
Ephémérides (1232) 2023 (343) NL (43) PL (43) Février2023 (28)


mardi, août 31, 2021

08°Vierge - 20210831


Ils sont nés un 31 août
 Amarande, Marie Louise Carven, James Coburn, Theophile Gautier, Richard Gere, Itzhak Perlman, Maurice Pialat, William Saroyan.

Mardi 31 ao�t :

- Elongation maximale de Titan � l'ouest de Saturne, � -188'', � 07h00 UTC

- A 17h07, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Elnath (beta Tauri) et la Lune, � 3�56'

- A 20h09, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre la N�buleuse du Crabe (M1) et la Lune, � 2�52'

- A 20h25, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre la N�buleuse du Crabe (M1) et la Lune, � 2�53'

Demain :

- Vers 04h45, maximum de l'essaim m�t�oritique des Aurigides (AUR), actif du 28 Ao�t au 05 Septembre (taux horaire : 6)

- A 01h12, occultation de la petite plan�te Iris (magV 0,7) par la Lune, visible depuis le centre et l'est de l'Am�rique du Nord, le Canada, le Groenland, l'Europe

- L'�quation de temps est nulle

Chart Style
August 31, 2021
7:04:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 0° 16' – ap
 – 0° 21' – sp
 – 3° 02' – s
 – 1° 52' – a
 – 0° 42' – sp
 – 0° 54' – a
 – 1° 41' – s
 – 0° 46' – a
 – 0° 23' – s
 – 1° 46' – a
 – 1° 21' – a
 – 3° 48' – a
 – 0° 59' – a
 – 2° 27' – s
 – 0° 56' – s
 – 1° 48' – s
 – 1° 14' – a
 – 2° 16' – s
IC – 2° 03' – a
 – 1° 08' – a
 Sun08  30' 22" +0.967500 N 00160° 08'08 N 237
 Moon23 50' 42" +11.90101 N 32083° 13'24 N 505
 North Node06 09  R0.012900 N 00064° 16'21 N 214
 South Node06  09  R0.012900 N 00244° 16'21 S 2110
 Mercury02  06 +1.393500 S 42181° 39'01 S 298
 Venus18  14 +1.166100 S 09196° 45'07 S 188
 Mars20  48 +0.639600 N 55171° 55'04 N 298
 Jupiter25  43  R0.124801 S 12328° 24'14 S 051
 Saturn08  09  R0.058800 S 49310° 48'19 S 011
 Uranus14 44  R0.009300 S 25042° 24'15 N 523
 Neptune22  10  R0.026701 S 10353° 16'04 S 112
 Pluto24  37  R0.015901 S 38296° 51'22 S 4912
 Proserpina16  07 +0.005900 N 52223° 54'15 S 509
 Chiron12 02  R0.035702 N 24010° 07'06 N 582
 Ceres07 57 +0.202506 S 22067° 14'15 N 214
 Pallas21  14  R0.247206 N 06349° 33'02 N 072
 Juno10  29 +0.141313 N 41250° 50'08 S 2810
 Vesta19  59 +0.490205 N 02200° 22'03 S 098
 True Lilith02 38  R1.459200 S 19060° 38'20 N 244
 Mean Lilith04 55 +0.110700 S 06062° 59'21 N 024
 Selena06  45 +0.140800 N 00277° 21'23 S 1711
House CuspPlanets in House  
As01  55 
211  29 
321 02 
IC00 35 
521 02 
611  29
Ds01  55 
811  29 
921  02 
MC00  35 
1121  02 
1211  29 
Vx05  07Vertex
Ax05  07Anti-Vertex
17  15Part of Fortune
06 01Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 17:04:00 · August 31, 2021
Sidereal Time: 15:53:42
RAMC: 238° 25' 31"
ΔT: 69.9 sec.

9th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a canvas; his art is futuristic and unintelligible.

24th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A group of carefree children, gaily dressed for their sport, are skating about smoothly on a backwoods pond.

3rd Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
A new day dawns when the light permits the recognition of detail it can be seen that all things are changed.

19th Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
A gang of robbers are seen in hiding, ready and anxious to attack the heavily armed caravan just coming into sight.

