
Ephémérides (1230) 2023 (343) NL (43) PL (43) Février2023 (28)


mercredi, juillet 07, 2021

15°Cancer - 20210707


Ils sont nés un 7 juillet
Berenice Bejo, Marc Chagall, Julien Dore, Alessandro Nannini, Ringo Starr.

Demain :

- A 01h38, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Elnath (beta Tauri) et la Lune, � 4�16'

- A 04h39 , conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre la N�buleuse du Crabe (M1) et la Lune, � 2�32'

- A 04h52 , conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre la N�buleuse du Crabe (M1) et la Lune, � 2�33'

- A 05h38 , un croissant lunaire de 3,46%, le plus vieux de la lunaison, est th�oriquement facilement visible � l'oeil nu 45h39m avant la Nouvelle Lune

- A 06h19 , conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Mercure et la Lune, � 3�44'

- A 06h37 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre Mercure et la Lune, � 3�44', � voir � l'aube au-dessus de l'horizon est-nord-est

Chart Style
July 7, 2021
4:40:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 0° 25' – a
 – 1° 40' – s
 – 6° 10' – a
 – 2° 18' – s
Vx – 2° 25' – a
 – 0° 32' – a
 – 0° 33' – sp
 – 1° 25' – s
 – 1° 14' – a
 – 3° 29' – a
 – 0° 38' – s
 – 1° 24' – a
 – 4° 07' – s
 – 2° 05' – s
 – 0° 19' – s
 – 0° 05' – sp
 – 2° 03' – s
 – 1° 11' – s
 – 0° 08' – ap
 – 0° 14' – s
Ds – 1° 56' – s
 – 2° 39' – a
 – 0° 11' – sp
 Sun15  41' 55" +0.953700 N 00107° 02'22 N 328
 Moon18  24' 42" +11.93400 N 43077° 20'23 N 408
 North Node10  28  S-–0.014100 N 00068° 52'22 N 027
 South Node10  28  S-–0.014100 N 00248° 52'22 S 021
 Mercury24  35 +1.122302 S 32084° 12'20 N 498
 Venus12  38 +1.209001 N 40135° 35'18 N 389
 Mars16  07 +0.621601 N 13138° 57'17 N 109
 Jupiter01  44  R–0.053401 S 02334° 07'11 S 504
 Saturn11  59  R–0.062100 S 44314° 40'17 S 553
 Uranus14  02 +0.033600 S 25041° 42'15 N 407
 Neptune23  10  R–0.006301 S 08354° 10'03 S 465
 Pluto25  48  R–0.023401 S 34298° 06'22 S 323
 Proserpina16  06  R–0.005000 N 52223° 53'15 S 501
 Chiron12  54 +0.007202 N 22010° 56'07 N 165
 Ceres22  24 +0.340806 S 25051° 40'12 N 107
 Pallas27  36 +0.036310 N 30353° 36'08 N 415
 Juno10  17  R–0.145217 N 43251° 11'04 S 281
 Vesta25  13 +0.395706 N 41178° 17'08 N 0111
 True Lilith25  30 +0.402601 S 21053° 30'17 N 507
 Mean Lilith28  49 +0.111000 S 54056° 47'19 N 017
 Selena28  59 +0.140800 N 00268° 54'23 S 272
House CuspPlanets in House  
As12  06 
216  41 
321  16 
IC25  52 
521  16 
616  41
Ds12  06 
816  41 
921  16 
MC25  52
1121  16 
1216  41
14  49Part of Fortune
Vx20  50Vertex
Ax20  50Anti-Vertex
GMT: 14:40:00 · July 7, 2021
Sidereal Time: 09:52:28
RAMC: 148° 06' 58"
ΔT: 69.9 sec.

16th Degree of Cancer
Sabian Symbol:
A futuristic editorial office provides unconscious symbolism; table, manuscript, martial visitor, all are square.

19th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.

25th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A gardener, with all of a mother's care for her child, is trimming a magnificent row of tropical palms.

13th Degree of Leo
Sabian Symbol:
A bit of green grass before a neatly flowered cottage by the sea supports a chair in which an old sea captain rocks.

