up loose ends.
Keywords: Incubation; Preparation; Closure; Surrender
The Moon’s Sign on a Particular Day:
The Moon favors these kinds of activities:
In Aries, quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.
In Taurus, substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
In Gemini, mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands.
In Cancer, domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
In Leo, creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
In Virgo, mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.
In Libra, relationship issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.
In Scorpio, taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.
In Sagittarius, adventurous activities that involve “winging it”, travel, higher education, advertising, sports, physical activity.
In Capricorn, long-term activities that yield slow but steady results, practical undertakings, career issues, making a business plan, practical investments.
In Aquarius, unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group.
In Pisces, imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water.
Using the Moon to see where a Relationship is Headed:
The condition of the Moon by sign, its first and last applying aspect, the phase of the Moon, and more can be used to predict where a relationship is headed. The theories behind the Moon in Electional Astrology can be applied to the “first meeting” chart of a relationship. See our example of the delineation of a “first meeting chart” here.
Calendrier Lunaire Septembre 2021
Quelques rendez-vous avec La lune
Pour le jardin avec la Lune :
Pour une meilleure conservation récolter les pommes entre le 15 et le 18 ou alors entre le 23 et le 28, en évitant le 24 matin et le 26 matin.
Tondre le gazon le 2*, 3, 4 ou le 10, 11* pour qu’il repousse moins vite (* meilleur avec étoile).Vendanger avec la Lune :
Pour un meilleur rendement effectuer les vendanges entre le 15 et le 28,
mais pour une meilleure conservation du vin, effectuer les vendanges entre le 2 et le 14.La Lune et les arbres :
Période de plantation du 2 au 14 ou alors après le 29.
Les animaux avec la Lune :
Déplacer le bétail du 14 au 28 (mais en évitant le 20 après-midi, 21 matin, 23 et le 26 matin) l’herbe sera moins abîmée.
Parer les pieds des animaux le 6, 24, 25, 27 ou 28 matin.
Les phases lunaires
La vision que nous avons de la Lune change constamment puisqu’elle tourne autour de la Terre. Sa surface éclairée visible varie ainsi progressivement de 0 % pour la nouvelle lune jusqu’à 100% pour la pleine lune.
Il faut exactement 29 j 12 h 44 min à la Lune pour aller d’une nouvelle lune à la nouvelle lune suivante. Ce cycle est connu sous le nom de révolution lunaire synodique .
Ce cycle est un des aspects les mieux connus de la Lune observée depuis la Terre, il comprend les phases lunaires suivantes :
Le cercle de lunes le plus proche de la Terre représente les principales positions de la Lune lors de son parcours autour de la Terre. À chacune de ces positions correspond un dessin (sur l’extérieur du cercle) qui représente la Lune telle que nous la voyons depuis la Terre lors de cette position donnée.
Quand la Lune se trouve entre la Terre et le Soleil, sa face éclairée n’est pas visible depuis la Terre, c’est ce qu’on appelle la nouvelle lune qui est symboliquement représentée par un disque noir. Puis en tournant autour de la Terre, la Lune va laisser apparaître un croissant lumineux qui augmentera petit à petit jusqu’à devenir un disque lumineux plein, c’est ce qu’on appelle la pleine lune, la Lune se trouve alors à l’opposé du Soleil par rapport à la Terre.
Influence du Périgée
Plus la Lune est proche de la Terre, plus son action sur les végétaux devient forte. Dans la plupart des cas, il est conseillé d’éviter de travailler le sol ou les plantes le jour même du périgée.
Après de nombreux essais comparatifs sur le terrain, nous avons pu constater que l’influence du périgée était de façon générale négative, cependant, certaines plantes n’étant pas perturbées, nous ne pouvons pas parler de perturbation systématique. Mais une perturbation ayant le plus souvent lieu, nous avons choisi par précaution d’indiquer le périgée comme négatif dans les courbes du Calendrier Lunaire.
Il arrive également que certains aspects planétaires viennent accentuer ou diminuer l’effet du périgée. La force et l’influence d’un périgée ne sont donc pas forcément les mêmes d’un mois à l’autre. Dans certains cas, la perturbation peut durer quelques heures seulement, alors que dans d’autres cas, elle peut durer beaucoup plus longtemps.
Cette influence agissant de façon progressive, nous ne pouvons indiquer de manière précise l’heure du début et de fin de cette période. Toutefois, nous avons constaté que d’une manière générale la perturbation commençait environ 4 à 5 heures avant le périgée, pour se terminer environ 3 à 4 heures après.
Apogee and Perigee of the Moon in Astrology, Gardening, and Weather Forecasting
Apogee and Perigee Definition
The definition is very simple: the apogee is the furthest from the Earth point of the Moon's orbit, and the perigee is the closest point. You might know that the orbit of the Moon around the Earth isn't circular, it's an ellipse, and when the Moon is in perigee, it is noticeably closer to the Earth and looks bigger.
It would be logical to assume that the strength of the Moon's influence, gravitational or any other, increases at perigee and decreases at apogee, but how exactly this increase will show itself in our life? Some of the most interesting and practical ideas come from a person who doesn't use any astrology: meet Ken Ring.
Apogee and Perigee in Weather Prediction
Ken Ring's approach is unique in its simplicity, and it is quite efficient at the same time, as Ken Ring was able to predict the recent strong earthquake in New Zealand. He doesn't use any astrology and explains everything through the gravitational influence of the Moon. You can read about Ken Ring's work in his book The Lunar Code. Apogee and perigee are some of the most important factors in Ken Ring's toolbox. Here are a few facts from The Lunar Code:
- Many, but not all, of the most severe events occur within a few days of perigee.
- Fishing is good just before perigee, hopeless right on perigee and good again just after.
- It has been noted that students seem to do better in exams when the Moon is in perigee, Full or New, and/or if gusty weather is occuring outside the exam room.
- If a First Quarter Moon coincides with a perigee, hurricanes are possible.
- When the summer Full Moon is in perigee or apogee, very warm temperatures may result.
- As well as being a major factor in ancient solunar fishing calendars (because fish feed ravenously just before and after it), perigee was always known and feared by ancient sailors because of the stormy weather and gales that invariably arrived. By far the greater number of cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, floods, heat waves and earthquakes in recorded history has been associated with a perigee or apogee.
- Apogee is curious, and behaves like perigee, bringing either mayhem or complete calm.
Apogee and Perigee in Lunar Gardening
Here the main authority is Maria Thun and her book Work on the Land and the Constellations. Here is what Maria Thun writes in this book on the apogee and the perigee:
When the Moon recedes from the Earth in the course of its monthly cycle, the effect on plant growth can in some ways be compared with that time of year when the Earth is furthest away from the Sun, i.e. midsummer; the tendency in the plant-world is then to run to seed, whereas the growth forces decrease. Thus the effect of the Moon's apogee on the seed plants can still be comparatively beneficial. For the sowing of leaf crops, however, this time is definitely unfavourable. Carrots sown during these days easily become woody. The only plant to react positively to being planted at apogee is the potato.
The Moon's perigee, which can be compared to midwinter when the Earth is nearer to the Sun, has a very different effect. If we prepare a seed bed on this day and sow our seeds, germination is poor. Most of these plants are somewhat inhibited in their growth and are also more subject to attacks from fungus diseases and pests. Apogee-days are mainly clear and bright, while those at perigee are mostly dull, heavy or rainy.
Apogee and Perigee in Astrology
It might be surprising, but apogee and perigee per se aren't mentioned in mainstream astrology. However, the speed of the Moon (which is measured in the number of degrees of the ecliptic the Moon covers in 24 hours) plays an important role in the traditional astrology. The Moon is the fastest in perigee and the slowest in apogee, so whenever you see in astrological literature a mention of the fast Moon, that's the Moon in perigee, and vice versa.
Typically, a fast planet is considered to be strong. It has more influence in the astrological chart (horoscope), be that chart natal or horary. If the Moon is slow in a horary chart, that is considered as a debility.
Some schools of astrology make use of so called Black Moon, or Lilith, and one of the popular versions of the location of this fictional planet is the apogee of the Moon. Therefore, whenever the Moon is in apogee in a natal chart, it is in fact in conjunction with Lilith, and this is typically interpreted in a negative way.
There are also schools of astrology that make use of the White Moon, and one of the popular versions of its location is the perigee of the Moon. The Moon in perigee therefore can be considered as in conjunction with the White Moon, and an interpretation given in such cases is typically very positive.
If I (occasionally) consider the Black or the White Moon when studying a natal chart, I prefer to follow the point of view that was formulated many years ago by a Russian astrologer Tatyana Romanova. If you can read in Russian, the original article about the Black and the White Moons can be found here. The general idea is that the Black Moon is the factor of separation while the White Moon is the factor of integration. As a basic example, a person who is unique, different from the others in one or another way, expresses the idea of the Black Moon, while a person who is indistinguishable from the surrounding people is a manifestation of the White Moon principle.
The Moon is traveling through comfy Taurus today. Eat something you love. Have a second serving.
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses". Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
When the Moon is in Aries
We're motivated by a strong desire to start fresh. A gut instinct to start something new is with us now, as well as the gumption to do so. Our pioneering impulses are strong, and we feel energetic, spontaneous, and enthusiastic. We may also be tactless and impulsive now. Excess energy is best channeled into physical activity.
The Moon in Aries generally favors the following activities: Quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.
When the Moon is in Taurus
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses". Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
When the Moon is in Gemini
Our basic instinct is to communicate, think, and learn under the influence of Moon in Gemini. We are motivated by a desire for variety and by an instinctive curiosity. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy, and curious, but it can also be restless and fickle.
The Moon in Gemini generally favors the following activities: Mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands, writing, teaching, making connections, short trips.
When the Moon is in Cancer
The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.
The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
When the Moon is in Leo
The Moon in Leo speaks to our "inner child". It's a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives. We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention--when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It's a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well.
The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
When the Moon is in Leo
The Moon in Leo speaks to our "inner child". It's a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives. We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention--when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It's a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well.
The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
When the Moon is in Virgo
We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.
The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.
When the Moon is in Libra
Creating order is the focus, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. We tend to solve problems through diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. The tendency now is to avoid direct confrontations. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others' approval is another.
The Moon in Libra generally favors the following activities: Relationship and partnership issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.
When the Moon is in Scorpio
Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it's passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won't work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it's an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness.
The Moon in Scorpio generally favors the following activities: Taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.
When the Moon is in Scorpio
Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it's passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won't work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it's an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness.
The Moon in Scorpio generally favors the following activities: Taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.
When the Moon is in Sagittarius
The Moon is at her most optimistic and upbeat in Sagittarius. We are motivated by a need to seek the truth, and we are ready to pursue a new vision. We are not interested in details just now. Instead, we focus on the big picture. New experiences and adventures satisfy a deep emotional need. Spontaneity is the key. We may also be inclined toward overdoing and overstating. We don't want to plan ahead, and prefer to "wing it".
The Moon in Sagittarius generally favors the following activities: Adventurous activities that involve "winging it", travel, higher education, starting publishing projects, advertising, sports, physical activity.
When the Moon is in Capricorn
We become aware of the need for structure and planning ahead. We also instinctively are aware of the limitations of time. We are motivated by a desire for success. Achievement and manifestation are most important to us now. We are resourceful and don't want to waste time, energy, or resources. This can be a very sober influence--even a depressing one. However, it can also be a productive time when we look reality in the eye.
The Moon in Capricorn generally favors the following activities: Long-term activities that yield slow but steady results, practical undertakings, career issues, making a business plan, practical investments.
When the Moon is in Aquarius
Attraction to all that is new and unusual, and an instinctive need for improvement, characterize the Moon in Aquarius. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, and interactions are more impersonal than personal, under this influence. This is a time that promotes social gatherings, dealing with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas, and progressive changes. We are open to new methods of doing things and we have our eye on the future. It can be hard to stick to schedules now, as personal freedom is most important to us.