21st Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A large cheerful but bare room holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing game of basketball.

26th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The battery man at the automobile service station (is) about to inspect a customer's car and has his hydrometer in hand.

9th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.

15th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.

23rd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A huge hulk of a woman medium gone into trance and around her are entities continually forming and dissolving.

25th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.

8th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A great industrial plant is closed down and around it mills a crowd of agitators and striking workmen.

22nd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Down the man-made mountain of industry in allegorical representation some the prophet with tablets of a new law.

3rd Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
An etching or rare beauty displays a charming court life at the garden of the Tuileries under Louis XIV.



Current Planets
31-Aug-2021, 17:04 UT/GMT
Jupiter25Aquarius43' 9"r
Saturn8Aquarius9' 3"r
TrueNode6Gemini9' 6"r
Chiron12Aries2' 4"r

Sun08 Vir 30' 21"
Moon23 Gem 50' 35"
Mercury02 Lib 06' 14"
Venus18 Lib 13' 56"
Mars20 Vir 48' 25"
Jupiter25 Aqu 43' 09" R
Saturn08 Aqu 09' 03" R
Uranus14 Tau 44' 13" R
Neptune22 Pis 09' 31" R
Pluto24 Cap 36' 40" R
Chiron12 Ari 02' 04" R
Lilith04 Gem 54' 46"
True Node06 Gem 09' 06" R

August 31st, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Virgo
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Gemini
The Last Quarter Moon is in Gemini,
Enters Cancer 01/09 10:26 
[V/C]Moon Void of Course 22:48 to 10:26 
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Sep 26 - Oct 18

Tue, Aug 31, 2021

Sunrise 07:06
Sunset 20:38
Twilight ends 22:34
begins 05:10

August 31, 2021Tu
 VOC 22:48 - 24:00

SunSquareNorth Node 2.4 days ago
MercurySign IngressLibra 1.5 days ago Aug 30 2021 7:09 
SunQuincunxSaturn 8.3 hrs ago Aug 31 2021 10:45 
MarsOppositionNeptunein 2 days Sep 02 2021 19:42 jeu 
MercuryTrineNorth Nodein 2.8 days Sep 03 2021 15:17 Ven

Gemini23-day old moon
Waning Crescent


23 days old

23rd Lunar Day

This Lunar Day is propitious to major works, renovation, passing on masterpieces from the past, but also exaggeration.

Waning Moon

This period is intended to summarize and analyze errors. It is better not to begin new affairs at this time.

Moon in Gemini

Suitable energy for travelling, studying, researching, reading, writing, teaching, moving, walking, running, advertising, talking, brain storming, contact with siblings, computer work, accounting, graphic designing, artistic skills. Purchase of books, magazines, school gear, cars, bikes, art equipment.


SunSquareTrue Node2.35
SaturnTrineTrue Node2.00
LilithConjunctionTrue Node1.24
True NodeSquareSun2.35
True NodeTrineSaturn2.00
True NodeConjunctionLilith1.24

MarsOppositionNeptunein 2 days Sep 02 2021 19:42 Jeu
MercuryTrineNorth Nodein 2.8 days Sep 03 2021 15:17 Ven
VenusQuincunxNeptunein 3.3 days Sep 04 2021 2:12 Sam
SunQuincunxChironin 3.5 days Sep 04 2021 7:19 Sam
MercuryTrineSaturnin 4.3 days Sep 05 2021 3:31 Dim
VenusSquarePlutoin 5.4 days Sep 06 2021 5:06 Lun
MarsTrinePlutoin 5.8 days Sep 06 2021 14:19 Lun
VenusTrineJupiterin 5.8 days Sep 06 2021 15:04 Lun
SunTrineUranusin 6.3 days Sep 07 2021 3:28 Mar
MarsQuincunxJupiterin 6.4 days Sep 07 2021 5:49 Mar
MercuryOppositionChironin 1.1 wks Sep 08 2021 6:30 Mer
MercuryQuincunxUranusin 1.4 wks Sep 10 2021 18:17 Ven