17th Degree of Leo
Sabian Symbol:
A volunteer church choir is seen during rehearsal, far more interested in social than musical elements of the occasion.

2nd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Almost as if possessed with man's intelligence a tiny squirrel remains watchful on a limb hidden from the hunter's.

12th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A magnificent painting presents life as a broad stairway with the landings (as) various grades of life.

15th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.

24th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
The tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean but its happy inhabitants have created a great world all their own.

26th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
In a little glade never t rod by the foot of man and in the mist of a waterfall dances a care-free water sprite.

28th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Night has seemed light as day and in the odd shadows of diffused whiteness the fertile fields appear quite alive.

13th Degree of Aries
Sabian Symbol:
A bomb that has failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery.

29th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
Two garrulous cobblers are working side by side on their ancient bench.



Current Planets
7-Jul-2021, 14:40 UT/GMT
Uranus14Taurus2' 5"
Chiron12Aries54' 4"

Sun15 Can 41' 55"
Moon18 Gem 24' 33"
Mercury24 Gem 34' 13"
Venus12 Leo 37' 36"
Mars16 Leo 06' 40"
Jupiter01 Pis 43' 32" R
Saturn11 Aqu 59' 14" R
Uranus14 Tau 02' 05"
Neptune23 Pis 09' 43" R
Pluto25 Cap 48' 25" R
Chiron12 Ari 54' 04"
Lilith28 Tau 48' 36"
True Node10 Gem 28' 20" R

VenusSextileTrue Node2.15
SaturnTrineTrue Node1.52
ChironSextileTrue Node2.43
True NodeSextileVenus2.15
True NodeTrineSaturn1.52
True NodeSextileChiron2.43

July 7th, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Cancer
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Gemini
The Balsamic Moon is in Gemini: All day
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Sep 26 - Oct 18

July 7, 2021We
July 8, 2021Th
 VOC 06:21 - 15:50

Jul 701:41Gemini 11°58’Sextile Venuschart
Jul 701:46Gemini 12°01’Trine Saturnchart
Jul 709:47Gemini 15°59’Sextile Marschart

Jul 800:11Gemini 23°09’Square Neptunechart
Jul 804:19Gemini 25°13’Conjunction Mercurychart
Jul 813:5100°00’ enters 0°Cancerchart
Jul 817:08Cancer 01°39’Trine Jupiter

MercurySquareNeptune 1.3 days ago Jul 06 2021 9:37 Mer
VenusOppositionSaturn 12.1 hrs ago Jul 07 2021 4:35 

VenusTrineChironin 5.5 hrs Jul 07 2021 22:08 
MercuryQuincunxPlutoin 1 days Jul 08 2021 17:34 Jeu
VenusSquareUranusin 1.2 days Jul 08 2021 21:24 Jeu
MercurySign IngressCancerin 4.2 days Jul 11 2021 22:33 Dim

VenusOppositionSaturnin Jul 07 2021 4:35 
VenusTrineChironin Jul 07 2021 22:08 Mer 
MercuryQuincunxPlutoin Jul 08 2021 17:34 Jeu
VenusSquareUranusin Jul 08 2021 21:24 Jeu
MercurySign IngressCancerin Jul 11 2021 10:33 Dim
MercuryTrineJupiterin Jul 12 2021 21:43 Lun
VenusConjunctionMarsin Jul 13 2021 15:32 Mar
SunTrineNeptunein Jul 15 2021 10:48 Jeu
ChironStationary Retrogradein  Jul 15 2021 18:41 Jeu
VenusQuincunxNeptunein Jul 16 2021 8:41 Ven
SunOppositionPlutoin Jul 18 2021 00:46 Dim

