
Ephémérides (1234) 2023 (343) NL (43) PL (43) Février2023 (28)


vendredi, septembre 17, 2021

25°Vierge - 20210917


Ils sont nés un 17 septembre
Ernest A Bichat, Jean-Claude Barrière, Franck Piccard, Adriana Karembeu,
Roddy Mac Dowell,
Jean-Marie Lustiger.

Vendredi 17 septembre :

- Passage au p�rih�lie de la com�te 6P d'Arrest (magV pr�vue : 12,3)

- A 04h32, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre Saturne et la Lune, � 3�45'

- A 06h13, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Saturne et la Lune, � 3�40', � voir au cr�puscule

Demain :

- A 08h54, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre Jupiter et la Lune, � 3�57'

- A 11h14, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Jupiter et la Lune, � 3�45', � voir au cr�puscule

Chart Style
September 17, 2021
6:40:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 6° 44' – a
 – 1° 11' – s
 – 3° 19' – s
 – 0° 36' – s
8 – 0° 55' – ap
 – 0° 03' – ap
 – 2° 32' – a
 – 0° 24' – ap
 – 3° 06' – a
 – 0° 06' – sp
 – 0° 31' – sp
 – 0° 34' – s
 – 0° 38' – a
 – 2° 42' – s
 – 0° 13' – sp
 – 2° 17' – s
IC – 0° 00' – ap
 – 2° 04' – a
 Sun25  00' 26" +0.975300 N 00175° 25'01 N 597
 Moon14  25' 07" +13.61404 S 43318° 21'21 S 0112
 North Node04 30  R0.133800 N 00062° 32'21 N 033
 South Node04  30  R0.133800 N 00242° 32'21 S 039
 Mercury21  18 +0.796503 S 03198° 31'11 S 098
 Venus07  50 +1.141501 S 17215° 03'15 S 219
 Mars01  44 +0.647400 N 48181° 55'00 N 038
 Jupiter23  50  R0.094201 S 12326° 34'14 S 431
 Saturn07  20  R0.037500 S 49309° 57'19 S 1512
 Uranus14 28  R0.022200 S 25042° 08'15 N 473
 Neptune21  42  R0.027301 S 10352° 50'04 S 221
 Pluto24  24  R0.009001 S 38296° 37'22 S 5211
 Proserpina16  14 +0.009000 N 52224° 02'15 S 539
 Chiron11 22  R0.042602 N 24009° 30'06 N 422
 Ceres10 45 +0.125706 S 20070° 05'15 N 483
 Pallas16  49  R0.259503 N 51346° 23'01 S 391
 Juno13  28 +0.207012 N 34253° 38'09 S 5710
 Vesta28  28 +0.507004 N 37208° 06'06 S 378
 True Lilith04 43 +5.148900 N 01062° 46'21 N 073
 Mean Lilith06 48 +0.111000 N 09064° 55'21 N 373
 Selena09  08 +0.140800 N 00279° 57'23 S 0811
House CuspPlanets in House  
As18  29 
225  56 
303 20 
IC10 45
503  20
625  55
Ds18  29 
825  55 
903  20 
MC10  45 
1103  20 
1225  56 
Vx13  33Vertex
Ax13  33Anti-Vertex
07  54Part of Fortune
05 07Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 16:40:00 · September 17, 2021
Sidereal Time: 16:36:40
RAMC: 249° 09' 54"
ΔT: 69.9 sec.

26th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A highly ritualistic service is in process; officiating priests are automatons, a boy with a censer is rapt-eyed.

15th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
Two little love birds are sitting on a fence singing to each other and advertising their happiness to the world.

22nd Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
A little child is laughing as the water is turned into an artistic little fountain and as the birds hurry to drink.

8th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
A beautiful gem of a lake set high in the mountains is revealed in the silvery bathing light of a full moon.

2nd Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
A new symphony is played by the orchestra; the music dramatizes racial progress from aspiration to realization.

24th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A man obviously of the world has turned his back on passion and is giving people a deep and undying wisdom.

8th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The fall-fashion display has opened in the fine stores and in their windows are beautifully gowned wax figures.

15th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.

22nd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Down the man-made mountain of industry in allegorical representation some the prophet with tablets of a new law.

25th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.

17th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
A woman is great with child; the remarkable thing is that she was impregnated by her own spirit or aspiration.

29th Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
It's a seer's dream; vast masses of humanity push forward in frantic effort to cross the black chasm of knowledge.