Mardi 31 Aout 2021 19h04
mar. 31 aou. 2021 16h TU
Ephemerides astro 31/08/2021 à 16h TU
mardi 31 août 21
St Aristide

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 08/08 13h50
premier quartier 15/08 15h21
Pleine Lune 22/08 12h02
second quartier 30/08 07h15
prochaine lunaison 07/09 00h52
Horoscope Hebdo
Horoscope astrologie

Aug 31 2021 19:25 Mar
Mars Day   14° / 24°

Risque de pluie : 83% - Humi. : 85%

Vent :Nord-Nord-Est - 19 km/h

Lever : 07:07 - Coucher : 20:35

      Possibles averses de pluie

Mars Hour07:0808:15Saturn Hour20:3421:27
Sun Hour08:1509:23Jupiter Hour21:2722:20
Venus Hour09:2310:30Mars Hour22:2023:13
Mercury Hour10:3011:37Sun Hour23:1300:06
Moon Hour11:3712:44Venus Hour00:0600:59
Saturn Hour12:4413:51Mercury Hour00:5901:52
Jupiter Hour13:5114:58Moon Hour01:5202:45
Mars Hour14:5816:06Saturn Hour02:4503:38
Sun Hour16:0617:13Jupiter Hour03:3804:31
Venus Hour17:1318:20Mars Hour04:3105:24
Mercury Hour18:2019:27Sun Hour05:2406:17
Moon Hour19:2720:34Venus Hour06:1707:10

Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 31/08 at 06:32 h (chart)
Virgo 8-9° – Sabian symbol 159
"A man making a futuristic drawing"

Sun in Virgo You’re coming into a new cycle centered on taking what you know and what you’ve got and then making the most of it in the real world. Assimilating information and experience, learning lessons and putting them into practice – that’s the focus as this cycle unfolds. It’s a time for prudence and stewardship, a time to tend to the details. You probably already have the grand ideals and visions: now you must get your hands dirty with the bricks and mortar and your mind busy with putting it all together.

Mercury in Virgo Mental discipline and patience are keynoted as you enter into a new cycle. Thinking things through, accounting for all the details, making careful measurements: these and similar experiences keep your mind active and involved. An interest in health and work may come to the fore.

Mercury in Libra A new cycle begins for you, signaling a greater than usual interest in relationships, social connections, and the arts – on a more intellectual level than in the past, most likely. Seeing both sides of an issue, and figuring out resolutions to opposing views: these things take on more importance in your life.

Venus in Libra As this new cycle takes hold in your life, romance and social interaction take on a greater importance for you. Harmonious ties to others are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you seek. The ideal partnership, the perfect balance, the highest standards of truth and beauty – these are some of the things that quicken your pulse now.

Mars in Virgo As a new cycle dawns in your life, there arises a passion for details, a need to do just the right thing at just the right time, and a burning desire to have a place for everything and everything in its place. This can be hard on the digestion if taken to extremes! The satisfaction of a job well done is one of your greatest incentives now.

Jupiter in Aquarius Innovation, reform, and idealism are your paths to growth and gain now. New, futuristic ideas are part of this, but it’s much more than that: putting them into practice is essential because this is much more than empty idealism. A break from the past, a willingness to flaunt convention.

Saturn in Aquarius Ideals are in for a period of testing, as a new phase begins in your life. What are principles worth, unless they are put into practice? That’s an important question for you now. This could mean you may be disappointed by causes you believe in – but if you abandon your principles, you lose.

Uranus in Taurus Practicality and ingenuity combine as powerful drives in your life now that you have begun a new cycle. Taking innovative concepts and making them real and practical is your strong suit; getting stuck in the mud is to be avoided at all costs. Financial savvy, inventiveness, worldly genius.

Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?

Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone, and everyone in their place…

Ida inflicts 'catastrophic' destruction on Louisiana

A section of a building's roof is blown off during rain and winds in the French Quarter of New Orleans on August 29, 2021

New Orleans (AFP) - Rescuers on Monday combed through the “catastrophic” damage Hurricane Ida inflicted on Louisiana, a day after the fierce storm killed at least two people, stranded others in rising floodwaters and sheared the roofs off homes.

