
Ephémérides (1230) 2023 (343) NL (43) PL (43) Février2023 (28)


jeudi, juillet 15, 2021

23°Cancer - 20210715


Ils sont nés un 15 juillet
Jean-Baptiste Charcot, Jean Hamburger, Diane Kruger, Yves Le Blevec, Vincent Lindon, Brigitte Nielsen,  Rembrandt, Linda Ronstadt, Anne Sinclair.

Jeudi 15 juillet :

- Passage au p�rih�lie de la com�te C/2021 A7 NEOWISE (magV 15,2)

- L'ast�ro�de (65) Cybele est en opposition (magV 10,9)

- Minimum de distance entre la Terre et Pluton, � 33,3060 UA soit 4,982 milliards de kilom�tres

- A 11h44 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre (4) Vesta et la Lune, � 1�31'

- A 12h56 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre (4) Vesta et la Lune, � 1�40'

Chart Style
July 15, 2021
5:00:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 0° 15' – sp
 – 2° 16' – a
 – 5° 33' – a
 – 0° 50' – a
 – 0° 56' – a
 – 1° 48' – s
 – 0° 16' – a
 – 0° 22' – sp
 – 0° 33' – sp
 – 1° 12' – s
 – 0° 48' – a
 – 1° 59' – a
 – 1° 05' – s
 – 0° 25' – sp
 – 2° 49' – s
 – 0° 11' – sp
 – 0° 40' – s
 – 2° 31' – a
 – 0° 32' – sp
Ax – 2° 51' – a
 Sun23  20' 36" +0.954000 N 00115° 12'21 N 268
 Moon00  16' 26" +13.58204 N 48182° 10'04 N 1810
 North Node09  49  R–0.057600 N 00068° 10'21 N 567
 South Node09  49  R–0.057600 N 00248° 10'21 S 561
 Mercury05  50 +1.656600 S 47096° 19'22 N 338
 Venus22  18 +1.204801 N 38145° 13'15 N 389
 Mars21  06 +0.623401 N 10143° 53'15 N 359
 Jupiter01  12  R–0.076501 S 05333° 38'12 S 043
 Saturn11  28  R–0.068400 S 45314° 08'18 S 043
 Uranus14  17 +0.028200 S 25041° 57'15 N 456
 Neptune23  06  R–0.010201 S 08354° 07'03 S 474
 Pluto25  37  R–0.024301 S 34297° 54'22 S 342
 Proserpina16  04  R–0.003500 N 52223° 51'15 S 4912
 Chiron12  56  S-+0.000002 N 22010° 58'07 N 175
 Ceres25  05 +0.327906 S 24054° 19'12 N 507
 Pallas27  43  R–0.006610 N 07353° 52'08 N 224
 Juno09  17  R–0.103517 N 12250° 11'04 S 511
 Vesta28  28 +0.414906 N 24181° 09'06 N 2910
 True Lilith22  03 +3.918601 N 06081° 17'24 N 197
 Mean Lilith29  42 +0.110700 S 47057° 41'19 N 207
 Selena00  07 +0.140800 N 00270° 08'23 S 272
House CuspPlanets in House  
As21  27 
227  27 
303  27 
IC09  27 
503  27 
627  27 
Ds21  27 
827  27 
903  27 
MC09  27 
1103  27
1227  27 
28  22Part of Fortune
Vx02  58Vertex
Ax02  58Anti-Vertex
GMT: 15:00:00 · July 15, 2021
Sidereal Time: 10:44:04
RAMC: 161° 00' 54"
ΔT: 69.9 sec.

24th Degree of Cancer
Sabian Symbol:
Three castaways, a woman and two men, stand on a bit of glorious sunlit land facing the broad southern ocean.

1st Degree of Libra
Sabian Symbol:
A symbolical painting is seen; a beautiful butterfly meeting sacrificial death through an impaling dart of wisdom.

6th Degree of Cancer
Sabian Symbol:
It is in the flush of spring, and innumerable wild or game birds are seen feathering their nests.