5th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A publication devoted to some vital moment for human welfare flaunts an attention-compelling cover.



Current Planets
17-Sep-2021, 16:39 UT/GMT
Mars1Libra44' 9"
Pluto24Capricorn24' 1"r

Sun24 Vir 59' 44"
Moon14 Aqu 15' 25"
Mercury21 Lib 17' 53"
Venus07 Sco 49' 33"
Mars01 Lib 43' 44"
Jupiter23 Aqu 49' 57" R
Saturn07 Aqu 19' 39" R
Uranus14 Tau 27' 45" R
Neptune21 Pis 41' 42" R
Pluto24 Cap 24' 02" R
Chiron11 Ari 21' 43" R
Lilith06 Gem 47' 32"
True Node04 Gem 30' 30" R

MarsTrineTrue Node2.78
SaturnTrineTrue Node2.82
LilithConjunctionTrue Node2.28
True NodeTrineMars2.78
True NodeTrineSaturn2.82
True NodeConjunctionLilith2.28

September 17th, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Virgo
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Aquarius
The Gibbous Moon is in Aquarius: All day
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Sep 26 - Oct 19

September 17, 2021Fr
September 18, 2021Sa
 VOC 11:16 - 22:22 (11H)
September 19, 2021Su

SunTrinePluto R14.8 hrs ago Sep 17 2021 3:52 
VenusSquareSaturn R10.4 hrs ago Sep 17 2021 8:14 

MercuryQuincunxNeptuneRin 11.6 hrs Sep 18 2021 6:19 Sam

Vendredi 17 Septembre 2021 18h39
ven. 17 sep. 2021 15h TU
Ephemerides astro 17/09/2021 à 15h TU
vendredi 17 septembre 21
St Renaud
Bonne fête Hildegarde, Lambert, Réginald, Renald, Renauld, Renault, Ronald.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 07/09 00h52
premier quartier 13/09 20h41
Pleine Lune 20/09 23h54
second quartier 29/09 01h58
prochaine lunaison 06/10 11h05
Horoscope astrologie

Fri, Sep 17, 2021

VENDREDI17SEPTEMBRESemaine 37 - Jour 260 | RenaudKGibbeuse croissante

Sunrise 07:28
Sunset 20:00
Twilight ends 21:52
begins 05:40

Aquarius10-day old moon
Waxing Gibbous


10 days old

11th Lunar Day

This Lunar Day is propitious to reflecting and creating, but also opposition to change.

Waxing Moon

A good time for long-term partnership and for starting the implementation of far-reaching plans.

Moon in Aquarius

Suitable energy to make individual choices, to work in groups, to be with friends, to become aware of social issues, to change attitudes, share ideas, do the old thing in a new way, research, understand, study, teach, technology, Astrology, the Net, the unexpected, encounters with strangers or strange, eccentric people, UFO sighting. Purchase of books, encyclopaedias, computer programs, computers, technology, electrical appliances.


Sep 17 2021 18:51 
Venus Day    15° / 24°

Risque de pluie : 0% - Humi. : 71%

Vent :Sud-Sud-Est - 11 km/h

Lever : 07:30 - Coucher : 19:59

      Partiellement nuageux

Venus Hour07:3108:34Mars Hour20:0020:57
Mercury Hour08:3409:36Sun Hour20:5721:55
Moon Hour09:3610:38Venus Hour21:5522:53
Saturn Hour10:3811:41Mercury Hour22:5323:51
Jupiter Hour11:4112:43Moon Hour23:5100:48
Mars Hour12:4313:45Saturn Hour00:4801:46
Sun Hour13:4514:48Jupiter Hour01:4602:44
Venus Hour14:4815:50Mars Hour02:4403:42
Mercury Hour15:5016:53Sun Hour03:4204:39
Moon Hour16:5317:55Venus Hour04:3905:37
Saturn Hour17:5518:57Mercury Hour05:3706:35
Jupiter Hour18:5720:00Moon Hour06:3507:33

Sabian symbol 176 - A boy with a censer
Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 17/09 at 18:30 h (chart)
Virgo 25-26° – Sabian symbol 176
"A boy with a censer"

This Week in Astrology Calendar: September 12 to 18, 2021

Friday, SEPTEMBER 17

The Venus-Saturn square perfects early today. We might focus on the negative possibilities, which can be the first step before we get to a place of realism. We could be feeling unsatisfied, isolated, or unloved, which puts us on guard or defensive with our feelings and affections. Fears are most likely at the root of this. We may feel a little discouraged on a social level if we don’t receive the feedback we crave. Difficulties socializing can occur if we are more sensitive to rejection than usual. There may be a lesson or reality check with matters of the heart, pleasure, or finances. We’re cautious and unlikely to be free or generous with money or our hearts temporarily.