New Orleans was still mostly without power more than 24 hours after Ida slammed into the Louisiana coast as a Category 4 storm, exactly 16 years to the day that Hurricane Katrina made landfall, wreaking deadly havoc.

While search and rescue missions focus on those who sheltered in place, local officials urged people who had evacuated not to return yet as there was a lack of services and trees, debris and downed power lines continue to pose a hazard.

“I know people are anxious to get back home, but I am urging you to wait until you get the all clear from your local officials. The storm may have passed but dangers still remain,” Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said at televised a press conference.

Two deaths have been confirmed as crews began fanning out in boats and off-road vehicles to search communities cut off by the hurricane. A man was also missing after apparently being killed by an alligator.

Images of people being plucked from flooded cars and pictures of destroyed homes surfaced on social media, while the damage in New Orleans itself remained limited.

New Orleans Airport said all incoming and outgoing flights slated for Tuesday were canceled, while airlines had scrapped 197 flights scheduled on Wednesday.

Ida is seen swirling over the United States at 1150 GMT, on August 30, 2021

Ida – which was downgraded to a tropical depression on Monday – knocked out power for more than a million properties across Louisiana, according to outage tracker PowerOutage.US.

“I was there 16 years ago. The wind seems worse this time but the damage seems less bad,” said French Quarter resident Dereck Terry, surveying his neighborhood in flip-flops and a T-shirt, umbrella in hand.

“I have a broken window. Some tiles from the roof are on the streets and water came inside,” the 53-year-old retired pharmacist added.

According to Edwards the levee system in the affected parishes had “really held up very well, otherwise we would be facing much more problems today”.

- ‘Total devastation’ -

Montegut fire chief Toby Henry walks back to his firetruck after helping cut through trees on the road in Bourg, Louisiana on August 29, 2021

In the town of Jean Lafitte, just south of New Orleans, Mayor Tim Kerner said the rapidly rising waters had overtopped the 7.5-foot-high (2.3-meter) levees.

“Total devastation, catastrophic, our town levees have been overtopped,” Kerner told ABC-affiliate WGNO.

“We have anywhere between 75 to 200 people stranded in Barataria,” after a barge took out a bridge to the island.

Several residents of LaPlace, just upstream from New Orleans, posted appeals for help on social media, saying they were trapped by rising floodwaters.

“The damage is really catastrophic,” Edwards told NBC’s “Today”, adding that Ida had “delivered the surge that was forecasted. The wind that was forecasted and the rain.”

President Joe Biden declared a major disaster for Louisiana and Mississippi, which gives the states access to federal aid.

One person was killed by a falling tree in Prairieville, 60 miles northwest of New Orleans, the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office said.

A second victim died while trying to drive through floodwaters in New Orleans, the Louisiana Department of Health tweeted.

Map of the southern United States with the forecast trajectory of Hurricane Ida, which made landfall in Louisiana Sunday.

In St. Tammany Parish, police said a 71-year-old man was attacked and “apparently killed by an alligator while walking in flood waters following Hurricane Ida”.

The man’s wife saw her husband being attacked by the reptile and managed to pull him out of the floodwaters, the sheriff’s office said in a statement. But he had disappeared by the time his wife came back from trying to get help.

Governor Edwards said on Twitter that Louisiana had deployed more than 1,600 personnel to conduct search and rescue across the state.

US Army Major General Hank Taylor told journalists at a Pentagon briefing that military, federal emergency management officials and the National Guard had activated more than 5,200 personnel in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama.

- ‘Way less debris’ -

Most residents had heeded warnings of catastrophic damage and authorities’ instructions to flee.

“I stayed for Katrina and from what I’ve seen so far there is way less debris in the streets than after Katrina,” Mike, who has lived in the French Quarter, told AFP Monday, declining to give his last name.

The memory of Katrina, which made landfall on August 29, 2005, is still fresh in the state, where it caused some 1,800 deaths and billions of dollars in damage.

The National Hurricane Center issued flash flood warnings over the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys as Ida travels northeast.

As of 0900 GMT Tuesday, Ida was about 185 miles (300 kilometers) southwest of country music hub Nashville, Tennessee, with maximum sustained winds of 30 miles per hour.