The Moon in Aquarius generally favors the following activities: Unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group.
When the Moon is in Pisces
We may not want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. We are especially imaginative, and our intuition reigns under this influence. Boundaries and walls come down, as Pisces energy merges and blends. It's a time when details are overlooked and feelings defy description.
The Moon in Pisces generally favors the following activities: Imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water.
The Moon favors these kinds of activities:
In Aries, quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.
In Taurus, substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
In Gemini, mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands.
In Cancer, domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
In Leo, creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
In Virgo, mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.
In Libra, relationship issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.
In Scorpio, taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.
In Sagittarius, adventurous activities that involve “winging it”, travel, higher education, advertising, sports, physical activity.
In Capricorn, long-term activities that yield slow but steady results, practical undertakings, career issues, making a business plan, practical investments.
In Aquarius, unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group.
In Pisces, imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water.
1. Al-Sharatain, 0 Aries to 12 Aries 51 2. Al-Butain, 12 Aries 51 to 25 Aries 42 3. Al-Thuraiya, 25 Aries 42 to 8 Taurus 34. 4. Al-Dabaran, 8 Taurus 34 to 21 Taurus 25. 5. Al-Haqa, 21 Taurus 25 to 4 Gemini 17. 6. Al-Hana, 4 Gemini 17 to 17 Gemini 8 7. Al-Dhira, 17 Gemini 8 to 0 Cancer. | |
8. Al-Nathrah, 0 Cancer to 12 Cancer 51. 9. Al-Tarf, 12 Cancer 51 to 25 Cancer 42 10. Al-Jabhah, 25 Cancer 42 to 8 Leo 34 11. Al-Zubrah, 8 Leo 34 to 21 Leo 25 12. Al-Sarfah, 21 Leo 25 to 4 Virgo 17 13. Al-Awwa, 4 Virgo 17 to 17 Virgo 8 14. Al-Simak, 17 Virgo 8 to 0 Libra 15. Al Ghafr, 0 Libra to 12 Libra 51. 16. Al-Zubana, 12 Libra 51 to 25 Libra 42. 17. Al-Iklil, 25 Libra 42 to 8 Scorpio 34. 18. Al-Qalb, 8 Scorpio 34 to 21 Scorpio 25 19. Al-Shaulah, 21 Scorpio 25 to 4 Sagittarius 17 20. Al-Naaim, 4 Sagittarius 17 to 17 Sagittarius 8 21. Al-Baldah, 17 Sagittarius 8 to 0 Capricorn 22. Sa'd al-Dhabih, O Capricorn to 12 Capricorn 51* 23. Sa'd Bula, 12 Capricorn 51 to 25 Capricorn 42 24. Sa'd al Suud, 25 Capricorn 42 to 8 Aquarius 34 25. Sa'd al-Akhbiyah, 8 Aquarius 34 to 21 Aquarius 25 26. Al Fargh al-Awwal, 21 Aquarius 25 to 4 Pisces 17 27. Al Fargh al-Thani, 4 Pisces 17 to 17 Pisces 8 28. Batn al-Hut, 17 Pisces 8 to 0 Aries |
Lunar Mansion 1, Al-Sharatain (The Two Signs)
0° Aries – 12° 51' 26'' Aries
Good For
Traveling, healing. Beginnings. Doing business. Gardening. Taking care of hair and nails.
Not Good For
Love and friendship. Hiring employees.
Movement, change, beginning. Burst of energy. Use of force.
Warnock: It provides the impetus to move forward, to overcome inertia and change the status quo. The mansion is auspicious for journeys and for taking medicine, as here the Moon transmits the force and power vital to breaking the hold of illness over the body.
Warnock: Mansion's intense concentration of force can also be dangerous — overly intense and fiery. Thus the mansion is inauspicious for love and friendship. Too much force, too much forward momentum tends to undermine close personal relationships.
Warnock: Is associated with beginnings. It can indicate an imminent journey or trip, or the initiation of a new cycle in the life of the querent. It may indicate that it is time to begin the treatment of an illness, or it can serve as a warning that it is time to take the "medicine" of breaking out of a stagnant situation. It reminds us of the double-edged nature of beginnings, which are also endings and sometimes destructive.
Warnock: Might indicate the existence of anger and hostility, either within us, or manifested against us. As useful as this burst of energy can be, we must be careful in how we direct that force.
Warnock: Can indicate our luck of energy and force and the need to invoke the assistance of this mansion, or it can be a warning that we are losing control by being too forceful and aggressive, particularly in personal dealings.
Warnock: The wise men of India began journeys and began making medicines when the Moon was in this mansion.
Volguine: A great need for movement.
Volguine: Forces in conflict, whirlwinds, which are expressed in day-to-day life as quarrels. Very favourable influence on business.
Volguine: The mark of a career filled with many salient events, and in no way a flat level existence.
Agrippa: Causes discords, and journeys.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, it is good to take medicine, put beasts to pasture, and to begin a journey, but not in the second hour of the day. But wed not while the Moon is in this Mansion, nor in the sign of the Ram. Buy no servant, for he shall be a shrew, disobedient or fugitive. Buy tame beasts. Ride and make your journey by water, if you will, for you shall have good passage. Take no acquaintance of new fellowship, for it shall not last. He that is taken shall be imprisoned long. Make your armour, plant your trees. Cut your hair and your nails. Make your clothes and wear them. But see in all these things that the Moon be free from unfortunate aspects of the wicked planets.
Lunar Mansion 2, Al-Butain (The Belly)
12° 51' 26'' Aries – 25° 42' 51'' Aries
Good For
Trade and finding treasures. Seeking favor from those in a position of authority. Sowing seeds. Traveling by land. Using fire, hunting.
Not Good For
Love and friendship. Traveling by water. Being passive. Planting trees.
Effort, courage, will and energy. Conflict.
Warnock: May indicate hostility in conflict, but there is also hope for reconciliation. We must heed the volatile nature of the situation, and approach with tactful deference the person or people concerned. We are not in a position to issue commands or to act imperiously. Yet passivity, too, is ill advised. Rather, we must humble ourselves and actively seek to resolve the situation. Provided we proceed thus, the appearance of Al-Butain foretells a positive resolution to conflict.
Warnock: Can also indicate that this is a good time to seek a favour, particularly from one in a position of authority. For example, the time may be ripe for asking an employer for a raise, or seeking a favourable ruling from a judge.
Volguine: To work spells of enmity and to make pentacles for the discovery of springs and treasures.
Volguine: It gives courage, but also recklessness and indicates the will and energy to direct one's own life by ambition or by thought and not by feelings. Gives only inconstant and variable wealth.
Volguine: Promises the achievement of wisdom after much effort and frequently varied tasks, moments of recklessness caused by lack of reflection and of life experience.
Volguine: Unfavorable for sea journeys. Sea voyages of people having the Moon in this part of the heavens are always tied to painful events such as death, exile, or bad business dealings; or when it is a case of cruises or travel for pleasure, they take place under unfavourable conditions, for example, a tempest during the crossing.
Volguine: Favorable influence on trade and the discovery of treasures.
Volguine: The Snare, creates the danger of rash actions which like the net or the trap paralyse the freedom of the subject.
Agrippa: Conduces to the finding of treasures, and to the retaining of captives.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, sow your seeds, begin your journey, but it is perilous to travel by water. Do not wed. Buy tame beasts. Take no new fellowship, especially of those that have been mightier than you. If you be taken prisoner, you are likely to be long imprisoned. This Mansion is good for all things that are made with fire and for hunting. Buy no cows nor sheep. Plant no trees. Wear no new clothes.
Lunar Mansion 3, Al-Thurayya (The Swarm)
25° 42' 51'' Aries – 8° 34' 17'' Taurus
Good For
Art and creativity. Love. Using fire, hunting. Work and study. Business and commerce. Alchemy.
Not Good For
Marriage, travel by water, friendship, gardening.
Abundance, prosperity, success, determination. Great capacity for work.
Warnock: Augurs abundance. It is a positive indication in questions of wealth, prosperity and career. It also may indicate full flowering of art, beauty and creativity.
Warnock: Also carries warning. There can be too much of a good thing. We must be careful not to overindulge our appetites, be it literally in eating and drinking or metaphorically, in our desire for the good things of the material world.
Warnock: Make images to sail safely on the sea and to return safely, and to firmly incarcerate captives, and to complete the works of alchemy, and all works done by fire, and to hunt in the country, and to cause love between man and wife.
Warnock: Is for acquisition of good things.
Volguine: Its influence seems to accentuate the power of feelings and determination, and to confer a great capacity for work.
Volguine: Favourable for the sciences and for all who live outdoors, but unfavourable for marriage or travel by water. It increases the practical instinct and seems to be especially related to sciences demanding the use of this ability, for example economics, accounting, etc.
Volguine: Independence of thought which may provoke some debates and even quarrels with significant results during the life of the native.
Volguine: Fate, good or evil, is always powerful with persons having the Moon in this Mansion. In spite of their abilities and their capacity for work, free will seems to play a small part in their life.
Volguine: Powerful emotions, determination, and great capacity for work.
Agrippa: It is profitable to sailors, huntsmen, and alchemists.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, engage in commerce. Avenge your enemies. For to make a journey, she holds her in a mean. Make no marriage. Buy tame beasts. If you travel by water, you shall have dread and peril. Take no fellowship, especially of your superiors. If you be arrested, you shall long abide in prison and lose your goods. Work with fire. Hunt, buy no cows nor sheep, plant no trees, sow no seeds. Wear no new clothes.
Lunar Mansion 4, Al-Dabaran (The Eye of God)
8° 34' 17'' Taurus – 21° 25' 43'' Taurus
Good For
Work, craftsmanship, trade. Defeating enemies, removing obstacles.
Not Good For
Marriage, friendship. Real estate, building. Wells and mines. Traveling by sea.
Enmity, struggle, conflict, argument, anger. Violent passion.
Warnock: Indicates argument and anger. Its appearance often signifies chaos, enmity, struggle and conflict. It can be an indication of strength, too. But the situation requires restraint, lest we succumb to violence, either physical or emotional. This mansion can signify a contest of wills or a lawsuit. It indicates countervailing forces, and often signifies obstacles in reaching our goals. It also reminds us, however, that without risk there is no gain. To achieve our goals, it is sometimes necessary to put forth furious effort. The treasure cannot be seized by the slow, the fearful or the lazy. Al-Dabaran may exhort us to seize the day, to apply our greatest effort in order to reap rewards.
Volguine: Signifies a great deal of diplomacy and predicts violent feelings and irresistible passion under the appearance of good nature, especially if the native is sensual.
Volguine: A favourable sign for work, manufacture and small trade; but unfavourable for real estate, building, and everything having to do with mines. It is also the sign of marriage, but at the same time of discord in the conjugal or natal home.
Volguine: Obstacles in life must be surmounted by the energy of the native.
Volguine: Creates the danger of some hardships at the beginning of life and exposes the native to being himself the direct cause of quarrels or regrettable vexations.
Agrippa: It causes the destruction and hindrances of buildings, fountains, wells, of gold mines, the flight of creeping things, and begets discord.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, sow your seeds, wear new clothes. Wed not. Buy prisoners. Begin to build, for it shall be durable. Buy tame beasts. Enter into no ship for to travel the sea, for you shall have tempests of waves. Take no new fellowship. If you be taken, you shall have long captivity. Build, dig conduits. Buy servants and beasts. Go before what lord you have business with. Beware of weddings.
Lunar Mansion 5, Al-Haqa (A White Spot)
21° 25' 43'' Taurus – 4° 17' 09'' Gemini
Good For
Studies and other intellectual activities. Artistic activities. Seeking a favour from a superior. Traveling, especially by water. Return from a journey. Washing and cutting hair.
Not Good For
Social activities, collective work.
Essentially benefic. Focus on mind and intellect.
