
Ephémérides (1232) 2023 (343) NL (43) PL (43) Février2023 (28)


lundi, août 23, 2021

00°Vierge - 20210823


Ils sont nés un 23 août
Georges Leopold Cuvier, Gene Kelly, Roi Louis Xvi, Michel Rocard, Jacques Weber.

Lundi 23 ao�t :

- Libration maximale en latitude pour la Lune (B = 6,58�)

- L'ast�ro�de (89) Julia est en opposition (magV 8,9)

- Elongation maximale de Titan � l'est de Saturne, � 184'', � 05h22 UTC

- A 20h51 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre (2) Pallas et la Lune, � 13�01'

Demain :

- Libration maximale en longitude pour la Lune (L = 5,44�)

- A 01h54 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre Neptune et la Lune, � 4�01'

- A 04h49 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Neptune et la Lune, � 3�39'

- A 06h05 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre (2) Pallas et la Lune, � 11�49'

Chart Style
August 23, 2021
5:34:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 3° 58' – s
 – 0° 02' – ap
 – 5° 05' – a
 – 0° 36' – ap
 – 0° 24' – s
 – 0° 16' – s
 – 0° 41' – ap
 – 4° 29' – s
 – 2° 14' – a
9 – 0° 38' – s
 – 0° 09' – sp
 – 0° 01' – sp
 – 0° 53' – s
2 – 0° 18' – sp
 – 2° 23' – s
 – 0° 45' – a
 – 0° 34' – ap
 – 2° 45' – a
 – 2° 11' – s
12 – 0° 32' – s
 Sun00  43' 20" +0.963600 N 00152° 47'11 N 138
 Moon15  03' 41" +13.29104 S 56348° 11'10 S 262
 North Node06 46  R0.203400 N 00064° 56'21 N 275
 South Node06  46  R0.203400 N 00244° 56'21 S 2711
 Mercury20  08 +1.580700 N 24171° 06'04 N 169
 Venus08  48 +1.174800 N 19188° 12'03 S 129
 Mars15  40 +0.636000 N 58167° 11'06 N 328
 Jupiter26  45  R0.130501 S 11329° 24'13 S 432
 Saturn08  39  R0.066000 S 48311° 18'18 S 531
 Uranus14 47  R0.002700 S 25042° 27'15 N 534
 Neptune22  22  R0.025201 S 10353° 27'04 S 063
 Pluto24  45  R0.018301 S 37296° 59'22 S 471
 Proserpina16  04 +0.004300 N 52223° 52'15 S 4910
 Chiron12 18  R0.030602 N 24010° 22'07 N 043
 Ceres06 12 +0.231606 S 23065° 28'15 N 045
 Pallas23  07  R0.219907 N 02350° 54'03 N 433
 Juno09  29 +0.105914 N 16249° 57'07 S 4612
 Vesta16  05 +0.480605 N 15196° 50'01 S 299
 True Lilith18 50  R2.027401 N 03077° 46'24 N 026
 Mean Lilith04 01 +0.110700 S 13062° 04'20 N 455
 Selena05  37 +0.140800 N 00276° 07'23 S 201
House CuspPlanets in House  
As28  22 
208  57 
319  31 
IC00 04 
519 31 
608 57 
Ds28 22
808  57 
919  31 
MC00  04 
1119  31 
1208  57 
Vx11  23Vertex
Ax11  23Anti-Vertex
12  42Part of Fortune
06 26Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 15:34:00 · August 23, 2021
Sidereal Time: 13:51:55
RAMC: 207° 58' 43"
ΔT: 69.9 sec.

Sabian symbol 151 - A man’s head
Virgo 0-1° – Sabian symbol 151
"A man’s head"

1st Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A man's head is revealed; it is a portrait in which the artist has sought to idealize the best of human character.

16th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
In the sacred quiet and afternoon half-lights of the museum a young art student drinks in pure inspiration.

21st Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A large cheerful but bare room holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing game of basketball.

9th Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
Three Old Masters hang together in an art gallery; they have a room to themselves and seem to hold converse.

16th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
The delighted children are crowded about a cage in the zoo; an orang-utang is sitting is a spot in the afternoon sun.

27th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
In the quiet of the afternoon in the cool of an art connoisseur's library is an old pottery bowl with fresh violets.

9th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.

15th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.

25th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.

13th Degree of Aries
Sabian Symbol:
A bomb that has failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery.

10th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
In a pageant of progress a glorious little maid with golden hair enacts the part of the goddess of opportunity.

19th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.