The storm system is expected to track across the United States all the way to the mid-Atlantic through Wednesday, creating the potential for flash flooding along the way.

Scientists have warned of a rise in cyclone activity as the ocean surface warms due to climate change, posing an increasing threat to the world’s coastal communities.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

Markets lack conviction as traders digest weak China data

While traders remain largely upbeat about the global recovery outlook, the spread of the Delta variant is weighing on near-term confidence

London (AFP) - US and European equities marked time Tuesday, despite Asian gains, with sentiment dented by renewed Chinese economic concerns, fears over the unwinding of central bank stimulus, eurozone inflation and a fall in US investor confidence.

After losing early ground, the Dow was barely 0.1 percent up two hours into trading after a Conference Board survey showed fear of the fast spreading Delta variant of Covid-19 and rising prices had pushed consumer confidence down to its lowest level in six months.

London, Frankfurt and Paris all ended in the red meanwhile.

“The month is ending with weakness for European markets, with US markets also running out of upward momentum for the time being,” said Chris Beauchamp, chief market analyst at IG.

For David Madden, market analyst at Equiti Capital, “equity markets are in the red as it seems that dealers are squaring up their books on the final day of the month”.

EU statistics body Eurostat added to the relative gloom by reporting that annual eurozone inflation has risen by its highest level in a decade to 3.0 percent in August on rising costs of energy, goods and services – above the European Central Bank’s target of 2.0 percent.

Oil prices sagged as investors assessed the damage to refineries after Hurricane Ida slammed into the rig-heavy Gulf of Mexico, and on the eve of an output meeting of OPEC and other key producers.

- ‘Downside risks remain’ -

“Downside risks for the final months of the year remain – which makes confidence in the central banks’ plans for unwinding pandemic stimulus all the more important,” OANDA analyst Craig Erlam told AFP.

“The services PMI from China overnight was a reminder of those risks, with the Delta variant continuing to drive rising case numbers in the US and elsewhere.”

British Airways parent company IAG closed off 2.7 percent with travel stocks notably hit hard by Monday’s news that EU states are to recommend reimposing travel restrictions on US tourists over rising Covid infections in the country.

Asian indices had earlier ended ahead as investors overcame early selling pressure sparked by PMI data indicating China’s economic recovery had been slowed down by a Covid outbreak.

The day had got off to a weak start after China released figures showing activity in the services industry contracted last month for the first time since February 2020.

Authorities imposed strict travel restrictions on swathes of the country this month to contain its worst outbreak of Covid since the initial pandemic with dozens of cities affected and tens of millions of people subject to containment measures.

The moves saw flights cancelled and tourist spots closed while events were called off in a bid to nip the flare-up in the bud.

- Key figures at 1600 GMT -

New York - Dow: UP 0.1 percent at 35,442.91

London - FTSE 100: DOWN 0.4 percent at 7,119.70 points (close)

Frankfurt - DAX 30: DOWN 0.3 percent at 15,835.09 (close)

Paris - CAC 40: DOWN 0.1 percent at 6,680.18 (close)

EURO STOXX 50: DOWN 0.2 percent at 4,185.07

Tokyo - Nikkei 225: UP 1.1 percent at 28,089.54 (close)

Hong Kong - Hang Seng Index: UP 1.3 percent at 25,878.99 (close)

Shanghai - Composite: UP 0.5 percent at 3,543.94 (close)

Euro/dollar: UP at $1.1800 from $1.1797

Pound/dollar: DOWN at $1.3746 from $1.3760

Euro/pound: UP at 85.84 pence from 85.73 pence

Dollar/yen: UP at 110.06 yen from 109.92 yen

West Texas Intermediate: DOWN 0.5 percent at $68.85 per barrel

Brent North Sea crude: DOWN 0.5 percent at $73.05 per barrel

02°Scorpion - 20241025

    Ils sont nés un 25 octobre Clarisse Agb�gn�nou, Mathieu Amalric, Picasso, Katy Perry, Jon Anderson, Richard E Byrd, Lionel Charbonnier, ...

Ephémerides 2023