Warnock: This is a Mansion of thought and mind. It signifies the energy of the Mind of the Universe, particularly as manifest in the intellect of each person. It indicates the successful solution of an intellectual problem or the necessity of applying intelligence to a current dilemma.
Warnock: Signifies success in seeking a favour, such as a raise or a job, from a superior.
Warnock: It calls upon us to apply our intelligence in a noble and honourable fashion, and not to resort to low cunning or trickery.
Warnock: Make images for youths to learn arts and occupations, and for the salvation of travelers, and to quickly return and for sailors to travel safely, and to improve buildings.
Warnock: Is for receiving good from kings and high officials.
Volguine: Favourable to the development of talents and aptitudes, since it signifies a well endowed and artistic nature.
Volguine: For working spells for and against friendship and to prepare pentacles for travel, since its influence is clearly favourable for travel and change of residence.
Volguine: Favorable to studies and the second half of journeys. Unfavorable influence on associations, collective enterprises, and on charitable and humanitarian works, being more propitious for private life than for social activity.
Volguine: Favors slow and laborious accumulation of wealth and exerts a favorable influence on poets.
Agrippa: It helps to the return from a journey, to the instruction of scholars, it confirms edifices, it gives health and good will.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, make matrimony, put children to learn law or scripture, or for to write or for to make medicines, or for to make a journey. Buy servants. Build. Travel by water. Take no evil fellowship. If you be taken prisoner, you shall pay and will escape. Wash your head, shear your hair.
Lunar Mansion 6, Al-Hana (The Scar)
4° 17' 09'' Gemini – 17° 8' 34'' Gemini
Good For
Love and friendship, relationships. Business. Making alliances.
Not Good For
Gardening. Healing.
Attraction, but also opposition.
Warnock: Signifies love, friendship and affection. It can indicate the imminence of a new friendship or love, or the intensification of current relationships.
Warnock: Al-Hana is a very positive Mansion, but nevertheless, not every activity can be auspiciously undertaken when the Moon resides here. The dual images of the Mansion indicate a fundamental polarity. This is the source of its attractive power, the energy of love that it usually signifies. But this power is not to be trifled with nor underestimated. The basic duality of Love harbors the potential to flip from attraction to repulsion. This is a mansion of power and flow, and not conductive to the slow growth of crops or the stability necessary for the long endurance of a building or city.
Volguine: The sign of a providential protection throughout life.
Volguine: For working spells destined to give victory in war, reflects the idea of a providence.
Volguine: Believed to exert an unfavourable influence on farm work. Favours working of spells to curse crops. Signifies some financial losses in the course of life and slows convalescences.
Volguine: Very favourable for business. Seems to have a connection with social and political life. One of the indicators of a short life.
Agrippa: It conduces to hunting, and besieging of towns, and revenge of princes, it destroys harvests and fruits and hinders the operation of the physician.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, kings may begin to war and to lay sieges and pursue enemies and malefactors. Sown no seeds. Send no messenger. Borrow not. Take your voyage by water, for though you tarry, you shall well come to your way's end. Take fellowship boldly, for they shall be faithful to you. If you be taken prisoner, unless you are delivered within three days, you shall be long prisoner. Hunt if you will. Take no medicines nor spices nor cure no wounds. If you wear only new clothing, it shall soon tear.
Lunar Mansion 7, Al-Dhira (The Seed of the Branch)
17° 8' 34'' Gemini — 0° Cancer
Good For
Business and trade. Obtaining the favour of superiors. Love, friendship. Healing. Washing and cutting hair.
Not Good For
Law and justice.
Success, abundance, trust.
Warnock: This Mansion signifies success, particularly in business and trade. It is a Mansion of abundance and wealth, indicating that our prayers for good things will be answered, and foretelling success in endeavours.
Warnock: Al-Dhira advises that we pray only for positive results, resisting influences of envy or ill wishes towards anyone. If pleas are made to us, we best respond with open-hearted generosity. Humbling ourselves, we will receive beneficence. Confronted with humility, we should respond graciously.
Warnock: Make images to increase merchandise and profit and to travel safely, and to increase crops, and to sail beneficially on the water, and to cause friendship between friends and allies, and to expel flies so that they will not enter where you wish. It is good to go into the presence of the king or other high nobles, and to cause the king and other lords to be benevolent.
Volguine: The mansion of scholars; its influence is exercised especially on the mental and intuitive plane.
Volguine: Favourable for lovers, friendships, earnings, and for healing, but unfavourable for law and justice.
Volguine: Its influence is opposed to worldly life and inclines the native to a life more or less retired from the world. Very often it is the work and the occupation of the native that force him to lead such a retired life.
Volguine: Develops trust and promotes friendship.
Agrippa: It confers gain and friendship, it's profitable to lovers, it fears flies, destroys magisteries.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, sow all manner of seeds, low your land. Wear new clothes, apparel your wife. Ride such beasts as you will. Take no journey, but it be in the last end of the night. If you go by water, you shall well speed, but you shall tarry in your journey. Take the fellowship, for they shall be true. If you be taken and escape not within three days, you shall die in prison. Shear your hair and wash your head, wear new clothes. Buy servants and beasts. Smite your enemy, make peace with him. Buy no lands, meddle with no physic.
Lunar Mansion 8, Al-Nathrah (The Nursery)
0° Cancer – 12° 51' 26'' Cancer
Good For
Love and marriage. Family life, friendship. Achievement of a goal. Travel by land. Healing.
Not Good For
Hiring employees.
Love, power, victory.
Warnock: Signifies the height of power and the achievement of victory.
Warnock: This Mansion is positive for questions regarding love and marriage or for questions regarding the achievement of a goal. It can also signify a literal victory , as in a lawsuit, contest or sports event.
Warnock: We best temper impulses to indulge the emotions of conquest, to exalt our victory and run rampant with power. Let us be governed by our head, our reason, and be generous and magnanimous in victory, not raging beasts.
Warnock: It is good to make images for love and friendship, and for the safe travel of those who go by wagon through villages, and to cause friendship between allies… and to expel mice and bugs from whatever place you wish.
Volguine: Its influence is especially favourable as regards the family since it gives a profound attachment to the family and love of children (even those of a stranger).
Volguine: Makes the native somewhat credulous, but promises that love or friendship will begin in the course of travel.
Volguine: The sign of charity and of the need to dedicate and even sacrifice oneself for dear ones or for ideas.
Agrippa: It causes love, friendship, and society of fellow travelers, it drives away mice and afflicts captives, confirming their imprisonment.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, take medicine. Wear new clothes, apparel your wife. If it rain while the Moon is in this Mansion, it shall do good. Begin no journey. Weddings made at this time shall little while last in harmony. The servant that is bought shall accuse his lord. Enter into ship, for you shall safely travel and hastily return again. Taking of new fellowship.
Lunar Mansion 9, Al-Tarf (The Gaze)
12° 51' 26'' Cancer – 25° 42' 51'' Cancer
Good For
Defending yourself from attacks.
Not Good For
Health. Travel. Love and friendship. Gardening.
Disappointment, discord. Defence.
Warnock: This Mansion generally implies a negative answer to questions. It warns of approaching misfortune, particularly with regard to health and travel. The manifestation of this energy might be more inwardly directed, too, foretelling a time of depression or disappointment.
Warnock: Al-Tarf gives us heed to prepare. By cultivating acceptance, emotional stability, wisdom and faith that all things have purpose, burdens grow much lighter.
Warnock: Is good to defend yourself from being attacked by another man.
Volguine: Imparts a sort of romanticism that has a marked effect on actions.
Volguine: It marks one affable and benevolent, but acts in various ways depending on sex: in a masculine chart it favours marriage and increases the force of personality; in a feminine horoscope, it exercises a bad influence on marriage and makes the native easily discouraged, sullen and unhappy.
Volguine: Signifies prudence, tenacity, and stability. A journey should not be begun when the Moon is in this mansion because it exerts a bad influence on travel.
Volguine: Imparts a great need of faith (which does not seem to always mean religious faith), and desire for authority, but doesn't indicate a sense of responsibility.
Agrippa: It hinders harvests and travellers, and puts discord between men.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, sow no seeds. Take no journey. Borrow no thing, procure no man no harm. Enter into ship for you shall hastily go and return. Be in fellowship. Shear not your hair. Wear no new clothes lest you be drowned in them. Make strong your gates and locks. Remove your grain from one place to another. Put in order your beds and also your curtains.
Lunar Mansion 10, Al-Jabhah (The Forehead)
25° 42' 51'' Cancer – 8° 34' 17'' Leo
Good For
Love and friendship. Social activities. Studies. Health, spirituality. Building.
Not Good For
Traveling. Abuse of drugs and medications.
Recovery. Benevolence. Help against enemies.
Warnock: This Mansion signifies recovery from an illness or injury. It gives a positive indication in questions of love and friendship.
Warnock: Make images for love between man and wife ... and for the strengthening and completion of buildings, and for the love of allies and for their mutual help.
Warnock: ...is for the cure of infirmities and to make easy childbirth.
Volguine: Indicates a mixture of kindness and calculation.
Volguine: Considered very favourable from all aspects, for studies as well as for earnings, for professional success as well as for love; but often makes the native very sensitive to the feelings of others and inclines him to abuse of drugs and medications.
Volguine: Considered a favourable factor in social elevation, particularly where due to the native's own efforts.
Volguine: Indicates a broad field of activity and is believed to exert a favourable influence from a spiritual aspect.
Agrippa: It strengthens buildings, yields love, benevolence and help against enemies.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, make weddings. Take no journey. Borrow not. Wear no new clothes, apparel not your wife. Build, for it shall be durable. Take fellowship, for it is good. Beware of seizing for long imprisonment.
Lunar Mansion 11, Al-Zubrah (The Mane of the Lion)
8° 34' 17'' Leo – 21° 25' 43'' Leo
Good For
Profit and gain. Marriage. Travel. Promotion, making a request to a person in authority. Gardening. Cutting hair. Building. Actions that require courage.
Not Good For
Health of women.
Power, gain and respect.
Warnock: This Mansion signifies power, gain and respect. It indicates a positive answer to questions concerning profit and gain, particularly when seeking a position of authority or making a request to a person in authority, such as a boss or client. We are well advised to emulate not only the strength, but also the nobility of the lion. This Mansion represents righteous assertion of authority, not mindless or petty aggression. Still, now is not the time to shrink from confrontation or hide in fear. Courage and boldness are called for and will carry the day.
Warnock: In this Mansion make images to rescue captives, to besiege cities and villages, the ordering of trade and profit from it, for travellers to journey safe and unharmed, to make building firm and stable, and to increase the wealth of allies. … Is for pride and receiving good.
Volguine: Gives persons under its influence idealism or very refined tastes, but indicates vacillating fortune.
Volguine: Favourable influence on trade, on wealth (which often comes as a result of the efforts of others, especially in charts of women), on marriage and travel, but it is considered an unfavourable influence for the health of women.
Volguine: Symbolises patient courage and susceptibility but cautions the native to choose his words carefully and beware outbursts of anger.
Volguine: Favourable to all premeditated action with a clearly determined goal, but unfavourable for risk.
Agrippa: It is good for voyages, and gain by merchandise, and for redemption of captives.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, let out no prisoner. Besiege cities. Sow and plant what thou wilt. For merchandise and journeys this Mansion is neutral. Lay foundations and build. Take fellowship and you shall win. Wear no new clothes. Shear your hair if you will.
Lunar Mansion 12, Al-Sarfah (The Changer of the Weather)
21° 25' 43'' Leo – 4° 17' 09'' Virgo
Good For
Gardening, agriculture, building. Sending messages. Service and work for others.
Not Good For
Marriage, personal relationships. Sea journeys.
Conflict and confrontation. Obstacles. Rich harvest.
Warnock: When the Moon passes into this Mansion, it signifies conflict and confrontation. It may indicate brewing argument or strife with others, or that we will be hindered in our path, confronted by significant obstacles.