23rd Degree of Leo
Sabian Symbol:
The scene is a circus-crowded with spectators, and in a moment of hush a bareback rider performs extraordinarily

22nd Degree of Leo
Sabian Symbol:
A carrier pigeon comes swiftly through the early light of morning, and flutters to the feet of a group of fanciers..

2nd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Almost as if possessed with man's intelligence a tiny squirrel remains watchful on a limb hidden from the hunter's.

12th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A magnificent painting presents life as a broad stairway with the landings (as) various grades of life.

15th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.

24th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
The tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean but its happy inhabitants have created a great world all their own.

26th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
In a little glade never t rod by the foot of man and in the mist of a waterfall dances a care-free water sprite.

26th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A Spanish gallant stands at the window grill of his love, serenading her with the softer melodies of night.

23rd Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
Three fledglings, secure in their nest high in the tree, already reveal deep pride of their heritage.

10th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
In a pageant of progress a glorious little maid with golden hair enacts the part of the goddess of opportunity.



Sun23 Can 20' 36"
Moon00 Lib 16' 11"
Mercury05 Can 49' 28"
Venus22 Leo 18' 00"
Mars21 Leo 06' 01"
Jupiter01 Pis 12' 02" R
Saturn11 Aqu 27' 41" R
Uranus14 Tau 16' 58"
Neptune23 Pis 05' 41" R
Pluto25 Cap 36' 57" R
Chiron12 Ari 55' 47"
Lilith29 Tau 41' 52"
True Node09 Gem 48' 27" R

Current Planets
15-Jul-2021, 15:00 UT/GMT
Moon0Libra16' 6"
Venus22Leo18' 0"
Mars21Leo6' 1"
Jupiter1Pisces12' 2"r

July 15th, 2021 (PT)
[S]CancerThe Sun is in Cancer
phase de la Lune du jourLibraThe Moon is in Virgo
The Crescent Moon is in Virgo,
Enters Libra 16:31 
[Hg]CancerNext Mercury Retrograde Period
Sep 26 - Oct 18

July 15, 2021Th
 VOC 08:48 - 16:31


SunTrineNeptune 6.2 hrs 
 Jul 15 2021 10:48 
ChironStationary Retrogradein 1.7 hrs Jul 15 2021 18:41 Jeu
LeoVenusQuincunxNeptune  in 15.7 hrs Jul 16 2021 8:41 Ven

SaturnTrineTrue Node1.65
True NodeTrineSaturn1.65

Jeudi 15 Juillet 2021 17h00
jeu. 15 jui. 2021 14h TU
Ephemerides astro 15/07/2021 à 14h TU
jeudi 15 juillet 21
St Donald
Bonne fête Bonaventure, Don, Vlad, Vladimir, Wladimir.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 10/07 01h17
premier quartier 17/07 10h11
Pleine Lune 24/07 02h37
second quartier 31/07 13h18
prochaine lunaison 08/08 13h50
Horoscope Perso
Horoscope astrologie

Thu, Jul 15, 2021

Sunrise 06:02
Sunset 21:50
Twilight ends --:--
begins 03:02

5-day old moon
Waxing Crescent


5 days old


Jul 15 2021 17:17 Jeu

Jupiter Day   17° / 23°

Risque de pluie : 73% - Humi. : 81%

Vent :Nord-Ouest - 21 km/h

Lever : 06:03 - Coucher : 21:49

      Possibles averses de pluie

Jupiter Hour06:0807:26Moon Hour21:4722:29
Mars Hour07:2608:44Saturn Hour22:2923:10
Sun Hour08:4410:02Jupiter Hour23:1023:52
Venus Hour10:0211:21Mars Hour23:5200:34
Mercury Hour11:2112:39Sun Hour00:3401:16
Moon Hour12:3913:57Venus Hour01:1601:58
Saturn Hour13:5715:15Mercury Hour01:5802:40
Jupiter Hour15:1516:34Moon Hour02:4003:21
Mars Hour16:3417:52Saturn Hour03:2104:03
Sun Hour17:5219:10Jupiter Hour04:0304:45
Venus Hour19:1020:28Mars Hour04:4505:27
Mercury Hour20:2821:47Sun Hour05:2706:09