VenusQuincunxPlutoin Jul 18 2021 9:47 Dim
MercuryQuincunxSaturnin Jul 18 2021 19:12 Dim
MarsQuincunxNeptunein Jul 18 2021 20:21 Dim 
MercurySquareChironin Jul 19 2021 16:50 Lun
MercurySextileUranusin Jul 20 2021 11:36 Mar
VenusSign IngressVirgoin Jul 22 2021 2:36 Jeu
VenusOppositionJupiterin Jul 22 2021 14:44 Jeu
MarsQuincunxPlutoin Jul 22 2021 16:08 Jeu
SunSign IngressLeoin Jul 22 2021 16:26 Jeu
SunQuincunxJupiterin Jul 23 2021 6:09 Sam
MercuryTrineNeptunein Jul 24 2021 18:34 Sam
MercuryOppositionPlutoin Jul 25 2021 22:14 Dim
MercurySign IngressLeoin Jul 28 2021 3:11 Mer
MercuryQuincunxJupiterin Jul 28 2021 15:44 Mer
JupiterSign IngressAquariusin Jul 28 2021 14:41 Mer
VenusSquareNorth Nodein Jul 29 2021 13:39 Jeu
MarsOppositionJupiterin Jul 29 2021 17:49 Jeu
MarsSign IngressVirgoin Jul 29 2021 22:32 Jeu
VenusQuincunxSaturnin Jul 30 2021 18:26 Ven
SunSextileNorth Nodein Jul 31 2021 23:37 Sam

MercurySextileNorth Nodein Aug 01 2021 8:35 Dim
SunConjunctionMercuryin Aug 01 2021 16:07 Dim
VenusQuincunxChironin Aug 01 2021 19:16 Dim
MercuryOppositionSaturnin Aug 01 2021 23:49 Dim
SunOppositionSaturnin Aug 02 2021 8:14 Lun
MercuryTrineChironin Aug 03 2021 5:41 Mar
VenusTrineUranusin Aug 03 2021 8:53 Mar
MercurySquareUranusin Aug 04 2021 3:57 Mer
SunTrineChironin Aug 05 2021 00:40 Jeu
SunSquareUranusin Aug 07 2021 1:56 Sam
MercuryQuincunxNeptunein Aug 08 2021 4:24 Dim
MercuryQuincunxPlutoin Aug 09 2021 9:02 Lun
VenusOppositionNeptunein Aug 10 2021 2:19 Mer
MercuryOppositionJupiterin Aug 11 2021 3:19 Mer
MarsSquareNorth Nodein Aug 11 2021 11:00 Mer
MercurySign IngressVirgoin Aug 11 2021 23:56 Mer

VenusTrinePlutoin 5 wks Aug 12 2021 00:45 Jeu
MarsQuincunxSaturnin 5.3 wks
VenusQuincunxJupiterin 5.4 wks
SunQuincunxNeptunein 5.5 wks

Mercredi 7 Juillet 2021 16h40
mer. 7 jui. 2021 13h TU
Ephemerides astro 7/07/2021 à 13h TU
mercredi 7 juillet 21
St Raoul
Bonne fête Aubierge.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 10/06 10h54
premier quartier 18/06 03h54
Pleine Lune 24/06 18h40
second quartier 01/07 21h12
prochaine lunaison 10/07 01h17
Astro couple
Horoscope astrologie

Wed, Jul 7, 2021

Sunrise 05:53
Sunset 21:57
Twilight ends --:--
begins 02:33

27-day old moon
Waning Crescent


27 days old


Jul 07 2021 16:50 Mer
Mercury Day   13° / 22°

Risque de pluie : 89% - Humi. : 83%

Vent :Sud-Sud-Ouest - 15 km/h

Lever : 05:56 - Coucher : 21:56

      Légère averse de pluie

Mercury Hour06:0007:20Sun Hour21:5222:33
Moon Hour07:2008:39Venus Hour22:3323:14
Saturn Hour08:3909:58Mercury Hour23:1423:54
Jupiter Hour09:5811:18Moon Hour23:5400:35
Mars Hour11:1812:37Saturn Hour00:3501:16
Sun Hour12:3713:56Jupiter Hour01:1601:57
Venus Hour13:5615:16Mars Hour01:5702:37
Mercury Hour15:1616:35Sun Hour02:3703:18
Moon Hour16:3517:54Venus Hour03:1803:59
Saturn Hour17:5419:14Mercury Hour03:5904:40
Jupiter Hour19:1420:33Moon Hour04:4005:20
Mars Hour20:3321:52Saturn Hour05:2006:01