Warnock: This Mansion gives heed that we are externalising the problems and even evils that exist within us and projecting them onto the people and things in the outer world.
Warnock: As this Mansion heralds conflict and confrontation, now is not the time for marriage or seeking to advance personal relationships. Rather, we are best advised to practice mindful self-restraint in our dealings with others, and to take time to explore and heal any internal source of malaise.
Warnock: Make images to increase the harvest and plants ... and for the improvement of allies, officials, captives and servants that they will be steadfast and honest.
Volguine: In certain lists of significations for the Lunar Zodiac it is associated with the invisible world on the one hand, and social (even socialist) ideas on the other.
Volguine: Favourable to agriculture, the sending of messages, and for those who work for others as employees or salaried personnel. Should be placed among the factors favouring elevation in life in the service of another.
Volguine: It is less favourable for women than for men; to the latter it gives wisdom and promises success in life as well as a happy and advantageous marriage; in feminine charts, it inclines the native to virginity or celibacy, or perhaps to diseases of the uterus and to emotional deceptions.
Agrippa: It gives prosperity to harvests, and plantations, but hinders seamen, but it is good for the bettering of servants, captives and companions.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, begin to build, set your land to farm, sow and plant. Wed and wear new clothes and apparel your wife. Take the journey in the first or in the third part of the day. And leave no thing, for you shall not recover it again but through great displeasure and labor. If you enter any ship, you shall have peril and labor to escape. Buy servants and beasts, but buy them after the Moon has passed from the Lion into the Maiden.
Lunar Mansion 13, Al-Awwa (The Barker)
4° 17' 09'' Virgo – 17° 08' 34'' Virgo
Good For
Love, especially sexual love. Trade and finances. Beginning of creative projects. Traveling. Gardening. Healing. Building. Cutting and washing hair.
Not Good For
Achievement of desire. Increase. Benevolence.
Warnock: Is auspicious for the increase of trade and personal money, for the increase of harvests, for the completion of buildings, and for the liberation of captives.
Warnock: This Mansion signifies love, and especially sexual love. But the influence and power of this Mansion extends well beyond love an sex. It is generally auspicious, and it also signifies the achievement of heartfelt desire and the beginning of creative projects.
Warnock: Make images for the increase of trade and profit, the increase of harvests, for travellers to have good journeys, for the completion of buildings, for the freedom of captives, and the binding of nobles to have good from them ... to place love between a man and a woman.
Volguine: Indicates cleverness in the handling of money or in other words increases financial skill.
Volguine: Considered a sign of discernment, benevolence, even of a certain methodical kindness which may, however, be hidden under a gruff exterior. It is considered a good influence on travel, but they state that the profit derived therefrom generally passes into other hands.
Volguine: Always provokes several unfavourable events in the course of the life of the native completely independent of his will, but influencing his life strikingly. Very often these events are of a collective nature — floods, wars, revolutions, etc. In the horoscopes of sensual persons, indicates that they are slaves of to their own desires. From the standpoint of health, the Moon in this mansion demands particular care with food and avoidance of all excessive eating.
Agrippa: It is prevalent for benevolence, gain, voyages, harvests, and freedom of captives.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, low your land, sow your seeds. Take your journey. Wed. Deliver prisoners. It is good to wed a woman that has been corrupt, evil to wed a maiden, for they shall last little as your spouse. Buy servants and they shall be true. If you enter into any ship, your return shall be long tarried. If you be taken prisoner, after your loss you shall have a good end. Take new medicines. Make new clothes. Build. Be merry. Go before every lord with whom you have dealings. Wash your head and cut your hair.
Lunar Mansion 14, Al-Simak (The Unarmed)
17° 08' 34'' Virgo – 0° Libra
Good For
Romantic love, friendship. Moving house, leaving a job or a relationship. Healing. Traveling by sea. Gardening.
Not Good For
Marriage. Traveling by land.
Movement, improvement, transition.
Warnock: This Mansion reminds us of the transitory nature of great passion. There is a fine line between love and aversion, such that this mansion may be auspicious for romantic love, but may also signify conflict. This mansion is generally a positive indication if we wish to end a relationship or leave a job. It is also auspicious for moving house.
Warnock: This mansion can signify arguments and disputes. We must be wary of the impulse to fight with those whose temperament is opposite to our own. Al-Simak might also indicate that we need to remove ourselves from an uncomfortable situation that goes against our nature.
Warnock: Make images for the love of man and wife, to heal the sick with physic and medicine ... for the benefit of kings that they have good and ascend to their reign, to sail well and safely, and for the friendship of allies.
Volguine: Increases prudence and the ability to analyse, and at the same time seems to promote divinatory studies and experiments (clairvoyance, tarot, etc.).
Volguine: Does not seem to favour journeys. Also exerts an unfavourable influence on the first years of marriage, but the causes of dissension seem to disappear later; or if the marriage was made without love, sincere and deep affection comes with age.
Volguine: Seems to favour responsibility, serious thought, and the rise to a responsible station nevertheless dependent on others.
Volguine: Believed to favour wisdom in old age; makes person born under its influence very respected and listened to in their last years.
Agrippa: It causes the love of married folk, it cures the sick, it's profitable to sailors, but it hinders journey by land.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, wed women but no maiden. Receive medicine. Sow and plant. Take no journey. Put no thing to keep. Buy servants, they shall be true. Enter ships. Take fellowship boldly. If you be seized, you shall soon escape.
Lunar Mansion 15, Al-Ghafr (The Lid)
0° Libra – 12° 51' 26'' Libra
Good For
Business, money, wealth. Treasure hunting.
Not Good For
Love and romantic relationships. Family matters. Traveling.
Prosperity. Discord. Focus on the material.
Warnock: When this mansion appears, it signifies that we should focus our attention on business and the earning of wealth. This Mansion is a positive indication for all questions concerning wealth and prosperity. It often announces the imminent arrival of a positive message or communication regarding money or business.
Warnock: Our attention is on the material, rather than on romantic love, which is inauspicious in this mansion.
Warnock: Make images for the digging of wells, to seek underground treasure... the acquisition of friendship and all good things that may be desired.
Volguine: It is considered unfavourable in every way by Arabs, especially for familial and other relationships; except for discovery of hostile schemes and for hunts for treasures. Its influence on conjugal happiness is clearly negative in feminine charts.
Volguine: Encourages achievement of high position or great wealth, especially in old age.
Volguine: Clearly unfavourable, but it protects those who are in misfortune and distress.
Agrippa: It's profitable for the extracting of treasures, for digging of pits, it helps forward divorce, discord, and the destruction of houses and enemies, and hinders travelers.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, dig pits and conduits. Take no journey. Receive medicines for infirmities of wind and none other. Matrimony made in this Mansion shall little while endure in accord. If you loan money, you shall not recover it again. Eschew all journeys by water and by land. Take no new fellowship. Change your dwelling. Do not take counsel of a learned man. Buy and sell. Shear not your hair. Buy servants.
Lunar Mansion 16, Al-Zubana (The Claws)
12° 51' 26'' Libra – 25° 42' 51'' Libra
Good For
Trade, business, wealth, prosperity.
Not Good For
Love, relationships. Traveling. Healing. Gardening.
Wealth and prosperity, but no love.
Warnock: This Mansion is superb for trade and business and indicates a positive answer to questions concerning wealth and prosperity. Careful assessment and planning promises business success and monetary gain. A business opportunity may be on the horizon or we may be offered a raise or lucrative investment.
Warnock: Such strong affinity to wealth is, not surprisingly, inauspicious for love.
Warnock: This Mansion brings to mind that ..."the love for money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (Timothy 6:10). When this Mansion appears, we must be careful to not allow our pleasure at the receipt of wealth blind us to the consequences of its unbridled pursuit. The recurrent theme of the scales reminds us to exercise moderation and maintain balance even in the midst of abundance.
Warnock: For making a profit in selling and buying merchandise.
Volguine: Danger for the reputation and station in life coming from vindictive and jealous persons.
Volguine: Confers the power of protecting one's self by power of observation and clear judgment. It is considered favourable for stock-breeding, buying and selling of cattle, and speculation, but it is more or less unfavourable for business, marriage, and journeys: impulses in these things are dangerous.
Volguine: Is not believed to promise a happy life, but it is always possible for people born under its influence to evade the blows of fate.
Agrippa: It hinders journeys and wedlock, harvests and merchandise, it prevails for redemption of captives.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, take no journey. Receive no medicine. Do no commerce. Apparel not your wife. Neither make nor wear new clothing. In matrimony there shall be no harmony. Buy servants. Take no new fellowship. If you be taken prisoner, you shall soon be delivered.
Lunar Mansion 17, Al-Iklil (The Dome of the Head)
25° 42' 51'' Libra – 8° 34' 17'' Scorpio
Good For
Financial security. Friendship. Love and marriage. Building. Promotion. Healing. Cutting hair.
Not Good For
Traveling. Risky commercial operations.
Prevented loss. Friendship.
Warnock: When this Mansion appears, it is generally a positive indication in financial questions. We may be in fear of loss, but Al-Iklil reassures us that we are, in fact, in a position of safety and security. It also signals to us that the period of amassing wealth is past, and now is the time for assessment and the safe guarding of what we have accrued.
Warnock: Al-Iklil might also alert us to the possibility of impending loss, which can however, with prudence, be avoided.
Warnock: Make images ... to make buildings firm and stable, to make safe travel by water. And everyone agrees that you should create friendship with a friend when the Moon is in this Mansion so that the friendship will be durable and never destroyed, and for that reason make in this mansion all images for love to last.
Warnock: The talisman of Al-Iklil is "in order that thieves may not enter into the house and plunder it".
Volguine: Favourable for marriage. It enables the native to achieve a responsible position.
Volguine: Warns the native to be on guard throughout life, since slander is always threatened. Very often warns that a greater part of the native's actions will be severely criticised by certain persons in his circle.
Volguine: A sign of success in occupations and acquisition of a good position.
Agrippa: It betters a bad fortune, makes love durable, strengthens buildings, and helps seamen.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, buy sheep and beasts and put them to pasture. Wear new clothes. Besiege towns. Wed no maiden. Build and it shall last well. And if you enter into a ship, you shall have anger and sorrow, but you shall escape. Make love days. Take no new fellowship. Receive medicines. Shear not your hair. Buy no servants.
Lunar Mansion 18, Al-Qalb (The Heart)
8° 34' 17'' Scorpio – 21° 25' 43'' Scorpio
Good For
Building, farming. Treatment of stomach. Exposing enemies.
Not Good For
Almost anything. Family matters. Excessive eating, or eating an unknown food.
Impending danger. Defence.
Warnock: We do not want to rouse this energy agains us. This Mansion may warn of impending danger. We benefit from its ominous message by acting to put ourselves in protective mode.
Warnock: We should be careful not to eat to excess, as we are particularly prone to stomach upset under this Mansion.
Warnock: Make images to build buildings that will be strong, to take away fevers and pains of the stomach.
Volguine: Exerts an especially favourable influence for exposing enemies and in times of war; and unfavourable from all other aspects, especially for the family; it is a sign threatening premature death for the mother (often in labor).
Volguine: One of the worst mansions since enterprises undertaken by the native never give him the rewards they should. Creates the danger of reversal of situation, most often in shameful circumstances.
Volguine: Seems to provoke unfair trials.
Agrippa: It causes discord, sedition, conspiracy against princes and mighty ones, and revenge from enemies, but it frees captives and helps edifices.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, build, buy land, farm your lands. Receive dignity and worship. If it rain it shall do good. Take your journey toward the East. If the Moon be with Mars and you wed, you shall find that your wife is no maiden. Buy no servants. Build, enter into ship. Take no new fellowship. Plant trees and herbs. Wear no new clothes. Shear not your hair. Receive and make medicines.
Lunar Mansion 19, Al-Shaulah (The Sting)
21° 25' 43'' Scorpio – 4° 17' 09'' Sagittarius
Good For
Farming and gardening. Aggressive actions. Hunting.