SunOppositionPlutoin 2.3 days Jul 18 2021 12:46 Dim
VenusQuincunxPlutoin 2.7 days
MercuryQuincunxSaturnin 3.1 days
MarsQuincunxNeptunein 3.1 days
MercurySquareChironin 4 days Jul 19 2021 16:50 Lun
MercurySextileUranusin 4.8 days Jul 20 2021 11:36 Mar
VenusSign IngressVirgoin 6.4 days Jul 22 2021 2:36 Jeu
VenusOppositionJupiterin 6.9 days Jul 22 2021 14:44 Jeu
MarsQuincunxPlutoin 7 days
SunSign IngressLeoin 7 days Jul 22 2021 16:26 Jeu
SunQuincunxJupiterin 1.1 wks
MercuryTrineNeptunein 1.3 wks Jul 24 2021 18:34 Sam

Best          Worst

Cosmic Weather for Thursday
2021-07-15, time zone = +1 CET Paris/Rome


Cancer in Astrology

Cancer Period: June 21 - July 22
Cancer Mode: Cardinal
Cancer Element: Water
Ruling Planet of Cancer: The Moon
House Ruled by Cancer: Fourth
Cancer Polarity: Negative

Most Compatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Opposite Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Cancerians are nurturing and protective of others. Their ruling planet is the Moon, and they tend to be moody, with constantly changing emotions. Cancerians are also likely to be security-conscious and highly value their home life. They may appear passive, and tend to rely on their feelings to make decisions. They are subtle, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around them.

Cancerians may be involved with the past in some way, because the sign of Cancer, the sign of nurturing, protecting and sustaining, is strongly tied to the past, and the principle of Karma. They tend to collect the residue of past experience and hold onto it, allowing it to color present activities and lead them to instinctual action.

Rather than allowing themselves to be driven by their changing moods, they benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on their habitual patterns and focusing on their true goals.

Cancer by Element and Mode

The element related to Cancer is Water.

The Water element is the feminine or yin energy of emotion. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Feeling. Receptive and sensitive to subtle currents of interconnection, it flows through everything and connects at a deeper and more unconscious level than that provided by logical thought. Water people are tuned in to a deeper and subtler reality than other types around them. Their emotions range the gamut from fear and dislike to an unconditional acceptance and love of the world and the creatures they find within it. They can be security oriented and respond well to the solidity, direction and form provided by others. At their best they provide a powerful connection to the divine within themselves and each person in their surrounding milieu.

The mode of Cancer is Cardinal.

Cardinal signs are outgoing, creative rather than passive, representing self-starters who make their will power known.

Ruling Planet of Cancer

The ruling planet of Cancer is The Moon.

The Moon represents the personal self, the feelings and the unconscious. It is a reflection of the true self, represented by the Sun. The Moon also stands for security and instinctual or habitual patterns, as well as the ability to relate to others, and to be nurturing to others. The Moon rules Cancer and is exalted in Taurus. It is often contrasted with the Sun as the female receptive principle versus the masculine or positive principle. The Moon represents the feminine and nurturing part of oneself. In a male chart, the Moon represents the feminine within, or the anima and also indicates the type of partner you will attract. The Moon also represents an attunement from the past, which operates at an instinctive or habitual level in your present life.