Current Planets
23-Aug-2021, 15:34 UT/GMT
Neptune22Pisces22' 2"r
TrueNode6Gemini46' 8"r

Sun00 Vir 43' 19"
Moon15 Pis 03' 45"
Mercury20 Vir 08' 34"
Venus08 Lib 47' 49"
Mars15 Vir 39' 50"
Jupiter26 Aqu 45' 10" R
Saturn08 Aqu 39' 15" R
Uranus14 Tau 47' 15" R
Neptune22 Pis 22' 02" R
Pluto24 Cap 44' 55" R
Chiron12 Ari 18' 10" R
Lilith04 Gem 01' 12"
True Node06 Gem 46' 08" R

VenusTrineTrue Node2.03
SaturnTrineTrue Node1.89
LilithConjunctionTrue Node2.75
True NodeTrineVenus2.03
True NodeTrineSaturn1.89
True NodeConjunctionLilith2.75

August 23rd, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Virgo
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in PiscesThe Full Moon is in Pisces: All day
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Sep 26 - Oct 18

August 23, 2021Mo
August 24, 2021Tu
 VOC 11:14 - 20:56
  1 20:56

SunSign IngressVirgo 18 hrs ago Aug 22 2021 23:34 
VenusTrineSaturn 2.8 hrs ago Aug 23 2021 14:47 

MercuryOppositionNeptunein 1.4 days Aug 25 2021 3:13 
VenusOppositionChironin 2.9 days Aug 26 2021 15:23 
MercuryTrinePlutoin 3 days Aug 26 2021 16:23 Jeu
MercuryQuincunxJupiterin 4 days Aug 27 2021 17:05 
VenusQuincunxUranusin 5.1 days Aug 28 2021 19:43 
SunSquareNorth Nodein 5.6 days Aug 29 2021 8:55 
MercurySign IngressLibrain 6.6 days Aug 30 2021 7:09 Lun

Lundi 23 Aout 2021 17h34
lun. 23 aou. 2021 14h TU
Ephemerides astro 23/08/2021 à 14h TU
lundi 23 août 21
Ste Rose de Lima
Bonne fête Églantine, Rosa, Rose, Rosette, Rosita, Rosy, Rozenn.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 08/08 13h50
premier quartier 15/08 15h21
Pleine Lune 22/08 12h02
second quartier 30/08 07h15
prochaine lunaison 07/09 00h52
Horoscope astrologie

Mon, Aug 23, 2021

Sunrise 06:55
Sunset 20:51
Twilight ends 22:55
begins 04:51

Pisces15-day old moon
Full Moon


15 days old

15th Lunar Day

This Lunar Day is propitious to friendships, meeting up with people, or common ventures, but also disappointments or disillusions.

Waning Moon

This period is intended to summarize and analyze errors. It is better not to begin new affairs at this time.

Moon in Pisces

Suitable energy for sailing, swimming, day dreaming, escapism, falling in love, creative writing, especially of poetry, theatre, performances, movies, concerts, music, crowds, solitude, remembering. Charity, water scrying, astral travelling, past life experiences, psychic awakening, bliss. Purchase of swimming gear, boats, surfboards, pets, alcohol, shoes.


Aug 23 2021 18:04 Lun
Moon Day   16° / 22°

Risque de pluie : 95% - Humi. : 85%

Vent :Nord-Ouest - 17 km/h

Lever : 06:54 - Coucher : 20:50

      Légère averse de pluie

Moon Hour06:5708:07Venus Hour20:5021:41
Saturn Hour08:0709:16Mercury Hour21:4122:31
Jupiter Hour09:1610:25Moon Hour22:3123:22
Mars Hour10:2511:35Saturn Hour23:2200:13
Sun Hour11:3512:44Jupiter Hour00:1301:04
Venus Hour12:4413:54Mars Hour01:0401:54
Mercury Hour13:5415:03Sun Hour01:5402:45
Moon Hour15:0316:12Venus Hour02:4503:36
Saturn Hour16:1217:22Mercury Hour03:3604:26
Jupiter Hour17:2218:31Moon Hour04:2605:17
Mars Hour18:3119:41Saturn Hour05:1706:08
Sun Hour19:4120:50Jupiter Hour06:0806:59