The Moon spends the day in Aquarius, and friends, community, groups, causes, and happiness goals can be in stronger focus now. The Mercury-Neptune quincunx occurring shortly into the day tomorrow influences the day as it advances. This transit can diffuse our concentration or focus. We may be wavering due to uncertainty as it can be challenging to combine logic and intuition cohesively. Or, the tendency to daydream comes at the expense of productivity and clear communication. There can be some mental disorganization to manage.

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 18

The Moon continues its transit of Aquarius until 10:23 PM, bringing friendly, uplifting, objective, and intelligent energy to our lives. The Moon aligns with Jupiter this morning, encouraging us to embrace our unique side or social life. We can feel inspired to reach for our joy, seeking to grow, expand, and improve. The desire to connect and make others happy is strong.

The Moon heads into the sign of Pisces at 10:23 PM, bringing on gentle, creative, and compassionate energy. We begin to seek ways to detox and let go.

The void Moon occurs from 11:14 AM , with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a conjunction to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Pisces at 10:22 PM .

The Void of Course Moon.

The Moon is considered “Void of Course” when it doesn’t make any major applying aspects before changing signs.

When determining the Void of Course Moon period, traditional astrology only considers major aspects (that is, the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition) that are applying. Applying aspects occur when the planets forming the aspect are moving closer to the point of contact.

In practical terms, the faster-moving planet (when the Moon is involved, it is always the faster-moving planet) is at a degree that is less than the slower-moving planet. For example, if the Moon is at 25 degrees Aries, and the Sun is at 26 degrees Libra, the Moon is forming an applying aspect (an opposition) to the Sun.

After the Moon has made its last major aspect before changing signs, the Void of Course phase begins. Therefore, in our example, if the opposition to the Sun is the last aspect the Moon will make before it changes signs (in this case, moves to 0 degrees Taurus), the Moon will enter the Void of Course phase (at 26 degrees Aries until 0 degrees Taurus in our example).

According to theory, most activities should be initiated when the Moon is not Void of Course. New activities started during the void period generally don’t work out to our liking, or they need some serious adjustment in order for them to meet any success. It’s not necessarily that they fail to materialize, but that it’s a hard path.

Therefore, if possible, one should avoid going on a first date, a job interview, starting a business or project, and so forth, during the Void of Course Moon. In Horary Astrology, in which a person asks a question and then the astrologer draws a chart of that moment in order to find an answer, if the Moon is Void of Course, we generally consider that “nothing will come of the matter.”

When is the Moon Void of Course? Refer to our chart below for the current months. Notice that our charts show the last major applying aspect the Moon makes before changing signs (for example, it squares Mars). You can also use this table to see the Moon’s sign for the months shown! The date and time the Moon changes sign are shown in the chart.

What is a Void Moon Good for?

  • Finishing up projects that have already begun before the void of course Moon.
  • Taking stock, making to-do lists, and finding lost objects.
  • Editing, refining, and reviewing.
  • Social events with established friends and with family.
  • Rest and sleep will be more peaceful during the void of course Moon.
  • Getting rid of excess.

What activities should be avoided during the Void Moon?

  • Meeting new people with whom you might want a long-term relationship.
  • Job interviews, presentations of new ideas
  • Making important, large purchases (items bought now may not be used, might not turn out as expected, etc.)
  • Beginning new projects, launching a new business or starting a new job.

It is generally considered better to begin our projects during Moon windows when the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs is a harmonious one.

In other words, when the Moon is NOT void (before the Moon’s void period) if the last major aspect it makes is a harmonious one, such as a sextile or trine, activities are favored for positive outcomes. The harmonious last aspects are marked by an (H) and the challenging ones are marked by a (C). Conjunctions are not marked as either harmonious or challenging because they depend on the nature of the planet involved – they can be neutral, harmonious, or challenging. Generally, then, we will be looking to start projects during a period that ends with an (H) or when the last aspect is a conjunction to Venus or Jupiter.