AriesAriesCardinal FireMarsAsserting
TaurusTaurusFixed EarthVenusPossessing
GeminiGeminiMutable AirMercuryCommunicating
CancerCancerCardinal WaterThe MoonFeeling
LeoLeoFixed FireThe SunCreating
VirgoVirgoMutable EarthMercuryAnalyzing
LibraLibraCardinal AirVenusRelating
ScorpioScorpioFixed WaterMarsPluto*Transforming
SagittariusSagittariusMutable FireJupiterIdealizing
CapricornCapricornCardinal EarthSaturnAchieving
AquariusAquariusFixed AirUranusSaturn*Networking
PiscesPiscesMutable WaterNeptuneJupiter*Intuiting

[Eris]ErisSoul Purpose
[Makemake]MakemakeEarth Issues
[Haumea]HaumeaEarth Goddess
[Part of Fortune]Part of FortuneGood Fortune
[North Node]North NodeDestiny
[South Node]South NodeKarmic Past

The Aspects

Aspects are connections formed between planets depending on the degree of the Zodiac that they occupy. When the planets occupy the same degree of different signs, they have a connection that is either harmonious or challenging, depending on the signs involved, or the number of degrees separating the planets. Separations of 0, 90 and 180 degrees are considered challenging, while separations of 60, 72 and 120 degrees are considered flowing or easy. The "Major" aspects are considered the conjunction (0°), the opposition (180°), the square (90°), the trine (120°), and the sextile (60°). Minor aspects include the inconjunct (150°), another form of inconjunct, the semi-sextile (30°), the quintile (72°), the semi-square (45°), and another form of semi-square, the sesquiquadrate (135°). Although these are the degrees of separation when an aspect is exact, the "orb" of an aspect is how far off from exact it can be and still operate. Most practitioners use an orb of 7 to 8 degrees for major aspects, 1 to 2 degrees for minor aspects, and up to 12 degrees for major aspects with the Sun or Moon involved.

A complete list of the aspects used in TimePassages Astrology Software is given below, with their associated degrees. The theory of aspects is complex, including the phasal relationship represented by the number of degrees of separation, and whether the aspect is "waxing" or "waning" in analogy to the phases of the Sun-Moon relationship.

SymbolNameAngle / OrbKeyword
Conjunctconjunction0° ± 8°Blending
Oppositeopposition180° ± 8°Dynamic (Difficult)
Trinetrine120° ± 8°Flowing (Easy)
Squaresquare90° ± 8°Dynamic (Difficult)
Sextilesextile60° ± 6°Flowing (Easy)
Inconjunctinconjunct150° ± 4°Dynamic (Difficult)
Quintilequintile72° ± 2°Flowing (Easy)
Semi-Sextilesemi-sextile30° ± 2°Dynamic (Difficult)
Semi-Squaresemi-square45° ± 2°Dynamic (Difficult)
Sesquiquadratesesquiquadrate135° ± 2°Dynamic (Difficult)

Conjunct Conjunction (Major aspect)

The strongest blend of energies represented by the two planets.


Opposite Opposition (Major aspect)

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.


Trine Trine (Major aspect)

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.


Square Square (Major aspect)

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.


Sextile Sextile (Major aspect)

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.


Inconjunct Inconjunct (Minor aspect)

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.


Quintile Quintile (Minor aspect)

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.


Semi-Sextile Semi-Sextile (Minor aspect)

The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information.


Semi-Square Semi-Square (Minor aspect)

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required.


Sesquiquadrate Sesquiquadrate (Minor aspect)

The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required.

A New Moon of Consolidation and Active Relationship

Friday evening’s Cancer New Moon taking place at about 6 pm on the west coast, later for the east coast and Europe, marks an important time of transition from the previous rather difficult June cycle that began with a solar eclipse, from June 10th, and also featured the weeks-long retrograde of Mercury through its own sign of Gemini, and as well the...

Jupiter, the planet of expansive blessings, gifts of spiritual truth, and going overboard, is making his grand entrance into his home turf of Pisces this month. Pisces is a mutable Water sign, symbolic of spiritual connection, etheric sensitivities, and wandering imagination. Jupiter is a social planet, meaning that he governs the overarching trends of society and culture. As he arrives in Pisces, we may feel a shift in our philosophical attitudes from the more intellectual and humanitarian-minded Aquarius in favor of a soft-eyed gaze into the numinous and unseen realms of Piscean mystery. While in PiscesJupiter is in the optimal position to bestow his gifts upon us, yet he also tends to magnify and expand on whatever he touches–whether that is something that serves us, or the reverse.