Not Good For
Business and commerce. Friendship. Family matters. Traveling by sea.
Battle and besiegement. Loss and sadness.
Warnock: Al-Shaulah is auspicious for the placement of armies outside of cities and advancement upon them, and for the increase of crops. It is inauspicious for liberation and ships.
Warnock: Auspicious for battle and besiegement, this mansion indicates that we must be steady and assertive to attain our goals, and may need to be confrontational. It can also signal the onset of arguments and conflict, and warn us that we are behaving in a manner too aggressive or argumentative.
Warnock: Al-Shaulah also carries the association of Mars with blood, and Scorpio with the genitals. In a question regarding pregnancy or birth, this Mansion gives a negative indication. But by contrast, it could indicate a positive resolution of problems of amenorrhea.
Warnock: On a more subtle level, this mansion can indicate a need to acknowledge the natural cycles in our lives, that we must not block the normal ebb and flow of events. This Mansion evokes feelings of loss and sadness, feelings that are inevitable in life, but which we would avoid given a choice. When this Mansion appears, we can prepare for the pain and sorrow it presages, trusting that there is purpose and order, and that our current suffering will pass.
Warnock: ...For men to travel better through roads and villages, increase harvests, ...for hastening the menses of women.
Volguine: Fluids must be guarded against; it is preferable to undertake nothing at this time.
Volguine: Favorable for hunting and personal ideas, but unfavourable for commerce and fixity of residence.
Volguine: Favors those who work for others rather than employers and self-employed persons; it is also a good omen for earnings towards the end of life.
Volguine: Unfavorable for friendships and children and provoking separation of the native from his children or from his parents.
Agrippa: It helps in the besieging of cities and taking of towns, and in the driving of men from their places, and for the destruction of seamen, and perdition of captives.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, lay sieges to castles, plead with your adversary. Take your journey. Put not to keeping. Sow and plant. Who takes a wife, he shall find her no maid. Buy no servants. Enter no ship, for she is likely to be broken. Take no new fellowship. Beware that you not be captured.
Lunar Mansion 20, Al-Na'am (The Dragon's Head)
4° 17' 09'' Sagittarius – 17° 8' 34'' Sagittarius
Good For
Travelling by land, collective effort and work. Dealing with animals, hunting. Building.
Not Good For
Marriage. Financial matters.
Concentrated and controlled energy. Passions.
Warnock: This Mansion has a close association with animals, being auspicious for taming wild animals and for hunting. It reminds us, too, of our animal nature. Often when this Mansion appears, it indicates that we must rein in unruly passions, whether they be anger, impulsive unbridled action, or pursuit of sensual fulfilment.
Warnock: This Mansion signals success in questions involving a quest or reaching a goal. If we have been hunting for something, the time is auspicious for finding it. But we must not be passive. Al-Na'am calls upon us to put forth the energy and single-pointed concentration of a hunt if we wish to reach our goal.
Warnock: Make images to tame wild and disobedient beasts, to go on roads and quickly return, and for men to come wherever you wish, for good people to be joined together ... for hunting in the fields.
Volguine: Promotes eloquence and writings.
Volguine: Promotes love and success in life as much through individual merit as through a woman or women. The fact that this mansion encourages love does not mean a happy marriage in most cases; on the contrary, frequently the woman, while useful for business or from the financial point of view, will seek authority in the household. Persons having the Moon in this mansion are better off with a free liaison than a married life. It is also an indication of involuntary changes of residence.
Volguine: Favors constructions and could be chosen for placing the first stone of a building.
Volguine: Promotes trade, although with some risk of loss, and promises improvement in fortune by inheritance or gift. Very often, it is an indication of weakness of the eyes.
Volguine: The cause of many changes in life, one of which will be around the age of thirty five years. It also promises a responsible position and often permits the acquisition of a prominent one.
Agrippa: It helps for the taming of wild beasts, for the strengthening of prisons, it destroys the wealth of societies, it compels a man to come to a certain place.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, buy beasts. For a journey she is neutral. Rain that falls shall do good and no harm.
Lunar Mansion 21, Al-Baldah (The City or District)
17° 8' 34'' Sagittarius – 0° Capricorn
Good For
Farming and gardening, building. Healing. Travel. Earnings.
Not Good For
Marriage and personal relationships. Hiring employees.
Enmity, argument and conflict.
Warnock: It is a sign of enmity and anger, argument and conflict. It might literally signal that someone is being two-faced, saying one thing to us and doing another. If the question concerns the progress of an activity, this Mansion generally suggests a negative answer. This is the time to accept that the path we have traveled has reached its end. We are playing an end game. It is time to cut our losses.
Warnock: We bear in mind that painful as endings are, they are necessary to clear the field for new growth. As the proverb says, when God shuts a door, he opens a window. Our task now is to find that window.
Warnock: Make images to strengthen buildings, to increase harvests, to make a profit and firmly keep money, to go safely through villages.
Volguine: Makes the native imprudent, susceptible and flighty, but is believed to promote travel and earnings, and to exert an influence that hastens and stimulates healing and recovery after illness.
Volguine: The symbol of vacillating luck, love of children and loyalty in business.
Volguine: Philanthropy and a favourable influence from a financial point of view.
Agrippa: It is good for harvests, gain, buildings and travelers, and causes divorce.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, build, sow, buy sheep, land, beasts, and ornaments for women and clothes. She is neutral for a journey. A woman who is left by her husband by death or departing shall never be wedded thereafter. If you buy a servant, he shall be disobedient and and insubordinate.
Lunar Mansion 22, Sa'd al-Dhabih (The Fortunate Assassin)
0° Capricorn – 12° 51' 26'' Capricorn
Good For
Healing. Traveling. Escaping from difficult situations.
Not Good For
Marriage. Financial matters, trade. Hiring employees.
Speed, escape. Personal power.
Warnock: This is a Mansion of speed, but also a Mansion of escape. When it appears, it means that we may soon receive a message or the answer to our queries. It also signifies the end of an illness and the onset of recovery. Or it may indicate that we are escaping from an undesirable situation.
Warnock: Sa'd al-Dhabih also warns us that it may be necessary to emulate the image of this Mansion and act quickly in order to escape, or that we are in need of liberation from an intolerable situation. Often we become too set in our ways, willing to put up with all sorts of pressures rather than make necessary changes. This Mansion might signal that we are going to lose our job or otherwise be shaken up by the energy of change. As stressful as this may be, we will eventually realise that we have gained a new freedom.
Warnock: Make images to cure illness, to cause good will between allies, ... for binding tongues so that they don't say anything evil.
Volguine: A mansion of personal power. Exerts an unfavorable influence on marriage and on loans of money, but permits a man with the Moon here to escape frequently the consequences of his actions.
Volguine: Expresses creative power, a strong will and a sense of justice. It allows advancement in life through the native's own efforts, but exposes him to wounds in wars or riots, and threatens loss of a position attained with difficulty.
Volguine: Unfavorable for speculation and trade or for female relations: little luck with women in the family and often the premature death of the mother or the wife.
Agrippa: It promotes the flight of servants and captives, that they may escape, and helps in the curing of diseases.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, buy, take your journey in the third part of the day. Wear new clothes. Wed not, for you and your wife shall be divided and you shall die six months before your wife at least. And your wife shall be alienated from you and treat you amiss. Buy no servants under any circumstances. Enter into ship. Take fellowship. If you be seized, you shall escape soon.
Lunar Mansion 23, Sa'd Bula (The Fortunate Aviator)
12° 51' 26'' Capricorn – 25° 42' 51'' Capricorn
Good For
Healing. Divorce. Obtaining freedom.
Not Good For
Marriage and personal relationships.
Conflict, separation, freedom, healing.
Warnock: Auspicious for divorce, liberty of captives and health of the sick.
Warnock: When this Mansion appears, it can signify that we are engaged in conflict or soon will be so. It indicates separation, divorce and the end of friendship. We are attempting to meld two factors that are inherently opposite and at odds with each other. Such a combination, this Mansion reveals, will not endure.
Warnock: The Twenty-third Mansion also warns that we are in a situation antithetical to our needs and ill suited to our personality. While this Mansion might be considered malefic, it does serve to compel a break from present circumstances and thus create a space for new beginnings. For example, Sa'd Bula can signify the weakness before recovery in an illness, and thus the painful beginning of the healing process. This Mansion tells us to examine our current situation closely and be willing to break free from an untenable position.
Warnock: Make images to heal illness, to join friends.
Volguine: Exerts a favourable influence for doctors, soldiers, and politicians, but has an unfavourable effect on everything concerning marriage, children, and contracts.
Volguine: The power of securing the favour of superiors, but in a more or less intermittent or capricious manner. It is the indication of a career strewn with strife, envy and jealousy; but which could, however, achieve some success through others.
Agrippa: It makes for divorce, liberty of captives and the health of the sick.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, receive medicine. Wear new ornaments and new clothes. Put no thing to keeping. Take your journey the third part of the day. Wed not. Buy no servants. Enter no ship. Take fellowship. If you be sized, you shall soon escape.
Lunar Mansion 24, Sa'd al-Su'ud (The Wretched of the Wretched)
25° 42' 51'' Capricorn – 8° 34' 17'' Aquarius
Good For
Starting a new project. Love and marriage. Increasing income, commerce and finances. Building.
Not Good For
Those in power. Travel by water.
Nurture and nutrition. Fulfillment.
Warnock: This is a Mansion of nurture and nutrition. If we have been hungry, we will now be fed. Needs and desires will be fulfilled. Fortune smiles upon us and showers us with maternal love. Just as mother's milk is perfectly suited for her child's needs, this Mansion indicates we will receive support from a source precisely attuned to our individual needs.
Warnock: This Mansion may herald a literal birth, i.e. the arrival of a new baby. But it can also signify the beginning of a fruitful project or the creation of new art or ideas. It indicates a positive answer to questions regarding the approach of good fortune. It advises us to act in a loving and nurturing way. Overall, this Mansion is most benefic. However, it occasionally cautions us to avoid being smothered in an all consuming "maternal" atmosphere.
Warnock: Make images to increase merchandise and make a profit out of it, to have goodwill between husband and wife, for soldiers to report victory over enemies ... for the increase of herds.
Volguine: The sign of an eventful and ultimately rather unhappy career. Clearly unfavorable to those responsible for the administration of a country or a city; the higher the position a man occupies in society, the more the unfavourable nature of the mansion makes itself felt. In horary charts it is nevertheless considered favourable for marriage, plans, enterprises, and friendships.
Volguine: Promotes everything having to do with constructions in general and especially the construction of houses. A very great deal of prudence is required in travel by water, which this mansion disfavors.
Volguine: Favorable, if the native acts with prudence; but capable of completely overturning his existence, if he tends to act too quickly and carelessly.
Agrippa: It is prevalent for the benevolence of married folk, for the victory of soldiers, it hurts the execution of government, and hinders that it may not be exercised.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, do no commerce, buy no ornaments, wear no new clothes. Take no wife. Take medicines. Send your knights and your hosts. Buy servants. Enter no ship. Take no new fellowship. If you be seized, you shall soon be delivered.
Lunar Mansion 25, Sa'd al-Akhbiyah (The Star of the Dungeons)
8° 34' 17'' Aquarius – 21° 25' 43'' Aquarius
Good For
Farming and gardening, protection of plants and crops. Studies and intellectual activities.
Not Good For
Friendship, marriage. Conception and pregnancy.
Growth and protection. Revenge.
Warnock: The image of this Mansion is one of planting, growth and protection, yet this Mansion is said to be inauspicious for friendship, marriage and conception.
Warnock: When this Mansion appears, we may need to embrace its steady, grounding energy. In the image, the gardener is planting the tree directly over the spring, signifying that our plantings, our projects and endeavours must also draw from the source, the water of wisdom and deep knowledge. This Mansion advises that we proceed according to the dictates of Nature, rather than those of men, machines and artifice. The barren tree is without access to the spring, the water of life and wisdom.