Table of Aspects
Su 180° Ju [3° 58' s]    144° Pl [0° 02' ap]  
Mo 180° Me [5° 05' a]    180° Ma [0° 36' ap]    36° Sa [0° 24' s]    60° Ur [0° 16' s]    51° 26' Pl [0° 41' ap]  
NN 0° Ce [0° 34' ap]    0° ML [2° 45' a]  
Me 180° Mo [5° 05' a]    0° Ma [4° 29' s]    180° Ne [2° 14' a]    0° 9 [0° 38' s]  
Ve 120° Sa [0° 09' sp]    144° Ur [0° 01' sp]  
Ma 180° Mo [0° 36' ap]    0° Me [4° 29' s]    120° Ur [0° 53' s]  
Ju 180° Su [3° 58' s]  
Sa 36° Mo [0° 24' s]    120° Ve [0° 09' sp]    0° 2 [0° 18' sp]  
Ur 60° Mo [0° 16' s]    144° Ve [0° 01' sp]    120° Ma [0° 53' s]  
Ne 180° Me [2° 14' a]    60° Pl [2° 23' s]    0° Pa [0° 45' a]  
Pl 144° Su [0° 02' ap]    51° 26' Mo [0° 41' ap]    60° Ne [2° 23' s]  
Ce 0° NN [0° 34' ap]    0° ML [2° 11' s]  
Pa 0° Ne [0° 45' a]  
Jn 0° 12 [0° 32' s]  
ML 0° NN [2° 45' a]    0° Ce [2° 11' s]  
2 0° Sa [0° 18' sp]  
9 0° Me [0° 38' s]  
12 0° Jn [0° 32' s]  

Full Moon

An August Month of Enlightenment, Decision and Indecision

Posted on  in Overviews By  for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This August month is another rather exciting one, with all three traditional outer planets featured in one way or another, and with the ongoing presence of a T-square to Pluto from new KBO planets Eris and Haumea also energizing the emerging picture. This last full month of summer will likely be providing plenty of surprises, with Uranus in the middle degrees of Taurus stationing retrograde, hence more potent, and also being squared by the Sun and Moon in the Leo New Moon of Sunday, August 8th, the key lunation of the current month. Not to leave Neptune out at all, in this same New MoonVenus at nearly 21 degrees of Virgo is closely opposed to Neptune in Pisces at 22. The Sun and Moon are closely bi-quintile Neptune as well, an aspect of higher vibration separated from exact by less than ½ of a degree of Zodiacal longitude. Uranus being featured along with Neptune suggests novel spiritual dimensions coming into being while Pluto highlighted in Capricorn continues to signal massive societal changes taking place, as we have consistently been seeing happen, right before our very eyes, all last year and this. The outer planets are such an interesting modern phenomenon, arriving in the timing of the outskirts of the industrial revolution. They are there, essentially, to reassure us that everything, even the difficult things, even the straight-out crazy things, that happen to us as individuals and as a culture, are happening for a reason. It is all part of the plan, as whimsically pollyanna as that might seem. In the midst of one disaster after another, we are getting to better understand the workings of the universe to bring about the vitally necessary developmental evolution that is our birthright as human souls in transition.
As far as prominent Uranus, in Taurus, this represents the chance to make a departure from the same old same old, to take the stale bread of life and make pudding out of it, to make suddenly an unexpected left turn, or come to a surprising revelation, and run with it. Uranus is also located in the 15th degree of Taurus, a degree where it will remain for many weeks due to its upcoming August 20th retrograde, to past the end of September as it turns out. The Sabian Symbol for that degree reads “A man muffled up, with a rakish silk hat,” which Marc Edmund Jones relates to “self-integrity… a continual and effective awareness of a role to be played… a superb aplomb arising from the constant rediscovery of greater powers latent in self-hood.”  Indeed that is our task right now – to take whatever these fateful times can throw at us and remain unperturbed, confident in our determination to rise above.
With Eris magnified by its tight square with Pluto, active since the beginning of the 2020 year, we are all spiritual warriors on one level or another, ready to take up arms in the fight to save some semblance of a peaceful resolution to the power struggles of this 21st century. Nothing new there, of course, except for the urgency, which is reaching epic proportions – with income and racial problems dividing us and climate change looming. With Neptune so very prominent as well, and for the past month also, we are seeing issues of deception and misinformation running rampant, which fact calls for a finely tuned sense of discernment to come into play if we are to survive as a culture. There are false leads everywhere, not least of which of course in this country is the Big Lie that the recent presidential election was stolen. Although electoral fraud has been strongly asserted, and promoted, no evidence has ever been provided. You would think this to be a shaky peg to rest an entire political strategy upon, but there seems to be no sign of letting up, and this is where the Neptunian archetype comes to the fore. We all are in the process of questioning what – if anything – can concretely be believed. We are capable of being deceived in this and in many other things, and also capable of self-deception as proves necessary to us, in order to retain a particular worldview.
This situation might change somewhat when Saturn comes back into close alignment with Uranus in its quite telling square formation that is currently a subtext to all that is going on with the powerful astrological symbolism detailed above. That will be toward the very end of the 2021 year and bring into great prominence the uncertainty of the pandemic by that time, and the divisive societal issues themselves, whether winding down by then – or winding full ahead – remaining to be determined.

In the meantime what to do? Why merely, and also greatly, we must just keep on keeping on, doing the best we can, putting our shoulder to the wheel of progress as we see the possibility, and taking solace from the astrology that events have their purpose. With the astrology of these times being so damn accurate, we may be better equipped to feel in our hearts that, somehow, the universe is on our side and will see us through. 