Best          Worst

Cosmic Weather for Wednesday
2021-07-07, time zone = +1 CET Paris/Rome



Moon phase today

  • Waning crescent
  • Moon rise today: 03:40 AM
  • Moon set today: 08:05 PM
  • Length:16 Hours and 25 minutes
Waning crescent

Moon status today

9.03% Visible
Wednesday 07TH July 2021
Waning crescent moon phase
4.3% Visible
Waning crescent
Rise:Set:04:15 AM09:05 PM
Waning crescent moon phase
1.24% Visible
Waning crescent
Rise:Set:04:59 AM09:58 PM
New moon moon phase
0.02% Visible
New moon
Rise:Set:05:53 AM10:42 PM
Waxing crescent moon phase
0.77% Visible
Waxing crescent
Rise:Set:06:57 AM11:18 PM
Waxing crescent moon phase
3.56% Visible
Waxing crescent
Rise:Set:08:07 AM11:47 PM

Buck Moon

Jul Full Moon Phase24 Jul 2021 at 05:37 AM0 Years 0 Months 16 Days 10 Hours 36 Minutes
Aug Full Moon Phase22 Aug 2021 at 03:02 PM0 Years 1 Months 14 Days 20 Hours 1 Minutes
Sep Full Moon Phase21 Sep 2021 at 02:54 AM0 Years 2 Months 13 Days 7 Hours 53 Minutes
Oct Full Moon Phase20 Oct 2021 at 05:57 PM0 Years 3 Months 12 Days 22 Hours 56 Minutes
Nov Full Moon Phase19 Nov 2021 at 11:59 AM0 Years 4 Months 11 Days 16 Hours 58 Minutes
Dec Full Moon Phase19 Dec 2021 at 07:37 AM0 Years 5 Months 11 Days 12 Hours 36 Minutes

  • MonthFull moon names
  • 1. JanuaryWolf Moon
  • 2. FebruarySnow Moon
  • 3. MarchWorm Moon
  • 4. AprilPink Moon
  • 5. MayFlower Moon
  • 6. JuneStrawberry Moon
  • 7. JulyBuck Moon
  • 8. AugustSturgeon Moon
  • 9. SeptemberHarvest Moon (or Corn Moon)
  • 10. OctoberHunter's Moon
  • 11. NovemberBeaver Moon
  • 12. DecemberCold Moon

Full Moon

The moon shows its full face to Earth once a month. Well, sort of. In fact, the same side of the moon always faces the planet, but part of it is in shadow. And, in reality most of the time the "full moon" is never perfectly full. Only when the moon, Earth and the sun are perfectly aligned is the moon 100 percent full, and that alignment produces a lunar eclipse. And sometimes — once in a blue moon — the moon is full twice in a month (or four times in a season, depending on which definition you prefer).        

                               Waning crescent
26.66 days

Today Moon 2021-07-07

Moon Phase Today
PhaseWaning crescent
Illumination9.03% Visible
Ris/Set03:40 AM / 08:05 PM
Moon Age26.66 Days
Moon Angle0.49
Moon Distance405,000.62 km

Next Moon phase

  • Moon PhaseFull moon
  • Moon Illumination99.93% Visible
  • Moon Ris/Set07:20 PM / 05:16 AM
  • Moon Age14.52 days
  • Moon Angle0.53º
  • Moon Distance372,294.40 km
  • Full moon date24 Jul 2021 at 05:37 AM
  • Calculating location from earthLat/Lng: 24.7/46.67

Current Moon Phases cycle

Moon PhaseDate
New Moon2021-06-10 12:54
First Quarter2021-06-18 05:54
Full Moon2021-06-24 20:40
Last Quarter2021-07-01 23:12
Next full Moon2021-07-24 04:37
Next full Moon Timer16 Days 10 Hours 40 Minutes

00°Scorpion - 20241023

  Ils sont nés un 23 octobre Jean Absil, Ireland Baldwin, Sarah Bernhardt, Gerard Blain, �douard Branly, Jil Caplan, Johnny Carson, Emilia C...

Ephémerides 2023