Warnock: The unguided gardener reaps only weeds. But planting with discernment brings success.
Warnock: The talisman of this Mansion is for guarding trees and crops from evil happenings.
Volguine: In feminine charts it foretells diseases of the uterus.
Volguine: Foretells of feminine interventions, which are not always advantageous, in the native's business affairs; it exerts a very evil influence on pregnancy. Consequently it is not considered favourable except for revenge, and for the effects of medicine.
Volguine: It is considered unfavourable for criminals, and for people of loose morals; and favourable to discoveries as well as for the study of sciences; to persons born under its influence, it communicates a lively curiosity for the sciences.
Agrippa: It helps besieging and revenge, it destroys enemies, makes divorce, confirms prisons and buildings, hastens messengers, it conduces to spells against copulation, and so binds every member of man, that it cannot perform his duty.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, besiege towns and castles and pursue your enemies. Send your messengers. Wed not. Sow not. Buy no beasts. Buy no sheep. Take your journey to the South. Buy servants. Build. Enter into ship. Take no new fellowship.
Lunar Mansion 26, Al Fargh al-Awwal (The Upper Hole of the Flask)
21° 25' 43'' Aquarius – 4° 17' 09'' Pisces
Good For
Love and marriage, friendship. Health and healing. Traveling by land. Farming and gardening. Commerce.
Not Good For
Sea journeys. Building.
Love and affection. Union.
Warnock: Love and abiding affection. This is a Mansion of romantic and divine love. It is not the sexually charged passion ... but of the higher love of the beautiful that draws the Soul towards its true Celestial and Divine Source.
Warnock: This Mansion signifies love, marriage, friendship and good will. If we are seeking love and this Mansion appears, it is a positive sign. It is a benefit Mansion and gives a positive answer in general to inquiries. It also can indicate recovery from illness and good health in general.
Warnock: Make images to bind people in mutual love, to travel safely on roads, to strengthen buildings. The talisman of this Mansion is for the creation of love.
Volguine: Favorable for marriage, agriculture, and buying and selling; but unfavourable for ocean voyages.
Volguine: Signifies the possibility of obtaining a position by the mediation of friends or relations; many deceptions and painful efforts, and finally success.
Volguine: Favorable for politicians, business and works of charity.
Agrippa: It makes for the union and love of men, for the health of captives, it destroys prisons and buildings.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, take your journey in the first part of the day, the remainder is not good. Wed not. Buy servants. Build. Enter into ship. Take no fellowship. Beware that you shall not be seized.
Lunar Mansion 27, Al Fargh al-Thani (The Lower Hole of the Flask)
4° 17' 09'' Pisces – 17° 8' 34'' Pisces
Good For
Business and commerce. Healing. Farming and gardening.
Not Good For
Building. Travel by sea. Starting a new project.
Income, connection, mischief.
Warnock: Our receipt of payment or goods means that someone else must give them to us. We are wise to stay cognisant of the fact that when this Mansion appears, our gain is another's loss. We must also consider that what appears on the surface to be good fortune, may not remain so on deeper examination. Are we blinded by the passions and desire of the ego for more and more at the expense of our true Self?
Warnock: Make images to increase merchandise and to acquire profit, to unite allies, increase harvests, heal illness.
Volguine: The passage of the Moon through this mansion seems to facilitate everything having to do with psychism, clairvoyance and spiritism; but we advise against beginning a project when the Moon occupies this part of the heavens, since the matter will be tied up with difficulties, complications and delays.
Volguine: Is an indication of idealism and of aspirations whose practical applications generally achieve little success, or do not give the expected results. Very often these people demand immediate realisation of their visions, which cannot succeed in the form in which they are conceived; or else they expend their energy more in planning than in execution.
Volguine: Aid in the maintenance of canals and of wheat granaries; in hunts, border wars, executions and the care of white clothing.
Volguine: Favorable influence for those who act wisely and an unfavourable one for expatriates and usurers.
Agrippa: It increases harvests, revenues, gain, it heals infirmities, but hinders buildings, prolongs prisons, causes danger to seamen, and helps to infer mischiefs on whom you shall please.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, sow thy seeds. Do your commerce. Wed. Neither lend nor borrow. Under no circumstance journey in the third part of the night. Enter into no ship. Buy no servants. Take no fellowship. If you be seized, you shall not escape.
Lunar Mansion 28, Batn al-Hut
17° 8' 34'' Pisces – 0° Aries
Good For
Marriage. Business and commerce. Farming and gardening. Traveling.
Not Good For
Guidance and completion. Fruition.
Warnock: When this Mansion appears, it indicates that we, too, are in a state of completion. We are ready to reap the harvest of our efforts. Yet we must not be passive. Like the fisherman, we must cast our net into the waters. The fish will not simply jump into the boat.
Warnock: This is also a Mansion of faith and guidance. Its appearance confirms that we are guided on our journey, that we will pass through the dangers and obstacles and achieve our goal.
Warnock: We can attain our heart's desire, if we accept the guidance that is ours for the asking, and ensure that we are active rather than passive participants in our journey.
Warnock: Make images to increase merchandise, besiege cities, increase harvests, to travel safely by road and safely return, to cause peace and concord between man and wife.
Volguine: Happy for conjugal happiness and for business, but unfavourable for sick people. Very often it is a sign of poverty, but also of help in the moment of danger.
Volguine: The sign of frequent journeys in the course of life. In feminine charts the presence of the Moon in this mansion is clearly unfavourable.
Volguine: Externally indicates a life of struggle, while internally — tranquility and a gentle nature.
Agrippa: It increases harvests and merchandise, it secures travelers through dangerous places, it makes for the joy of married couples, but it strengthens prisons, and causes loss of treasures.
Ashmole 396: When the Moon is in this Mansion, engage in commerce. Sow. Receive medicine. Neither lend nor borrow. Wed, if you will. Take no journey in the third part of the night, if you must. Buy no servant. Take no fellowship. If you be seized, you shall not escape.
© 2021 Alexander Kolesnikov
Lunar Day 1
A day for making plans and 'symbolic beginnings'. Do not push forward too actively in a new direction while the Moon is still invisible in the sky. Instead, try to prioritise the activity which you know will be important for you during the coming month. Sit down at the table and work out what needs to be done. Draw up a plan and take the very first step forward. There will be other days for everything else.
One should devote the first day to everything that elevates the spirit. This is a day of happiness, it is most favourable for any new beginning. The child born on this day, as a rule, will live to an extreme old age. If someone will fall ill on this day, the illness can become lengthy but he will recover. Dreams are to happiness.
Symbols: the lantern, the lamp, the altar of Hecate, Pallas Athena. This lunar day is unfavourable for group work. It is necessary to return to basics, to remember your childhood, to read a book on the history of your nation, to analyze the past path. The day of creative ideas. It is as if specially designed to work with mental energy, with mental images.
As a rule, one should not start anything on this day, only plan. In the medical respect, the first lunar day is related to the brain and the facial part of the head. One should not over-exert on this day, should not drink alcohol or eat too hot or too spicy food. Physiologically, this is a difficult day, it tightens the internal organs.
Those who were born on this day are always awaiting for something great. They can spend like this the whole of their life and never get their stellar hour. Sometimes it dawns at them and they perform a feat. They must involve themselves into an activity suddenly and brightly.
On this day, one should wear diamonds and rock crystal.
Lunar Day 2
A day for laying foundations. Good for beginnings, especially for long term issues such as conceiving a child or laying the first bricks of your future house. It favours moves, trips, long journeys and buying property, but it is a day when financial machinations or theft will bring trouble.
This day is very beneficial for scientific research, reflections and discoveries. It is also good for conceiving children or requesting other kinds of favour from the Providence. The child born on this day will grow safely.
The second day is propitious for all sorts of trips, journeys and travels, both short and far or lengthy. It is good for any movement or rebuild.
If you will happen to fall ill on this day, even if you'll have to stay in bed, do not worry too much: the illness will be not long and will have no dangerous consequences. Most dreams, however, will be false.
This day is inauspicious for theft.
Symbols: mouth, horn of plenty. Diet makes a wholesome influence. It is good to make a gastric lavage. Anger is absolutely counter-indicated; one should develop generosity in themselves. It is good to start on this lunar day a cycle of physical exercises or a big informational cycle. In the medical aspect, one should turn their attention to the mouth, teeth, the upper part of the palate. Those born on this day tend to take everything into themselves. In undeveloped people, this shows in the form of predatoriness, greediness; they eat everything indiscriminately but never gain weight. The stones of this day — jade, chalcedony, agate.
Lunar Day 3
Different traditions give contradictory interpretations of this day. The Vedic tradition recommends getting actively involved in an occupation, and Avesta even stresses being aggressive. Yet the European tradition states that the day is inauspicious and nothing important should be undertaken.
The third day is unfortunate. Do not undertake anything new. Do your daily chores that were started and unfinished, those that are less important, nonessential. A child born on this day will not live long without support from strong beneficial planets. If someone fell ill on this day, he or she will recover with difficulty. Dreams have no significance.
Symbol: leopard preparing for a leap. This is a period of active struggle, force and aggression. All passive people are vulnerable during this lunar day as they find themselves under various astral attacks. A person, if he is not a fighter, becomes suspicious and guileful. One should concentrate and use their astral energy for self-protection.
This is the best day for martial arts. On this lunar day, people work with metals, sharpen knives, in ancient times they used to cast silver items on this day.
It is desirable to go to a sauna and sweat. Work with all the energies of the biofield is recommended. One should pay special attention to the region of occiput and ears. If there is some pain in this area, cleaning of bones is necessary. Stones recommended for wearing: ruby, pyrite, aventurine.
Lunar Day 4
This is a contradictory day. In the Vedic and Avesta traditions, it is inauspicious and only good for conflict and getting rid of anything outmoded. Nothing should be started, especially if it is connected to any kind of material gain. In the European tradition this is a good day for beginnings, especially if you are searching for something lost. It is also lucky for any kind of business that deals with water.
Happy day for any new beginning, especially for a search for lost items or people. An auspicious day for dealing with water. A child born on this day will become a big egotist or even a criminal. Its parents will have to apply all their energy and skills in order to direct the child to a decent path.
This day can become unhappy due to one's own fault, especially if the person will find him or herself under some fatal influence or circumstances, or will take up arms against a fellow creature. Illnesses can be quite dangerous if they are not taken care of from the very beginning. Dreams can come true.
Symbol: the Tree of Knowledge, the choice between the good and the evil. On this day (which would be best of all spent alone) one should think ten times before making a decision. This lunar day is the first between inauspicious ones. It bears in it an ambiguous quality: it is both positive and negative at the same time. One should try not to make hasty decisions. Group work is contra-indicated, one should not pick flowers or cut trees. On this lunar day it is good to spin, to walk in the forest, to undo knitting.
People born on this day are the bearers of some cosmic mystery; it is desirable for each of them to solve this mystery inside themselves on the intuitive level. Sewing or twisted hair in a dream on the eve of this day is a sign that one should reject their plans. Stones: sardonyx, amazon-stone, green nephrite.
Lunar Day 5
The Vedic tradition considers this day to be the best for any the actions intended to bring benefits, and also excellent for beginning any enterprise. The European tradition states the opposite: the day is inauspicious, bringing losses and dangerous illnesses.
The fifth day is unhappy — whatever is lost, is lost forever. A fatal day for criminals: any their action will be discovered and punished. A child born on this day will not live long without an outside help. Illnesses are fatal.
The symbol is Unicorn which means, among other things, truthfulness to one's principles and duty. In this lunar day that symbolizes the beginning of assimilation and transformation of food, one should pay much attention to the food. Food of animal origin is counter-indicated, it is better to give preference to milk and cheese.
It would be good to make a trip to somewhere, to gather and dry herbs, to make a tincture, to part with tears with something you don't need. One should not fuss or fast.