August 2021


    The Sun is in Virgo
[M] The Full Moon is in Pisces: All day    

An Aquarius Full Moon of Dynamic Evolution

Posted on  in Configurations By  for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The August 22nd Aquarius Full Moon, taking place in the morning hours of Sunday, in the U.S., is the second Full Moon in Aquarius this summer, as the previous Full Moon of July 23rd was also in Aquarius. This is quite rare, because the successive Full Moon Suns are about thirty degrees apart, and there are only thirty degrees in a sign! As part of this phenomenon, the August 22nd Full Moon takes place at 29 ½ degrees of Aquarius (Moon) and of Leo (the Sun) therefore just preceding Virgo season by a few hours of time. Then, too, this double dose of Aquarius could be characterized as leading us down unconventional pathways into uncharted territory. The Fixed Air sign of Aquarius can be said to live to march to the beat of its own drum, and the lunar light reflected through this lens may have us actively seeking where we can experiment with expressing our own dynamism, by exploring the unique shape of who we truly are. With the Moon also in a close conjunction with Jupiter, this configuration offers us a larger-than-life opportunity to blossom into a more expansive view of our own individual circumstances, and our attitudes toward what we are ultimately up to in this lifetime. 
With Uranus having stationed retrograde in Taurus just two days prior to the Full Moon, the volume on unique Trickster energy is turned all the way up. Uranus being the modern ruler of Aquarius further implies that we can expect these themes to be intensified.  The Great Awakener is excellent at allowing us to see a whole new perspective on some factor of our life path that we’ve been staring at for ages. Of course the Uranian influence can be disruptive, as well, and often sudden surprises – pleasant or not – can arrive just in time to help us make needed changes, in adopting a new approach.  When things get shaken up, this provides a context for circumstances, events, and our awareness of them to re-organize in ways we may never have imagined. In this Full Moon as well, active Mars comes to a near-exact trine to Uranus, while Mercury more loosely does, too.  This offers a dimension of action orientation, although we should also be aware of the potential for accidents in this Full Moon timing. Overall we might find ourselves getting a new sense of willpower aligned to the unique ways the wisdom of life wishes to live itself out through our agency.
With regard to strong Uranus, there is, as well, the ongoing square between Uranus and Saturn to consider. While this square alignment is a bit wider in late summer, it will come back with a roar at the very end of the 2021 year, and it has been a theme ever since January, representing a persistent tension in our societal atmosphere throughout this year.  In the headlines, the division between conservative and progressive approaches has been manifest, and this antithesis of contrasting energies takes place within each of our own psyches, also.
With the Sun and Full Moon being in the last degree of Leo and Aquarius, respectively, and with Jupiter so close by the Moon, the outer planets that are all traveling in the late sign degrees are activated by this lunar phase.  Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn is at the focal point of a T-square between Eris at 24 Aries and Haumea at 27 Libra.   Eris and Haumea are new KBO planets, with Eris representing a powerful Feminine Warrior archetype, while Haumea represents our human connection with the fecundity and sacredness of Nature and Earth awareness.  This configuration spells out, to me, the intense transformation we are being asked to undergo as a species if we are to come into right relationship with our planet, and stand up with the fierce conviction required to protect our earthly home. Makemake, too, is active in this lunation, with Venus in Libra making a conjunction, and Saturn in close trine, and being in an almost exact contra-parallel with Pluto.   Makemake, though more masculine in its archetypal quality, represents, like Haumea, a strong connection to nature. Combined with the archetypes of Venus and Pluto he may be here signaling a good time to make physical offerings to the Earth with altars infused with devotional prayer, beauty and our deepest gratitude. It also turns out to be a good occasion to contribute time or monetary resources to foundations and causes that protect the environment. 
Prominent Eris, in combination with strong Pluto, is also encouraging us to step up to the plate in this significant moment, and to be all that we can be. This is a process of finding our own most authentic expression of who we, at depth, really are, and, as they say, there is no better time for that than the present moment. The message of Eris to each one of us is that we take a stand for what we most sincerely believe. You are being asked to articulate some semblance of who you really are, deep down, and the whole world is waiting for your answer.

These times continue in their intensity as we navigate an emergent and transforming terrain filled with uncertainty, and yet also so much ingenuity, resource, and technology, all of it suddenly now within our societal reach. During this Full Moon time may we find the thread of the collective tapestry that is unique to us, weaving our own brilliance and unique gifts in an offering of enrichment and wellness to the greater whole.

August, 2021

02°Scorpion - 20241025

    Ils sont nés un 25 octobre Clarisse Agb�gn�nou, Mathieu Amalric, Picasso, Katy Perry, Jon Anderson, Richard E Byrd, Lionel Charbonnier, ...

Ephémerides 2023