Jupiter usually spends about one year in each sign. This current trip through Pisces is, however, a little different because of Jupiter’s retrograde pattern. Beginning on May 13th with his entrance into Pisces, he will then just dip his bubbly toes into the first few degrees, station retrograde, and return on July 28th to Aquarius for a re-visitation of those same humanitarian themes, perhaps sweetened by his recent Piscean sojourn. Jupiter will next return to the sign of Pisces at the very end of the year, on December 28th, where he will travel until next May. (For the full rundown of the Jupiter in Pisces timing, see the table at the bottom of this article.) Essentially, we could look at this like Jupiter is a traveler who just returned home from a long journey, only to remember they forgot a piece of luggage at the train station where they must return to retrieve it, and then they get to go home, again.

What does Jupiter in Pisces look like for us? This, of course, depends on where Pisces falls in your birth chart, as well as if you have any natal placements there. It also matters which house Jupiter natally occupies because that might tell you what area of your life he will impact the most when in transit, by the resonance as Jupiter makes his aspects to your natal chart. As Jupiter transits Pisces, the themes of any planetary placements you have in Pisces will also be amplified. For example, let's say someone has a birth chart where Pisces falls in the 9th house of higher education, spiritual teachings, and travel, and Jupiter is in the 10th house of public life, career, and visibility. This person likely has a sense of eminence in their career, and that could involve spirituality, education, or travel. While Jupiter transits the 9th house, the Pisces house, these themes can be magnified and bolstered, so that what is already present in the birth chart in terms of career becomes activated and amplified. You can look at your chart with the TimePassages App, for mobile and desktop, or we offer an online Membership where you can create your free birth chart with interpretations.

The following are some points of inquiry to support your process of awareness around this transit:

What is my relationship with indulgence? (For which the definition is “to allow one’s self the pleasure of”) How can I indulge myself in life affirming ways, and in alignment with my wellbeing?

How am I with receiving gifts, praise, appreciation, abundance, and blessings? Are there areas where I feel undeserving? If so, what beliefs underlie that?

How do I utilize my imagination to envision a life where I am in alignment with my true values and desires? On the flip side, how do I tend to misuse the power of my imagination to fixate on my anxieties and fears?

What is my relationship to escapism? Am I aware of when I am in escape mode, unconsciously wishing my way out of the present moment? How can I participate in constructive fantasy in ways that are conscious and intentional? Unconscious patterns could look more like an addictive habit that is a crutch. Conscious involvement might look more like “I’m going to read this fantasy novel for the next three hours and really enjoy being immersed in another world!”

As with any transit, our awareness and intentions are pivotal to our experience. If there are ways you tend towards self-deprivation and melancholy, Jupiter in Pisces could be a great influence to provide some buoyancy, expansive positivity. If there are ways you tend towards escapism and overindulgence, you may want to keep a watchful eye on your consumption and addictive habits. This configuration provides us all a beautiful opportunity to tune into how we are with receiving abundance and goodness, as well as whether we have outdated beliefs or conditioning that inhibit our joy and pleasure. All in all, this time can be a super-rich, nourishing, and life-affirming transit, especially if we can keep a watchful eye out for where we tend to go overboard.

May we all experience the blessings and abundance Jupiter wishes to bestow upon us, and the discernment to indulge in healthy ways!

Jupiter in Pisces Timeline:

Enters Pisces May 13, 2021

Stations Retrograde Jun 20, 2021

Re-enters Aquarius on July 28, 2021

Stations Direct October 17, 2021

Re-enters Pisces December 28, 2021

Enters Aries May 10, 2022

Stations Retrograde July 28, 2022

Re-enters Pisces October 28, 2022

Stations Direct November 23, 2022

Enters Aries December 20, 2022

July 2021


00°Scorpion - 20241023

  Ils sont nés un 23 octobre Jean Absil, Ireland Baldwin, Sarah Bernhardt, Gerard Blain, �douard Branly, Jil Caplan, Johnny Carson, Emilia C...

Ephémerides 2023