Lunar Day 6
Without doubt, an auspicious day. It is good for intellectual activities, study, spiritual pursuits and also for searching for lost people, animals and things. It favours recovery and the restoration of health. The Vedic tradition especially recommends this day for building and anything connected with property.
The day of happiness and passions. Very good and successful for science and research, for any kind of intellectual and spiritual activities, for a search for lost people, animals or things. A child born on this day will live until old age. The one who will fall ill will be none the worse for it. Quite an unsuccessful day for thieves and other criminals. It is better not to tell anyone about your dreams.
The symbol is a crane. This day is related to assimilation of cosmic energy, finding the Grace, love, forgiveness, prophesies, mental and verbal work. Good for rejuvenation. Clear or completely covered with clouds sky — a sign of absence of harmony in the world. Good signs: clouds in the sky, a melodious chime.
Lunar Day 7
On the whole, an auspicious day. It is a good day for starting a journey, and for everything to do with transport and vehicles. It is also good for surgery and medical treatment, for physical exercise and for everything which can be finished quickly. However, beware of telling others something you didn't really mean to tell them on this day.
This day is preferable for the pursuits that can be completed quickly. It is better to avoid anything that can drag on. It will bring success in those affairs where justice is observed. A child born on this day will have a robust health. All illnesses will be easily cured, dreams can be fulfilled. A successful day for any kind of surgery. For thieves, murderers, criminals it is unhappy.
Symbol - a rooster. Devoted to the avestian god Sraoshi. A day of serious provocations and adventures, prayer and verbal magic. Communication with the spirits of Nature is desirable. One should not tell lies, gossip, tear paper, break dishes, eat chicken or eggs, extract teeth. One can get rid of parasite words. Game-cock in a dream is a sign of a catastrophe either for the person himself or for his relatives.
Lunar Day 8
An auspicious day for trips, especially a business trip or long journey. The Vedic tradition recommends this day for many different things, including art, physical activities, and any business related to property. This is also thought to be one of the best days for any kind of beginning. However, this could be a critical day for those who are ill.
The eighth day will be successful for trips and travels, for business voyages and moving house. The child born on this day will not be destined to have external beauty, so only through his intellect and knowledge, through good will and diligent work will he attract an attention to himself. For people who fell ill on this day, the illness may prove to be quite dangerous. Dreams can be trusted, in most cases.
Symbol — a phoenix. The day of penance, absolution, purification by fire, alchemy. One can fast, purge one's stomach and intestines. It is good to prepare remedies for all illnesses. One should not be dissolute or egoistic.
Lunar Day 9
A day of struggle, the aggravation of conflicts, and heightened risk. Nothing new should be started on this day, especially if it is connected to material issues. The best things to do on this day are physical activities, such as working with land and taking care of plants and animals.
It is better to devote the ninth day only to those pursuits that were started long time ago and that only need to be continued. It can be good and successful for a new build or a reconstruction, for fertilizing the soil, for planting and sowing, for buying cattle. Work on this day will increase one's experience and prudence.
This day is also good for having fun and spending time with beloved ones. The life of the child born on this day will be long and fruitful. Illnesses can be dangerous but never fatal. Dreams will come true.
Symbol — a bat. A satanic day. Brings seductions, illusions, deceptions, bad signs that need to be analysed. There can be agonizing dreams, poisonings. One needs to purify oneself from physical and astral slags, to actively protect oneself from negative influences, forgive offenders, do weight-lifting exercises.
One should not look into a mirror, and it would be especially bad to break a mirror. Flowering cactus is a good sign. Bad signs: spilled milk (if a breast-feeding mother's milk stops on this day, the child may be punished), oppressive feeling in the chest (one has accumulated a lot of problems).
Lunar Day 10
This is an exceptionally auspicious day in all traditions. It is especially good for beginning important business or acquiring a large-scale acquisition. It is also beneficial for travelling and anything connected to transport and vehicles. It gives those who were born on this day a love of long journeys.
The tenth day is very good and successful for any beginning, both important and insignificant. Grief or sorrow will prove to be transitory. The child born on this day will enjoy travels, trips, hiking and business voyages. The one who will fall ill on this day can die without an immediate help. Dreams are mostly invalid.
Symbol — a fountain. The day for rest, for finding new sources of energy, for exploring the depths of your own nature, activating the karmic memory. Recommended are reflections on one's family tree, meditation on one's own karma in order to clarify the line of life, to strengthen one's home and family.
It would be good to start building something, to have a steam bath. One should not be selfish and superficial.
Lunar Day 11
This day gives you an abundance of energy and favours moves and changes. It helps to get off the ground a business which was previously derailed. Make sure you put your excess energy into something useful, however, to avoid conflicts and bust-ups.
This is the day of victory and immortality. The one who will die on this day will long live in the memory of his nation or even the whole humanity. This day is good for setting off for a long journey. The child born on this day will have good intellectual abilities and he will live until an old age. Illnesses can be dangerous for females. For males they will be insignificant.
Symbol — a fiery sword. The most energetically powerful day. One needs to be very cautious and attentive in pursuing any kind of activity. One can pray, undertake a cleansing but after a thorough preparation.
It is better not to overload oneself and not to engage in anything serious when you don't know something or when you are not cleansed. Anything started should be carried to the end.
One should not take cutting tools, even to cut the bread, should not contact insects or kill them. Sign of danger — falling knives and forks.
Lunar Day 12
Different traditions disagree about this day but overall, it is thought to be rather negative. It isn't advisable to undertake anything important, but if you have promised something to someone, make sure you keep your word. Medical treatment is not advisable on this day, especially if it involves surgery.
The twelfth day is substantially unhappy and unsuccessful. One should not undertake or start anything as it will be all in vain and will bring only losses. It is crucially important to beware blood!
A child born on this day will consequently become lame — either as a result of a congenital physical problem or after an illness. Illnesses that happen on this day can become fatal. Almost all dreams will be fulfilled.
Symbol — a bowl. Day of connection to the cosmic energy of love, divine revelations, purification of thoughts, fulfillment of prayers, comfort, the victory of wisdom over the mind and senses. It is good to show mercy: make gifts, give alms, satisfy requests.
It is contraindicated to get angry, to relax and cry, to eat coarse food (better — juices, except for the apple juice). Broken dishes and spilled liquid are signs of suffering and loneliness.
Lunar Day 13
European tradition treats this day as an exclusively negative for all sorts of affairs and especially negative for health. At the same time in Vedic tradition this day is auspicious. It favours important beginnings, improvement of relationships with other people and pleasant ways of spending time.
This day brings bad luck into all endeavours. One should not undertake or start anything! A child born on this day might be able to live to a very old age.
Those who will fall ill on this day and go to the hospital, can remain there for a prolonged period of time. As a rule, almost all the dreams will be fulfilled.
Symbol — a wheel with a clockwise swastika inside. A magical day. A day for work with karma, correction of the past, accumulation of information and contacts. Contacts with the other worlds can happen.
It is good to spin yarn, to make round charms, to bake bread. It is necessary to load the stomach; one can take drugs and carry out cosmetic procedures.
Lunar Day 14
Different astrological traditions strongly disagree about this day. The Vedic tradition doesn't recommend starting anything, especially if it concerns getting income, and advises you not to travel. On the contrary, Globa considers this day appropriate for any important business, and the European tradition treats it as generally happy.
This day is rather successful and even happy. For all the endeavours, agreements and contracts, it would be useful to discuss or think about them during a walk.
Fate will patronize a child born on this day. All illnesses will pass without any serious consequences. Dreams however can be more or less doubtful.
The symbol is a trumpet. The is a day to begin any important endeavour, to use information, to call for anything. Any liquid on this day brings pollution; dry fasting is indicated, as well as prayers, but not very diligent.
Work with sacred texts as well as physical work can be recommended. Sadness, grief, melancholy are possible, as well as contacts with the other worlds.
One should not practise any form of magic, overload their vision, use perfumes; it is better not to look in the mirror.
Lunar Day 15
This is a more or less neutral day in the European and Vedic traditions, although it does increase sexuality and physical activity. In Vedic astrology it also favours new beginnings. However, for Globa this is a "Satanic" day, with all the ensuing consequences...
The 15th day often brings momentary happiness alternating with long disappointment, especially in love. A child born on this day will certainly be very amorous, and can greatly suffer from that.
Those who become ill on this day need not worry about the outcome of their illness. Dreams are almost always fulfilled.
Symbol — a snake. This is a satanic day, with temptations of flesh, astral battles, intensification of the "internal snake" in each person. One must defend justice, observe penance, defeat one's own flesh.
A dream on the eve of this day will be prophetic for a month. One should not submit to suggestion and should not eat apples. A quarrel is a bad sign, a dog, even if barking, is a good sign.
Lunar Day 16
An auspicious day, especially for trade, travelling and any occupations connected to land, property and animals. It is considered to be the best day for selling animals. Also good for celebrations, parties and festivities.
A good day for traveling, it is also successful for selling animals. A child born on this day will most likely have a strong health and a long fruitful life. As a rule, all the dreams are valid but they require a proper interpretation.
The symbol is butterfly. One of the "clean" days. Marked with harmony, equilibrium, justice. One should keep inner comfort, be confident in everything. Forbidden are shouting, unceremonious behaviour, evilness, envy. Sex is counterindicated. Eating animal food and mushrooms is not recommended. One must not kill birds. Dirt on the clothes is a sign of spiritual uncleanliness.
Lunar Day 17
A good day for marriage, the birth of children, family holidays and household chores. It favours all occupations connected to homes, households and land. The use of alcohol, medicines or drugs on this day should be strictly limited. Only Albert the Great describes this day as particularly negative.
This day makes a good foundation for new and important beginnings. A child born on this day will be happy and prosperous. However, if this day falls on Saturday, it might prove to be dangerous.
The one who falls ill on this day has bad prospects as the illness might prove to be incurable. Do not take any medicines on this day, as well as alcoholic drinks. Avoid using drugs as consequences can be very negative. Dreams are fulfilled, most often on the third day.
Symbol — the bell. The day of acquiring inner freedom, accumulation, fertility, joy of being, finding the ideal love. Good for getting married (the marriage will be based on love), conjugal relationship, joy, relaxation, sublimation of sexual energy. This day is connected with transformation of feminine energy. It is recommended to have some cold dry wine, or warm Cahors wine — the symbol of cognition of eternity and ecstasy. However, one should not booze and run amok.
Lunar Day 18
A more-or-less positive day. It favours the beginning of long-term projects, especially those aimed at earning money. It is an appropriate day to seek medical advise and treat your health, but chronic diseases can also be aggravated on this day.
This day requires prudence and temperance. A child born on this day will prove to be industrious and hard-working, with years he will become prosperous and rich.
The one who falls ill may stay ill for long and never recover. Dreams, as a rule, are valid.
Symbol — the mirror. A passive day that can become difficult and bring falling into sin through unwillingness to fight the lowly instincts and temptations. One should work on one's evil thoughts, renounce oneself from vanity and egotism. it is okay to go to baths, to cleanse intestine, skin, to have a massage. On this day, the surrounding reality as if reflects our inner essence. It is undesirable to drink wine, smoke, sleep too much, eat meaty food. Nuts and plenty of vegetable oil are preferred. Skin diseases and opening old wounds are the signs of violation of the law of cosmic evolution.
Lunar Day 19
A difficult, even dangerous, day in all astrological traditions. It is suited only for struggles with enemies, and the destruction of anything outmoded. On this day, good deeds and noble actions may bring a very different result to the one you had been hoping for. It isn't suitable for starting anything important, especially connected with earning money. Marriage is undesirable, and you should also avoid drunks.
This day is unhappy, so best of all, if possible, to stay home and not to go anywhere. One should not get married on this day, and intimate life should be limited.
Especially beware drunken people on this day, they might be able to make harm to one's health and even to incur severe damage.
A child born on this day will be kind and sweet. An illness will pass, and dreams will be fulfilled.