We can use the above void tables to discover these windows as follows:

For example, from the 2020 table above:

Jul 20, 2020,  4:16 PM,   Moon enters Leo
Jul 21, 2020,  8:27 PM,   Moon sextile (H) Ven V/C

The period from July 20, 2020, at 4:16 PM [when the Moon enters a new sign, in this case, Leo], to July 21, 2020, at 8:27 PM [when the Moon forms its last major aspect before leaving the sign of Leo] would be considered a flowing period for beginning new projects. This is due to the idea that the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs is symbolic of a matter’s final outcome, and in this case, it’s represented by the Moon’s harmonious aspect (a sextile) to Venus.

Void Moon Dates & Times: Table for September 2021

There are other considerations for electing good times to start things, but this is a fine way to do some narrowing down or to begin the process of weeding out.

Void periods do not necessarily deny results but results can be more challenging to achieve during void Moon periods, so it may be best to avoid starting new projects during a void Moon. The Moon phase is another important consideration for the timing of events. 

France says can't trust Australia in trade talks after subs snub

France has called Australia's decision to cancel a submarine contract a "stab in the back"

Paris (AFP) - France said Friday that it was unable to trust Australia in ongoing talks on forging a trade deal with the EU, after Canberra ditched a deal to buy French submarines in favour of US vessels.

Paris, which has called the Australian decision a “stab in the back”, appeared to issue a threat that it could affect far-reaching trade talks.

“We’re having trade negotiations with Australia,” European Affairs Minister Clement Beaune told the France 24 news channel. “I don’t see how we can trust our Australian partners.”

The European Commission, which negotiates trade deals on behalf of its member governments, and Australia this spring completed an 11th round of trade negotiations that began in 2018.

The next round of the talks, which cover areas including trade, services, investment and intellectual property rights, is scheduled for the autumn of this year.

The EU is Australia’s third-biggest trading partner, with 2020 trade in goods valued at 36 billion euros ($42.4 billion, Aus$58 billion) and at 26 billion euros in services.

France’s Naval Group, partly owned by the state, had been chosen to build 12 conventionally powered submarines for Australia, based on France’s Barracuda nuclear-powered subs in development.

The contract was worth around Aus$50 billion when announced in 2016.

- ‘Subservience’ -

But US President Joe Biden and the prime ministers of Australia and Britain announced Wednesday a new defence pact that would see Canberra get a nuclear-powered submarine fleet, a privilege Washington has until now only reserved for Britain.

Beaune added that London’s decision to join the AUSUK alliance could cast a lasting pall over its post-Brexit relations with Europe.

“Our British friends told us they were quitting the EU to create a Global Britain,” he said. “But we see that Global Britain means a return to the American fold, and a form of accepted subservience.”

So far, Beaune added, London has declined on extend Brexit negotiations with the EU to areas of security and defence.

“That’s a pity,” he said. Maybe it will change in the near future. We hope so.”

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

Bitcoin mining generates substantial electronic waste: study

Bitcoin mining generated 30,700 tonnes of electronic waste in the 12 months to May, a study found

London (AFP) - Mining for bitcoin generates substantial electronic waste that “represents a growing threat to the environment”, according to a recent study.

A co-author of the report told AFP on Friday that the average life cycle of the powerful computers used to unearth the units of the world’s leading cryptocurrency was only 1.3 years.

Alex de Vries noted that this was “extremely short compared to any” other electronic devices such as iPhones.

At 30,700 tonnes, the amount of electronic waste generated by bitcoin mining in the 12 months to May was “comparable to the amount of small IT and telecommunication equipment waste produced by a country like the Netherlands”, the report said.

The race to find new bitcoins – on Friday, one unit was worth more than $47,000 following a stellar rise this year – means the mining computers’ processing power soon becomes obsolete.

And the more bitcoin is worth, the larger the amount of electronic waste, according to the study published by scientific journal, Elsevier.

Alex de Vries works as an economist at the Dutch central bank, while the report’s co-author Christian Stoll is from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Despite the high amount of waste, it remains a fraction of the global total from throwing away electronic devices, which stood at 53.6 million tonnes last year.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

04°Scorpion - 20241027

    Ils sont nés un 27 octobre Roberto Benigni, Laurent Berger, Alain Boghossian, Alain Bombard, Jean-Pierre Cassel, John Cleese, Ruby Dee, ...

Ephémerides 2023