Symbol: the spider. Difficult and dangerous day. The danger of black magic manifestations, spiritual intoxication, split of consciousness, poisoning. New ideas and influences can be in reality a "devil's net". The day is connected to ethical cleansing, repentance, getting rid of pride, lie, illusions, alien thoughts. It would be good to sit at a camp fire, to walk around one's house with a candle. The only way to reduce the negativity of this day is through one's high moral qualities, dedication and modesty.
Lunar Day 20
A beneficial day in all traditions, especially for important beginnings. Good for marriage. However, this day may be difficult for those who are ill and children born on this day may have a difficult temper.
This day is good for any beginning, both big, important, and trivial. Everything undertaken will have success. A child born on this day will get an angry and disagreeing personality, his parents will have to struggle with him from the very early age.
An illness that began on this day can prove to be quite lengthy. Dreams, as a rule, will be fulfilled.
Symbol — the eagle. A serious day related to spiritual transformation, cognition of the cosmic law, overcoming the doubts. The best day for spiritual illumination, studying spiritual texts, fasting. It is better to spend it at home, being busy with family and traditional matters. Eagle is a symbol of religious feat. One should overcome pride, haughtiness, snappishness. Do not practise spiritual healing, you can exhaust yourself.
Lunar Day 21
An active and lucky day. Good for making moves, trips and travelling in general. It is also beneficial for friendships, entertainment and holidays. It favours sports, physical exercise and outdoor activities. In addition, it is not a bad day for business undertakings, trade and gambling. Anything lost on this day will soon be found again.
This day is beneficial for any kind of trips and travels, as well as for moving house, but only by land. It is also good for buying and selling, for risky business activities, for trade and for storing supplies of food. This is a day for entertainment in a company with other people.
A child born on this day will be distinguished with industriousness and efficiency, patience and discreetness. A person who fell ill on this day can be in a great danger. For thieves and other criminals this day is unsuccessful and unhappy: they will be soon caught and sentenced. Dreams are usually invalid.
Symbol — the horse. An active, creative day. Bravery, fearlessness, voluntary sacrifice, rejection of possessions. Group endeavours are useful, everything that brings people together, one can give an oath of loyalty. One should be honest and fair. It is good to start a journey, to change job, to take water treatments, to do physical exercises, to be in the open air. One should not blindly rush to a goal.
Lunar Day 22
Different traditions completely disagree on how to treat this day. The European tradition takes it as particularly inauspicious, but suggests that those who were born on this day have the potential to become good people. The Vedic tradition considers it auspicious for trips and transport, whilst Globa recommends it as a day to study sciences, and master a specific subject.
The day is unfavourable and unsuccessful for beginnings of various activities. A child born on this day will be a good, active person and will live to a very old age. For the one who falls ill on this day the illness can become dangerous. Dreams will be fulfilled.
Symbol — the elephant. Wisdom, firmness, the Universal Law, hidden knowledge, informational field. The day for achieving a goal, studying sciences, trades, understanding one's own roots. One should be finding out the future, meditating, teaching others, transferring experience, be generous, altruistic. It is recommended to eat a lot. One should not be conservative.
Lunar Day 23
Most traditions consider this day as fairly good and active. The European tradition portends fame and honours to matters which come to a head on this day, but it doesn't recommend starting anything new. The Vedic tradition promises success in many affairs and also does recommend starting something new. For Globa, it is a day of penitence when vampires rage...
The day is very good for completion of any activity, any enterprise. Not only they will be resultful, they can bring honour and glory, popularity and wellbeing. However, one should not start any new activity as it will be senseless and useless.
A child born on this day won't be especially beautiful, so a lot in his life will depend on his ability to gain knowledge and be kind. The illnesses of this day are long, and the dreams are false.
Symbol — the crocodile. One of the days of seduction, of vampires' bacchanalia. The period of fasting, abstention, carefulness, repentance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice. This day is connected to hounding, manhunt, exile, encounter with a mad crowd. One should guard one's house: clean it, sprinkle it with holy water, cleanse thresholds with fire, fumigate with Labrador tea and cumin. It is good to make cheese pies and to bake a nut into them. It is recommended to eat dairy products. It is dangerous to give way to anger, to overeat. One should not cut hair or nail, have a surgery, have a sedentary life.
Lunar Day 24
In the European tradition, this day is of no account and is considered to be absolutely neutral, but Veda and Avesta emphasise that it increases physical energy and sexuality, and inclines to arguments, risks and rivalry. It is not recommended to start anything, especially with the hopes of significant financial results.
This day can be named neutral, indifferent. It won't bring any harm if you will continue to do something that was started earlier. A child born on this day may become honest and kind, or greedy, or envious, but in any case he will be a big foodie. The illnesses, as a rule, are not dangerous and won't have any consequences.
Symbol — the bear. The day of awakening and transformation. A revelation and an enormous energy can pour down on someone. A beneficial day for subduing one's physical nature, sexual energy, for conceiving and healing. One should strengthen their health and elevate their spiritual level. One can lay the foundation of a house or a temple. Rapists and sadists are prosecuted.
Lunar Day 25
Different traditions contradict each other about this day. Albert the Great considers it to be unfortunate, whilst Vronsky and Veda see it as auspicious for trips and travelling, trade and buying. Veda recommends that important affairs should be started on this day, but Globa believes everyone should be passive and contemplative.
The day is good and beneficial for any kind of trips and travels, including those for business, as well as for moving house. It is also good for buying and selling, for litigation, but also for sleep and rest.
A child of this day will be a favourite of his own Fortune, good luck will follow him throughout the whole life. The one who falls ill on this day can die without a help from someone else.
Symbol — vessels with live and dead water. A passive, contemplative day. It gives solitude and concentration on spiritual problems. One should cleanse their body from debris, listen to their inner voice. One could undertake a medical fasting. Hastiness is counterindicated. Clearhearing is a sign of slavish dependence on someone.
Lunar Day 26
An inauspicious day. Don't start anything new, be temperate, and get rid of anything superfluous or harmful. Also, try to avoid unnecessary outlays of money and energy. At the same time, this day helps you to see the real face of other people and unveils those who wish you harm. Its influence on health is mostly negative.
Don't start or undertake anything on this day, it will only bring harm and loss. A child born on this day can be financially well-off, and even rich. Those who fall ill on this day can be in mortal danger. Dreams will be fulfilled.
Symbol — the toad. A critical day. Abstention, fasting, getting rid of unnecessary contacts, sober evaluation of reality, cognition of life and the worst side of people, removal of masks. Finding a Teacher or a tradition is desirable, verifying the truth of a teaching. It is better to refrain from an excessive activity, or you can outspend your energy, especially in an empty chat. One can confront sanctimony, vulgar materialism, robbery. One should resist the desire to credit themselves for all achievements. Meeting a person with full bags or buckets is a sign that life is going in the right direction. A thunderbolt in a dream or in reality is a warning about uncontrolled pride or vanity.
Lunar Day 27
An auspicious day in all traditions. The only difference is that Veda doesn't recommend travelling, whilst Globa suggests it is positive for travel, but advises against drinking alcohol.
The day is good for any work, for planting and sowing, for communication with the people of the older generation. A child born on this day will be too spineless, infirm. From the early age his parents should pay a special attention to his proper upbringing, to the strengthening of his will. Illnesses won't be dangerous. Don't pay attention to dreams.
Symbol — a wand. The day of acquiring a hidden knowledge. Meditation, intuitive insight, healing, prayers, verbal magic. One can travel, explore the world. It is better not to look into mirrors. One should not consume alcohol, or fall into illusions.
Lunar Day 28
A happy day. Good for beginning an important pursuit, for getting to know influential people, and for meeting friends. It favours holidays, amusements and pleasures, and it improves health.
This day is successful for beginning new important activities, for various businesses and undertakings. A child born on this day will be very lazy but will have everything he needs provided for him for the whole life. Illnesses will prove to be not dangerous. Dreams should not be taken seriously.
Symbol — the lotus. A beneficial day. Comprehension of higher truths, acquiring the spiritual consciousness, the alchemy of the soul. One can work with the astral body, with clairvoyance, chakras, dreams, gaining through this the knowledge of one's previous incarnations. One should be in an elevated mood, should control one's emotions, peer into oneself. One can be busy with the "earthy" matters — buying a house, making a repair, planting useful plants. One should not cut trees, cut and present flowers.
Lunar Day 29
All traditions agree that this is an inauspicious day, Travel is not recommended, nor should you start anything with the aim of receiving [gain or material benefits]. Do only those things which are absolutely necessary at the moment, and get rid of anything useless.
This day is substantially unhappy for everything. One should not start or undertake anything as everything will go awry. A child born on this day will not live long without someone's help. Dreams are quite truthful.
Symbol — the octopus. A dangerous satanic day. Bacchanalia of devils, astral mist, illusions, deception. Required are responsibility, opposition to satanism, fasting, penance, healing. One should only do the most necessary routine things, cut false connections, discard negative thoughts, cleanse the body, burn candles, smoke the rooms with Labrador tea. Avoid turbid water and darkness. Food must be mostly baked like pies or pancakes. Bathing or cold bath for feet are good before sleep. Cries, sound of trumpet, continuous musical sounds are a warning about the wrong way.
Lunar Day 30
An exceptionally auspicious day, which, unfortunately, does not happen every lunar month. It favours all beginnings, and helps the sick to recuperate and improve. It also favours a successful, smooth ending to all matters which have reached their final stage. It is important to be generous, and to recognise and reward everyone's contribution.
The day is very good and successful for starting new important activities, for new undertakings. A child born then can have limited mental abilities on one or another reason. The one who will fall ill can only be saved by an immediate help from the outside, from someone else. Dreams promise a lot of joy and should be fulfilled.
Symbol — the golden swan. The day of love, forgiveness, penance, rejection of everything unneeded, accepting a spiritual initiation and transition onto the next cycle of development. One should analyze one's path and try to wipe out all sins. It is good to complete activities, to return debts, to give joy to other people. One can work with stones, clean the house, in particular by bringing in talismans, like horseshoe. Food should not be rough. This is the day of sacrifice and summarizing the past month. A barking dog is a warning about a mistake done in the past month.
© 2021 Alexander Kolesnikov
Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses:
Jul 21, 2021 8:37 PM Venus enters Virgo
Jul 22, 2021 10:26 AM Sun enters Leo
Jul 27, 2021 9:11 PM Mercury enters Leo
Jul 28, 2021 8:42 AM Jupiter Retrograde enters Aquarius
Jul 29, 2021 4:32 PM Mars enters Virgo
Jul 31, 2021 4:08 AM Ceres enters Gemini
Aug 2, 2021 7:43 PM Juno Direct
Aug 11, 2021 5:57 PM Mercury enters Virgo
Aug 16, 2021 12:26 AM Venus enters Libra
Aug 19, 2021 9:40 PM Uranus Retrograde
Aug 22, 2021 5:35 PM Sun enters Virgo
Aug 30, 2021 1:10 AM Mercury enters Libra
Sep 10, 2021 4:39 PM Venus enters Scorpio
Sep 14, 2021 8:14 PM Mars enters Libra
Sep 20, 2021 12:54 PM Vesta enters Scorpio
Sep 22, 2021 3:21 PM Sun enters Libra
Sep 27, 2021 1:10 AM Mercury Retrograde
Oct 6, 2021 2:29 PM Pluto Direct
Oct 7, 2021 7:21 AM Venus enters Sagittarius
Oct 8, 2021 9:33 PM Ceres Retrograde
Oct 10, 2021 10:17 PM Saturn Direct
Oct 18, 2021 1:30 AM Jupiter Direct
Oct 18, 2021 11:17 AM Mercury Direct
Oct 23, 2021 12:51 AM Sun enters Scorpio
Oct 30, 2021 10:21 AM Mars enters Scorpio
Nov 5, 2021 6:44 AM Venus enters Capricorn
Nov 5, 2021 6:35 PM Mercury enters Scorpio